I have a book to sell a house

Chapter 68 Case 1: It's Inconvenient to Go Out and Chat

Chapter 68 Case 1: It's Inconvenient to Go Out and Chat

Duan Xiaoming wanted to sell the house very much, but looking at Zhang Weijun who was smiling with tears in his eyes, Duan Xiaoming didn't want to sell the house to him anymore.

There are many things in the world that cannot be measured with common sense.

It is said that it is better to live than to die, so why does Brother Zhang have money to buy a house without getting medical treatment?

Thinking back when my mother was sick, and the whole family tried every means to cure the disease, why did Zhang Weijun give up?

After buying this house, their daughter will live in peace of mind in the future?
Is this house really that important?
He looked at Zhang Weijun and wanted to persuade him, but he couldn't find the right words for a while.

Zhang Weijun spoke first.

"Do you really think my daughter is the master of this house? I just let her participate in the process. If she really wants to be the master, she will still listen to me."

The nightlife in third- and fourth-tier cities is no different than that in coastal cities, and the number of people in Xiaoxiangyuan's restaurant has decreased at this time.

Although there were still people coming in, it was not as crowded as before. The people at the table behind Duan Xiaoming and Zhang Weijun had already left.

He looked out the window, and there were fewer people on the street.

There is a street lamp not far to the left outside the entrance of the restaurant, the street lamp is dim, and there are two small trees, one tall and one short, under the street lamp.

The light shone on the tree, and the shadow of the tree was reflected on the ground. From Duan Xiaoming's perspective, it seemed that there were two people squatting on the ground.

The two figures whose facial features and limbs cannot be seen clearly.

Duan Xiaoming turned his head to look at Zhang Weijun again, tears were still in the corners of his eyes.

Is that tears from laughter, or sadness from running out?

Sometimes, we can't stop being sad, just as we can't stop it from raining.

"Brother Zhang, I don't actually recommend you to buy this house—a friend buys it. You can buy a house at any time. Talent is the most important thing."

Zhang Weijun: "You all know that what I'm talking about is myself, so don't follow me and say that I'm my friend."

These words made Duan Xiaoming a little embarrassed: "Brother Zhang, I know it's unnecessary for me to persuade you this way, because you don't seem to be the kind of person who doesn't care about the consequences, so - this matter - how should I put it, I I'm a little confused."

Duan Xiaoming picked up the wine opener and wanted to open another bottle of wine.

It was inconvenient for two people to sit next to each other, so Duan Xiaoming got up and sat in the seat where Zhang Juan was sitting just now, and then opened two more bottles of beer with two "bang, bang".

After opening, he poured two more glasses.

Zhang Weijun watched him open and pour the wine, and said: "Who doesn't want to live, like me with pneumoconiosis, only I know whether I am uncomfortable or not, let alone breast cancer!"

Duan Xiaoming was puzzled: "Then you can get medical treatment first, and then consider buying a house!"

Zhang Weijun took a glass of wine from Duan Xiaoming and put it in front of him.

"If at the end of the treatment, you suffer and the money is gone, what good is the treatment?"

"What if it's cured?"

Zhang Weijun looked at the glass of wine on the table in front of him, and said calmly: "If this is the case, I would like to thank Xiao Duan, this cancer is a problem in the world!"

For some reason, Duan Xiaoming wanted to seriously persuade him.

Although this is just a client who just met today.

Also, this client looks ugly.

When he was looking at the house at the company in the morning, he didn't talk much for almost an hour, but now he talks a lot.

If it wasn't for his own illness and his wife's terminal illness, Duan Xiaoming thought, he should be an optimistic and talkative person, or a person who has a little pursuit of life.

And it should be mild.

Because he chatted with his 40-year-old self in his 23s, and he didn't feel any generation gap, nor did he have the so-called superiority that I eat more salt than you when I am older.

Life is like this, everyone has to experience life and death, even if they don't give up.

Duan Xiaoming doesn't know what is going on in the heart of the person in front of him who has prepared for life and death 9 months in advance.

He could only calmly ask the doubts in his heart: "Brother Zhang, is it possible that it was a misdiagnosis or something?"

Zhang Weijun rubbed the wine glass with his right hand a few times, turned the wine glass a little bit, and said, "We also thought so at the beginning. We went to several hospitals, but the results were all the same. There was no cure—"

When Duan Xiaoming heard this, the picture of Zhang Weijun taking his wife to see a doctor appeared in his mind.


Duan Xiaoming interrupted Zhang Weijun, and Zhang Weijun immediately interrupted him again: "Xiao Duan, I know you mean well, and I have to apologize to you. I told you about this, and it burdened you psychologically."

Duan Xiaoming answered quickly: "No, don't think too much about it."

Zhang Weijun: "No one among our relatives knew about this matter, only a few friends who often dealt with know-you see, the eldest sister knew it. She also persuaded us for a long time at the beginning, but then she stopped. Now she sees Me, you all look so pitiful to me."

Duan Xiaoming followed Zhang Weijun's gaze and saw the waitress in a red T-shirt wiping another table.

Zhang Weijun said again: "In the past, Xiaoxiang Yuan didn't sell porridge. In the entire resettlement area, there was only porridge for breakfast. There was no one to make porridge for dinner. This eldest sister is the sister of a former friend of my wife's. When she found out, she offered to give us porridge. It’s time to make porridge, saying that it’s inconvenient for us to make it ourselves.”

