I have a book to sell a house

Chapter 67 Case 1: Brother Crow, Calm Down

Chapter 67 Case 1: Brother Crow, Calm Down
Zhang Weijun shouted to serve six bottles of wine, but his eyes told Duan Xiaoming that you should drink too.

The sudden need to drink made Duan Xiaoming uncertain about the rhythm, he quickly waved his hands: "Brother Zhang, I don't drink!"

"Just a beer—do you drive?"

For people without a car, this question is not very harmful, but extremely insulting.

"I haven't bought a car yet!"

Zhang Weijun looked at Duan Xiaoming, and for a few tenths of a second, he said, "If you want to buy a car, how much are you going to pay for it?"

He doesn't know much about cars, so he can't talk about the brand and model, but he still knows the concept of how much it costs.

"One hundred and eighty million."

Duan Xiaoming spoke in a loud tone.

It feels like I haven't brushed my teeth for many days.

Zhang Weijun didn't say anything else, but said: "Then if you kowtow to your father a dozen times, the car will come right away?"

It's not a matter of hurting without hurting, insulting without insulting.

Make it clear that you don't trust people.

"Brother Zhang, do you believe me that my dad has that strength, right? Let me tell you, I never show off my dad outside—"

Duan Xiaoming is young, youth cannot avoid arrogance, and arrogance cannot avoid sometimes speaking without thinking carefully.

If you don't think it through carefully, you will naturally appear childish.

Zhang Weijun said with a smile: "Just because you live in the villa over there, I definitely believe in your father's strength. I don't believe that you don't have that strength. It's far away. Since you don't drive, just have a few drinks with me. How can there be any customers here?" If you want to buy a house, the salesman won't even drink with you?"

Duan Xiaoming quickly said: "Okay, I'll drink with you, but I have to explain clearly, I didn't drink this wine with you because you said you wanted to buy a house."

Zhang Weijun was curious: "Why is that?"

"Do you know that in front of the elders, you have to pretend not to drink, and then take a few sips if you want to refuse? It's logical to say yes! It's not like making a martial arts movie to show your arrogance. What if you think I'm casual? ,Hahaha."

Duan Xiaoming answered strangely, and Zhang Weijun was amused by him.

"Indeed, when we Chinese elders drink, we like the restraint of younger generations."

The waitress didn't ask Zhang Weijun what brand of beer he wanted, and quickly served six bottles.

This is the case in Xiaoxiang Restaurant. You can drink whatever you want. It can’t be said that the service is too high-quality, but the taste of the dishes must be authentic.

The beer came with two glasses.

Both the wine and the glasses were brought to the table, and the elder sister held the wine opener and asked, "It's all open?"

Zhang Weijun nodded: "Let's open two first."

After the waitress poured the first glass of wine for the two, Duan Xiaoming took the initiative to raise the glass to toast, Zhang Weijun waved his hand lightly and said, "Don't drink for now, let me tell you a story first."

Duan Xiaoming had no choice but to put down his wine glass and said, "Brother Zhang, tell me."

Zhang Weijun's expression became very solemn, he paused for a few seconds, and then changed into a relaxed expression.

He first sighed, then looked around, and then lowered his voice and said: "I have a friend who went to Fujian to work as a stonemason a few years ago, and then went to Zhejiang to enter a hardware factory. As a result, he got pneumoconiosis last year, and the epidemic began. Before, the government ordered the company where he worked to compensate him according to regulations, and it is said that the compensation was more than 30 yuan."

Duan Xiaoming didn't interrupt him.

"The so-called misfortunes never come singly, just like those annoying TV dramas on TV, how miserable they are. The epidemic broke out around the Spring Festival this year, and the compensation has not been in place."

Having said that, Zhang Weijun picked up his wine glass.

Duan Xiaoming hurriedly picked up the wine glass, clinked glasses with Brother Zhang, and deliberately followed the culture of the wine table, setting the rim of his own glass much lower than that of Brother Zhang.

After clinking glasses, Duan Xiaoming threw his neck back and killed him in one gulp.

When he put down his glass, he realized that Zhang Weijun still didn't drink.

"Brother Zhang, I've done all this, and you still—"

Zhang Weijun tapped his wine glass with his right hand: "When I finish telling the story, I will drink as many glasses as you say I should drink."

Duan Xiaoming couldn't jump up and pour Zhang Weijun like he was pouring his college classmates who refused to drink. He pursed his lips, smiled, and said, "Okay, let's see Brother Zhang praise and blow ten bottles in one breath, yes Brother Zhang, your friend’s money government has come forward, and the money should be paid to your friend soon.”

Zhang Weijun continued softly: "The company is a responsible company. The boss paid the money according to the compensation figure set by the government during the Spring Festival. However, the tragedy happened one after another. My friend has a wife. When the epidemic was detected, Check out--"

Duan Xiaoming opened his mouth into an O shape and interrupted Zhang Weijun: "Isn't he infected?"

Zhang Weijun shook his head, raised his glass again, and said, "You can drink as you like, and I'll drink after I finish telling the story."

Duan Xiaoming thought to himself, you are the client and you have the final say, I wonder if you want to get me drunk!
But what's the purpose of getting me drunk?

After Duan Xiaoming finished another cup, Zhang Weijun said, "If you get infected, it's a good thing. My friend's wife was found to have breast cancer. Don't you think it's very miserable."

