I have a book to sell a house

Chapter 64 Case 1: Resistance Synthesis

Chapter 64 Case 1: Resistance Synthesis
Zhang Juan's question came out of nowhere, instantly stumping Xiao Duan who was selling the house.

This is indeed a difficult question to answer!

Bad answer, lost order!
Xiao Duan thought quickly in his heart.

After all, he is a scumbag. Although he has a book on selling houses, he has too little practical experience.

"Sorry, where is the toilet, I was in a hurry when I went out."

At this time, I don't care about the image anymore, I will go away first, and come back after thinking about the answer.

You can't be KO in the first round, right?

Zhang Weijun raised his hand and pointed: "Go straight from behind."

Duan Xiaoming didn't care about Zhang Juan's complacent and contemptuous expression, he stood up and said, "I'm sorry, I'll be right back."

When he walked away, Zhang Juan looked disdainful: "Cut, if you can't answer, just make an excuse to go away. If you really can't explain why, Dad, we really don't want to think about Xiaoqiang."

Zhang Weijun is happy that his daughter has her own ideas when she grows up. As for where to buy it, he doesn't care.

The reason why he wanted to rush to buy this suite was because of his difficulties.

This is a super big secret, and my daughter cannot know it.

After Duan Xiaoming left, he thought about calling Brother Gou.

I don't know why, since he got this book, whenever he encounters any problems, he wants to ask Brother Gou for advice.

However, he quickly suppressed his thoughts.

It seems that I am too incompetent to ask Brother Gou about such a small question as the price is expensive.

Besides, he remembered that it was recorded in the book about the high price.

Which chapter is it in the book of treasures?

He couldn't remember it all at once, only now he took the opportunity to read and make up for it.

Hugging Buddha's feet temporarily is also a way to solve the problem.

He looked at his mobile phone while walking, and when he got to the toilet, he stood by the urinal and looked at it.

But after turning around, he denied the idea that "clamping is also a way" that he just thought.

He now realizes that learning cannot be swallowed whole, and nothing can be accomplished overnight.

What now?
He was flipping through the electronic version of the house selling book.

"found it!"

The rhetoric on the issue of expensive house prices is in the final part of the seventh chapter of the Collection.

But there are only three sentences.

"About price, we must talk about value with customers, because value is the essence, and the price is expensive because of high value."

"About the high price, if you can answer positively, answer with value. If you can't answer positively, explain it based on the thinking, rules, skills and case analysis in the first six articles."

"Not every issue requires a head-on round. The price issue is the most sensitive point for home buyers. More often than not, we need to use different ways of thinking to convince customers."

Duan Xiaoming stood by the urinal, his mind was dull.

"What? Just three sentences like that? But I remember that the question of price was mentioned in many places in the book before!"

He flipped through it quickly, but the more impatient he was, the easier it was for him to lose his rhythm.

He had indeed seen the word "price" appearing many times in the house sales book before, but now he was reading the electronic version.

The screen of the mobile phone is so small and the text is even smaller. With his current state of mind, it is difficult to quickly find the "price" that was previously "embedded" in other themes.

Just when he was about to give up and go back to answer casually, a bearded man came in.

He is not young but has a good temper. When he talks on his mobile phone, his voice can be compared to a lion's roar: "I said you can't finish it. I'm in Xiaoxiangyuan now. If you like it, you can eat it, and if you don't eat it, you'll lose it!"

The bearded man hung up the phone and muttered: "Damn it, women are so difficult to serve, and you can break up if you eat anything at night!"

When Duan Xiaoming heard this, his brain suddenly opened up!

A voice in his head told him: "Yes! That brother Zhang's daughter is also a mother. Seeing her attitude towards me, it is clear that she is targeting me. You can't completely follow the words of the book. You have to coax the girl." Get a set out!"

The voice said again: "My mother is so smart!"

Duan Xiaoming walked out of the bathroom with a smile on his face.

Back at the table, he took the initiative to make a move: "Brother Zhang, you have cultivated talents well. I was so anxious to go to the bathroom when I asked a question. By the way, you are a straightforward girl, and you are very good at asking questions." OK, what's your name?"

The first half of the sentence is for Zhang Weijun, and the innermost part of the three concentric circles of praise is immediately used.

The second half of the sentence is to ask Zhang Juan, the three concentric circles of praise and the second ring of praise are immediately used.

Zhang Weijun answered on behalf of his daughter: "Zhang Juan, Juan who has shared beauty for thousands of miles, is now a sophomore in Changsha!"

