I have a book to sell a house

Chapter 74 Case 1: Suddenly kind Yunluo

Chapter 74 Case 1: Suddenly kind Yunluo
Duan Xiaoming had expected Zhang Juan's dissatisfied reaction to the floor she saw just now.

But he didn't expect that she would directly say no to buy.

Judging from the previous exchanges between Zhang Weijun and Zhang Juan's father and daughter, they have taken a fancy to the house type.

But he didn't even ask the price, but refused directly. Could it be that he made a mistake in his judgment?
"Don't know the price?"

Duan Xiaoming asked.

"How much is the cheapest of these sets?"

Zhang Weijun hurriedly asked.

Zhang Juan gave her father a reproachful look, and then said, "No matter how cheap these floors are, if there is no way we can watch the second phase, Dad, let's go look elsewhere."

Duan Xiaoming smiled, but still didn't take the initiative to tell the price.

Lu Feifei couldn't understand his routine. Could it be that the reason why the sales scum was the sales scum was because of the quality of having such a customer who would not change his face even if he ran away?
But Duan Xiaoming saw Zhang Juan's eyes, and a voice came out of his head.

The voice said two sentences.

"Under the absolute disadvantage, how to effectively use the information at hand to facilitate the transaction is particularly important. The release of information must be carried out in a hierarchical and orderly manner, and it must be communicated with suspense, and avoid blunt narration."

"Every conversation with a customer is like a negotiation, just like a blind date. It is impossible to take off your clothes as soon as you meet a big girl. Who will cherish you like that? You must find the right time to sell products that meet the needs of customers!"

These two passages are actually the contents of the book, but they were deeply remembered by Duan Xiaoming.

Being young is good, and persistence is an obvious sign.

Because, when people reach old age, their memory will not last as long as when they were young.

Duan Xiaoming said: "This is the most cost-effective property in our first-phase housing stock, the best apartment type, and the fastest house delivery. It only takes four or five months before the Spring Festival, and the house will be handed over. Buy early and live early. If Juan The students really don't like it, so I'm sorry, I wasted your time."

Zhang Juan looked at her father, and her father looked at Duan Xiaoming.

Seeing this, Zhang Juan said: "It's us who wasted your time. I haven't graduated from university yet, and my parents are under a lot of pressure to buy a house. It's not the most important consideration for our family to hand over the house early, so—"

Having said that, Zhang Juan stood up.

Seeing his daughter standing up, Zhang Weijun hurriedly stood up too.

Yunluo also stood up.

The three wanted to leave.

Duan Xiaoming said "Ouch" in his heart, this dog brother only taught me to choose the early settlement, why didn't he tell me how to match the early settlement with Zhang Juan's thinking.

It's good that their family needs a house that can be handed over early, but Zhang Juan doesn't know that her mother is sick, and moving in early can reduce regrets and so on.

Careless, careless.

A voice sounded in my mind: "Responsiveness is the most basic quality of a salesman. The customer situation will change at any time. Naturally, the rhetoric and response must be changed in a timely manner-now show the price, stabilize them, and immediately find a way to sell the floor. !"

Looking at the three people who were about to leave, Duan Xiaoming was not sure whether they would really leave or did it on purpose.

This is the same as a young couple getting emotional. Whoever cares more about each other will often admit defeat first.

Boyfriend said: "Break up, we are not suitable!"

The girlfriend also said: "Break up, we are really not suitable!"

Everyone is betting that the other party is just talking in anger, but one of them is really about to leave, and the one who cares more will immediately run up to hold the other party's hand.

Doing this in love is called saving the other party for love.

In sales, this kind of behavior is a routine in the eyes of customers.

See, as expected, as soon as I negotiated the price, he said he would lose money, and if I want to leave, he said okay, okay, sell it to you at a loss!
The customer thinks so, but the salesperson doesn't think so. Those who are psychologically strong can handle any grievances and misunderstandings as long as they make a deal. Those who are sensitive and fragile will think that it is not good for them to do so.

In other words, like licking a dog in a relationship.

Duan Xiaoming decided to do a dog lick.

This is the first time I have made this decision since I started selling houses.

His starting point was not only to help Zhang Weijun, but also to sell the house. For some reason, a strong desire to win was aroused.

It's like when I couldn't catch up with the fat and cute girl in the class next door in high school, knowing that it wasn't an exact match, but I just wanted to conquer.

He stood up.

"Don't be in a hurry. Since I brought you here, this house must have a great advantage. The total prices of the houses I saw just now are about the same, but compared with the second phase we saw just now, one set is nearly 15 yuan cheaper. Come on, in our city, the price difference is the down payment for a house!"

Zhang Weijun's eyes lit up, thinking that the price was right.

He looks at his daughter.

Zhang Juan said, "But you don't have any other floors."

Duan Xiaoming thought about it seriously, with a troubled look on his face, he asked, "Do you prefer a higher floor or a lower one?"

Zhang Juan replied before her father could speak: "As long as it's not the 4th, 14th, or 18th floors, other floors are fine!"

Duan Xiaoming replied: "How about this? Let's go back to the sales department. I'll go to the leader. I remember there are still a few sets, but the leader won't let me sell them. May I ask?"