Duan Xiaoming can't listen to these sad stories. In fact, he prefers stories with a happy ending in his heart. He said, "It's really miserable. What happened next?"

"In the early stage of advanced breast cancer, cancer cells have spread to other organs. The doctor said that if the situation is good, I can live for another 9 months. My friend discussed with his wife. Now he has more than 30 yuan. As for illness, there is an idiom called it, which has the same meaning as that of a small cow, which means far from enough."

Duan Xiaoming thought for a while, and replied: "Too many monks and too little food? Doesn't help? Or is it a drop in the bucket?"

"Yes! It's just a drop in the bucket, so the two of them discussed it and decided to die altogether, and use the money to do something more meaningful."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Duan Xiaoming, Duan Xiaoming took the initiative to raise his glass, touched him, and said: "Brother Zhang, continue to talk, and you will drink together later. I am curious, what is more meaningful than surviving?" big."

After speaking, he drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

Zhang Weijun was not in a hurry, and waited for Duan Xiaoming to finish drinking before putting down the wine glass held in the air.

"Since we can't survive, we should spend the money where it should be spent, so my friend and his wife decided to save more than 30 yuan in compensation for pneumoconiosis, and save the remaining 20 yuan for Buy a suite."

Duan Xiaoming didn't speak, this time he didn't raise his glass, he looked at Zhang Weijun, waiting for him to continue.

Zhang Weijun smiled: "Do you think my friend is very funny?"

Duan Xiaoming shook his head, but didn't say anything. He felt that this was not good, so he poured himself another glass of wine.

He didn't raise the wine glass, but kept the glass on the table, and slowly moved the wine glass over to clink with Zhang Weijun, then raised the glass to dry it up.

"Do you think my friend is funny?"

Zhang Weijun asked again.

"No, I think your friend must have his own difficulties. Xiaoduan, I am young and have less experience. Brother Zhang, you have more experience than me. Can you persuade your friend?"

"I persuaded, but between the two of them, the most important thing is his wife's decision, so this matter was confirmed in the second month after the illness was discovered, so they bought a house, because they didn't have a house. I hope to have a house to live in before I die, that’s my wish.”

Duan Xiaoming couldn't understand: "It's all dead, what's the point of buying a house? What's the use of buying a house and dying? If you're sick, get treated early. The longer the delay, the more difficult it will be."

Zhang Weijun chuckled: "It's not for myself. My friend's wife is very stubborn. This house is for—oh, their daughter who is in her sophomore year."

Duan Xiaoming was stunned. When the story was first told, he was just telling it as a story. Now it sounds like Zhang Weijun is telling himself.

Could it be that he is not talking about himself, there is really a friend who is like this, and there is indeed a daughter in his family who is also a sophomore?

People, sometimes it's weird, they don't want others to live in misery, but if given a choice, they want people they know to live a good life. These misfortunes happened in the families of people they don't know.

How strange!

Duan Xiaoming didn't realize whether his thoughts just now were right or wrong, he looked at Zhang Weijun and asked, "And then?"

Zhang Weijun was playing with the wine glass in his hand, and the wine in the glass was shaking.

"Pneumoconiosis can't drink, do you think he wants to drink?"

Duan Xiaoming quickly snatched the cup from his hand.

"I think you just want to get me drunk—by the way, your daughter, does your friend's daughter know about this?"

Zhang Weijun didn't stop Duan Xiaoming from grabbing his own cup, and replied, "What do you think?"

Duan Xiaoming didn't speak, it was obvious that he didn't know.

He drank both glasses of wine, and poured them again: "I'm thirsty today, drink more to quench my thirst, hehe."

Zhang Weijun didn't speak, watching Duan Xiaoming drink two more glasses, the two of them were silent for a while.

In the end, Zhang Weijun spoke first: "I'm sorry, Duan, my friend's story is not a comedy."

Duan Xiaoming was calm at first, then smiled: "Life, it's impossible to be a comedy all the time, I understand that."

Zhang Weijun: "You don't understand, you are still young."

There are two empty glasses in front of Duan Xiaoming, he has already drank the two bottles of wine, and the other four have not yet been opened.

His stomach is a little distended, and he drank too quickly a few cups just now.

"I understand, Brother Zhang, my mother also died of a serious illness, when I was very young—"

Zhang Weijun interrupted him: "Xiao Duan, have you seen the movie Young and Dangerous?"

He didn't want to make Duan Xiaoming sad because of himself.

Duan Xiaoming didn't know why Brother Zhang asked this question, but he still answered seriously: "I've heard of this, but I haven't seen it. Brother Zhang, your question is like asking if you have seen Totoro. We have a generation gap!"

Looking at Duan Xiaoming, Zhang Weijun knew that the young man in front of him had a bright and firm mentality, and said, "Our generation grew up watching stories about young and Dangerous boys. When we were young, we fantasized that we would become Chen Haonan. Only then did I realize that to be a human should actually be a crow.”

Although Duan Xiaoming has never watched the Young and Dangerous movie, he knows who the crow in the Young and Dangerous story is.

He said: "Oh, then you don't know how to overturn the table while eating, calm down, Brother Crow!"

Zhang Weijun was amused by Duan Xiaoming's exaggerated tone, and there were tears in the corners of his eyes, which came out of laughter: "It depends on how much discount you give to the house. If the discount is enough, I won't let it go!"

Duan Xiaoming: "Cut, it doesn't matter whether you buy Xiaoqiang or not!"

(End of this chapter)

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