Duan Xiaoming glanced at the waitress, no wonder Zhang Juan went to serve the porridge just now, that lady stretched her neck to look at Brother Zhang.

He looked again at the middle-aged man whose hair hadn't been trimmed for a long time.

There was no sadness on his face, but no joy either.

It seems that this difficult problem that life has posed to them, he found that there is no way to solve it, and he has accepted it.

This might be a confession.

The fact is indeed the case, Zhang Weijun accepted his fate.

"You're talking about my daughter. I told her not to fall in love when she was in college, but this time she brought a boyfriend. I was very disgusted at first, but I was afraid that if this kid really married my daughter in the future, So, I simply called him to follow my daughter."

"We were also in free love when we got married—ah."

Zhang Weijun continued talking, people who hadn't had a drink said more than Duan Xiaoming, a person who had a drink.

Duan Xiaoming gently touched his stomach, his belly was full of beer, he stood up: "Brother Zhang, I'm going to the bathroom."

Then he strode towards the back of the restaurant, and when he passed by the waitress, he greeted her with a smile, and then said softly, "I'll pay the bill later, you settle the bill first."

After coming out of the bathroom, Duan Xiaoming turned sideways, beckoned to the elder sister to cooperate, and quickly swiped the QR code to pay.

After sitting down, he chatted a lot with Zhang Weijun and his parents, and Zhang Weijun repeatedly asked many questions about the house.

Two newly opened bottles of wine, after Duan Xiaoming drank more than one bottle, Zhang Weijun received a call from his daughter.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Weijun said, "I'm sorry, Duan, I have to go back. My wife is sick and vomited."

After speaking, he stood up and walked towards the cashier, but the cashier told him that Duan Xiaoming had already paid the bill.

He hurriedly turned around and was polite to Duan Xiaoming, Duan Xiaoming drove him away like an old friend.

After Zhang Weijun thanked him and left, Duan Xiaoming sat where he was, not making a sound.

He was still immersed in Zhang Weijun's story just now.

Although this story is neither grandiose nor tactful, it is bloody in nature, but Brother Zhang said it lightly, as if this matter is not his own.

How did that happen?

The waitress came up to clear the table, gossiping: "Young man, I heard Lao Zhang tell you about him, you are Lao Zhang's family——"

Duan Xiaoming stood up and pointed to the remaining two bottles of wine, and replied: "I am his friend—you can save this wine for him, he can drink it next time."

The eldest sister frowned, with a look of incomprehension: "You young people, Lao Zhang can't drink alcohol, and his wife can't eat spicy food, and her daughter even packed mustard and cold kelp for her. Alas, young people can't Sensible wow!"

What's the matter young man?
Duan Xiaoming didn't bother to explain to her.

But Duan Xiaoming, who has received higher education, said very qualifiedly: "Thank you for your hard work, big sister, I'm leaving, goodbye."

The eldest sister replied enthusiastically: "Goodbye, young man."

On the way back, Duan Xiaoming took out his mobile phone. The phone vibrated and turned on many times just now, so there must be a lot of new information.

Could it be that some pretty little lady misses me.

He turned on his phone, only to find that most of the messages were from Lu Feifei.

What is the new version of the case management system, what is the customer reception system, what are the customer entry precautions, the daily customer reception registration form, etc. Some are documents, some are forms, and some are multiple screenshots. He quickly flipped through them.

Turning to the bottom, Lu Feifei sent a sentence: "Why, why haven't you replied to the message for so long?"

He didn't reply, thinking to himself, isn't it two groups, I'm in a group with Wu Xiaomo, why doesn't she send me these?
Click on Wu Xiaomo's chat window, but there is no new information.

He was a little resentful, so he returned, clicked on Lu Feifei's chat window, and replied with a sentence.

"I just finished eating with a client, what's wrong?"

Lu Feifei replied almost instantly: "You're fine, we're still working overtime, what's delicious?"

Duan Xiaoming only replied to Lu Feifei's message after crossing the road.

"What to eat? God arranged for someone to show me the bitterness of fate. I still feel uncomfortable about this bitterness."

This time Lu Feifei didn't reply in a second.

Duan Xiaoming returned home, took a shower, changed into pajamas, and turned on the phone again.

First read Lu Feifei's reply: "Think about beautiful things, such as beautiful women, maybe they are very sweet."

Then there was a notice sent in the company's sales group: "Attention everyone, arrive at the company on time at [-]:[-] tomorrow morning, and don't be late. Receive a reply!"

This message was sent 13 minutes ago. He saw that everyone had replied and received it, so he quickly sent another one.

Putting down his mobile phone, he reclined on the sofa, scratched his feet, and watched TV.

Can't calm down, he will change the channel soon.

After a long time, the phone vibrated.

An unfamiliar foreign phone number.

"Hello, who is it?"

Duan Xiaoming asked politely.

A young male voice came from the mobile phone, and his tone was not very polite: "I'm Yunluo, is it convenient for you to come out and chat?"

Yunluo?Zhang Juan's boyfriend?
How does he have his own number?
This kid spoke as if he was giving an order, don't go!

He let out a breath, suppressed the doubts in his heart, and said to the phone: "Sorry, it's not convenient to go out and talk."

(End of this chapter)

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