At this time, a voice came out of Duan Xiaoming's mind: "If you want to become a sales champion, you must be sincere and serious. You are deceiving customers in a certain form. This is not what a real sales champion should do. You should go to Convince customers, not routine customers!"

Duan Xiaoming refuted the voice in his head: "Come on! I'm telling a white lie, it's harmless, and I'm not lying to her about data such as price or apartment structure, or you can teach me how to sell this apartment! Besides, I'm still To destroy dregs, use the method of eliminating dregs!"

The voice in my head stopped talking.

Zhang Juan said, "Okay, Dad, how about we go and have a look?"

Obviously, the price Duan Xiaoming said just now moved them.

Zhang Weijun said: "Well, let's go and have a look, Xiaoduan, you must help us find a house. I heard from them that your developers actually have a lot of houses in their hands, and they deliberately don't sell them!"

Duan Xiaoming smiled: "Brother Zhang, it's impossible. What you're talking about is called covering the pan. Inland cities are not like those first- and second-tier coastal cities. In our city, covering the pan is equivalent to keeping your daughter at home and not allowing her to marry. But become an old leftover girl!"

Everyone laughed.

Lu Feifei has been quietly observing Duan Xiaoming, not to mention, when this kid talks about bills, he doesn't look like a scumbag, but like an old fried dough stick.

The five people turned back to the sales department.

In the following process, Duan Xiaoming carried out step by step according to the instructions in the book.

First, it took a lot of effort to "ask" several sets on the third floor and the 24th floor from the leadership, and then analyze that Zhang Juan's parents and in-laws will be older, and it is more suitable to live on the lower floors.

The four of them sat in the negotiation area, and Lu Feifei was already busy with her own work.

Zhang Weijun chuckled: "No, no, no, this house will be used by my daughter in the future, and we will live in the countryside."

Duan Xiaoming said: "Let's not say that you can't live in the countryside. You will have children after you get married. The lower floors are actually safer."

Then he used the FABE rule to explain the benefits of low floors thoroughly.

Remembering the voice in his head before, be sincere, and he also talked about the shortcomings of the lower floors.

"It is said that there are no perfect people and things in the world, so whether the high floor or the low floor is up to you to choose."

Zhang Juan frowned: "I haven't fully understood the price yet."

Duan Xiaoming put his pen on the table: "Hey, these listings are special listings. I can only help you apply for a set of special prices, so you decide!"

Time passed by minute by minute.

In the end, the "kind" Duan Xiaoming helped Zhang's father and daughter "apply" for the special price of the house on the third floor they had chosen.

For a moment, Duan Xiaoming hated himself very much, how could he become so hypocritical.

Looking at the right price in front of him, Zhang Weijun made up his mind.

He looked at his daughter and asked, "How about this one on the third floor?"

Zhang Juan thought for a few seconds, pursed her lips, and then replied: "I will listen to my father."

After all, she is not yet 20 years old, and it feels good for her to participate in such a big event as buying a house.

Duan Xiaoming said happily: "Okay, wait for me, I'll get the subscription materials!"

After Duan Xiaoming walked away, Yun Luo, who had been silent all the time, stood up and said, "Uncle, I'll go out to get some air."

Zhang Weijun didn't like this Yunluo very much at first, but after getting along with him for more than a day, he felt that this young man seemed to be pretty good, so he nodded and said, "Go!"

Yunluo sent a message to Zhang Juan while walking: "Come out for a while."

Zhang Juan didn't know what kind of medicine he was selling in the gourd, so she replied with one word: "Okay."

But she didn't get up immediately, but chatted with her father for a few more words before saying, "Dad, sit down for a while, I'll go out and take a look."

Did not say what to look at.

Zhang Weijun smiled and nodded.

When Zhang Juan arrived outside the sales department, before she had time to ask, Yun Luo spoke first: "There's something you must see!"


"You will know after reading it, that Duan Xiaoming is not a good person at all!"

Zhang Juan couldn't figure out why Duan Xiaoming was involved in this matter.

She looked at her boyfriend suspiciously.

Yunluo opened the phone's photo album and clicked on a picture.

In the picture is a crumpled piece of paper.

Strictly speaking, it is a piece of paper that should have been crumpled and straightened.

Yunluo handed her the phone.

"You zoom in and take a look."

Zhang Juan zoomed in on the picture, and it said invasive cancer, right milk duct and so on.

"What is this? Whose cancer confirmation? Duan Xiaoming's?"

Zhang Juan asked.

Yunluo replied indifferently: "I hope it belongs to him. You can see the name."

His indifference was not aimed at Zhang Juan, but that Duan Xiaoming had nothing to do with him. If Duan Xiaoming's life could be used to exchange Zhang Juan's mother's health, Yun Luo would be willing!

After answering, he showed pity again: "Look at the name."

Zhang Juan swipe the photos on the screen again.

Then I didn't speak for a long time.

When he opened his mouth, there were three consecutive questions.

"Where did you get it?"

"Is this my mother's medical certificate?"

"Why don't I know?"

Yunluo didn't answer any of these three questions, but said: "Duan Xiaoming also knows about this, but he only wants to sell you the house, and your father also wants to hide it from you. We should treat auntie first. That's right! If you buy a house, you won't have money for medical treatment!"

(End of this chapter)

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