"It can be seen that it's not that college students don't have this kind of thinking!"

Duan Xiaoming played with the three concentric circles of praise and praised each other again.

How many people in this world would reject other people's flattering praise of themselves?

Seeing this, Zhang Juan softened her attitude a little: "What do you say about the high price?"

The attitude eased, but the knife did not retract.

A voice sounded in Duan Xiaoming's mind: "If you go out to eat with a girl, don't ask the girl what she wants to eat, but directly say: 'Guess where I want to take you to eat', no matter what she answers, you say: 'Guess right', are you still afraid of the soul torture of girls in the future?"

Duan Xiaoming nodded in his head: "You are right!"

The voice continued: "Now she asks the price, and you ask her how much she wants. If you answer that the price is not expensive, you will be tricked!"

Duan Xiaoming raised a question in his mind: "Wait, the example you mentioned just now, if the girl didn't answer what to eat, but said that as long as you don't bring me to eat - such as KFC, or Xiaoxiangyuan, how can it be broken? ?”

The voice in his head answered him: "Ask first, see what she says, and then I will help you find a way."

The smart Duan Xiaoming smiled and nodded to Zhang Juan and said, "As for the price, Zhang Juan, how much do you think is not expensive?"

In sales, how to address customers is a great knowledge. Fortunately, Duan Xiaoming's EQ is not too low. He used the title of classmate instead of sister, or beauty.

Calling her younger sister, her boyfriend dressed like a dyeing workshop is by her side, so it's hard to guarantee that she won't make an enemy again.

Called a beauty, does Zhang Weijun feel that he has something for her daughter? After all, a father has an inexplicable desire to protect his children.

After all, Zhang Juan is a girl who hasn't stepped into the society yet. She is mentally prepared that as long as Duan Xiaoming says the price is not expensive, she will beat him to death, but she didn't expect Duan Xiaoming to ask herself back.

But since she can ask such a sharp question, it is not easy to dismiss.

"Don't worry about how much money I think is not expensive. In the entire area where Xiaoqiang Real Estate is located, Xiaoqiang is the most expensive. For the same location and similar apartment types, other people's prices are almost [-]% off yours. Using the price my dad told me just now According to my analysis, we bought Tian’ao across from you, with the same area, the money we saved, we can make a simple decoration, or buy a trolley, don’t you think?”

Duan Xiaoming almost answered yes, but there was a voice in his head scolding him: "What is it, answer the question quickly!"

He started to think, and the content of the classics he had read these days flashed across his mind instantly. A lot of ways of thinking floated out like movie subtitles, and all kinds of rhetoric floated away sentence by sentence like the barrage on the Internet.

"Student Zhang Juan, this belongs to the concept of stealing. If according to what you say, I buy a car, give up BMW and buy Baojun, or give up buying Audi and buy an Alto. The money I save can be used to pay for a house. This makes sense. Isn’t it very simple, the Chinese have a word, what is it called? ‘Very expensive’, only good things are expensive, otherwise, why not call it cheap?”

Zhang Juan smiled: "Although I majored in foreign languages, I also majored in the Department of Languages. It's so expensive. I'm not talking about the quality, but the degree of cost. You're just changing the concept."

The prop man Yunluo also nodded beside him, agreeing with his girlfriend's words.

Duan Xiaoming's mind is very active now, and he was about to continue to refute, when the voice in his mind came out again.

"You idiot, how can you say that the customer is secretly changing the concept, which is to push the customer to the opposite, to recognize the customer, to compliment the customer, to put forward your own point of view in the process of flattering to let the other party recognize it, quickly admit your mistake! "

Zhang Juan looked proudly at Xiao Duan, who was selling the house, in a daze, and thought, let's see what you say now.

Duan Xiaoming said: "Yes, what Zhang Juan said is very correct. I just changed the concept secretly, but what I just said about BMW and Baojun, Audi and Alto, this is what I want to express. Our Xiaoqiang's house, there is no doubt It’s better than Fang Tian’ao’s, I have some specific data and examples here, let’s take a look.”

He is going to use the FABE rule, but his approach is very casual, and he plans to start with E first.

After finishing speaking, Duan Xiaoming put his mobile phone on the table and moved the vegetable bowl between him and Zhang Juan.

Zhang Juan was ready to continue, but this short paragraph actually admitted directly that he had secretly changed the concept, and showed herself the evidence.

She helped move the dish bowl together.

Seeing this, Duan Xiaoming smiled deep in his heart.

Isn't there no confrontation here, and it's starting to enter my rhythm!
(End of this chapter)

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