Xiaoyao Village Doctor

Chapter 234 Fortune-telling

Chapter 234 Fortune-telling
Li Yuerong said: "Why am I a widow? Can you be more careful when you speak?"

"You are a widow, if not today, you will be tomorrow."

Guo Xiazi was very poisonous when he opened his mouth, but it didn't look like he was cursing Li Yuerong on purpose.

This person is still a bit capable, although he usually looks a little crazy.

Wang Teng also knew what Xiazi Guo was here for, so he immediately took out 200 yuan from his wallet, handed it to him, and said, "Okay, you can use this money to buy some meat to go to the bar, it's too late and we have to go to bed .”

"It's only 200 yuan, you look down on me too much."

Blind Guo still hated it, so he didn't accept Wang Teng's 200 yuan.

"Then what are you doing here today?"

Wang Teng asked.

Blind Guo said: "I don't do anything, I just came here to see you die."

Wang Teng was taken aback when he heard this. Can this old man speak? He would hurt people every now and then, not once or twice. He said, "What are you talking about? Can you make a few nice sentences?"

"If you don't believe me, then I'm leaving."

Blind Guo said: "It's just that you don't come to beg the old man tomorrow, and the old man is just reminding you with good intentions."

Li Yuerong felt that blind Guo was a psychopath, so he immediately ran home and took out a broom from the kitchen, and coaxed and chased blind Guo away.

Blind Guo was blasted all the way from the corridor to the elevator.

At this moment, the two security guards in the community also came up, probably because they saw a stranger entering the surveillance.

As soon as the two security guards rushed up, they pushed Blind Guo to the ground, and one of them said, "Who are you? Who let you in?"

Li Yuerong hurriedly said: "Brother Security, I don't know this strange old man, so hurry up and drive him away."

The security guard said: "Okay, don't worry, I will call him away, you go home and rest first."

At this time,

Blind Guo was pushed against the wall by two security guards.

One of the security guards pointed at blind Guo's forehead and asked, "Who are you? What are you doing in the community? Stealing things?"

Blind Guo laughed a few times, and replied: "Young man, don't frame me casually, I really won't steal your worthless things."

"I think this person is crazy."

Another young security guard said, "Why don't you send him to the Public Security Bureau."

Uncle Security said: "No, no, just drive him away. If he comes again, call the police."

Blind Guo was escorted out of the community by two security guards.

But Guo Xiazi did not leave, but slept on a floor bunk at the gate of the community.

For a moment, the two security guards were taken aback.

Wang Teng immediately ran downstairs, and gave out a cigarette to each of the two security guards, saying, "I'm so sorry, I know this old man, he's here to look for me."

After hearing this, Uncle Security shook his head again and again, and replied, "Brother Teng, how do you know this kind of person? He doesn't look like a good thing."

"You're right, I'll just call the police."

Wang Teng said: "Even if you call the police, the police have no evidence to arrest him. They will be released after one day at most, and they still have to control him to eat and drink."

Uncle Security said: "Okay, let's go then, just keep an eye on this old man and don't let him mess around in the community. This is how much alcohol he has drunk, and he smells like alcohol all over his body."

"Yeah, I'll watch him."

Wang Teng was also embarrassed. This blind Guo couldn't care less, and he couldn't care less.

After the two security guards left, Wang Teng walked to the gate of the community.

Blind Guo slept on the ground, so he was not afraid of catching a cold when it was so cold at night.

Wang Teng went up and patted him on the shoulder, and said, "You old man, what do you want to do? Are you going to pay it back?"

Blind Guo didn't fall asleep either, so he stood up quickly, looked at Wang Teng and said, "I don't want to go anywhere, I just want to cool off here, there will be a fortune-telling old woman at the door tomorrow, remember to ask her to give it to you." Make a divination to avoid bloody disasters."

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Wang Teng felt like meeting a psychopath.

Blind Guo said: "Remember to give the old woman ten yuan, she is hungry, and I will tell you a fortune by the way."

After speaking, blind Guo left, and he really didn't stay for a minute.

At this time, two security guards in the community came out with sticks and beat him up, calling him crazy.

"Let's go, don't be sneaky here."

Blind Guo ran as soon as he could. Although he was blind, he ran with great vigor, and even knew how to circle around when he saw a telegraph pole.

Uncle Security felt depressed, pointed at Blind Guo and scolded: "This stinking old man, is he blind or not?"

The young security guard said: "I think he is pretending to be blind, cheating food and drink everywhere."

Blind Guo quickly disappeared.

The two security guards also returned to the community.

Seeing that it was getting late, Wang Teng also went upstairs and returned home.

Li Yuerong had already put on her pajamas and fell asleep on the bed.

Wang Teng saw that it was past two o'clock in the morning, so he lay down on the sofa and slept. He prefers to sleep on the sofa, and the living room is cool.

Wang Teng slept until four o'clock in the afternoon the next day.

Li Yuerong has already left for work.

Lin Xiaoyu also went out to the supermarket to do some shopping.

Wang Teng received a call from Li Fugui, saying that he had arrived in the city and could go to work anytime, and asked him to arrange work.

Seeing that he overslept, Wang Teng hurriedly washed his face and brushed his teeth and went to work.

When Wang Teng just came out to the gate, he saw an old woman at the gate of the community. She looked about 90 or [-] years old and was as thin as a monkey. She was sitting on the side of the road and set up a fortune-telling booth.

The old woman seems to be blind too, and she can't see with sunglasses.

She raised her head and stared at Wang Teng, and said, "Young man, do you want to make a fortune? Just give me ten yuan."

As soon as Wang Teng saw the old woman, he was really convinced by Blind Guo that there was a fortune teller at the door.

Of course, it is not ruled out that these two people colluded together to cheat Wang Teng of ten yuan.

"Fortune-telling? Why fortune-telling?"

Wang Teng asked.

The old woman smiled kindly and said, "I see that your complexion is pale and your hall is dark. There must be a bloody disaster today. Let me help you with a divination. It only costs ten yuan."

"Old woman, you are not a liar, are you?"

Wang Teng asked.

The old woman smiled and said, "Young man, do you think I look like a beast who cheated even ten yuan? I'm kind enough to help you know how to flatter you."

Wang Teng felt that it was only ten yuan, even if he was cheated, he was cheated, and he should do good deeds to accumulate virtue.

So, I lost ten yuan to the old woman.

"Okay, help me figure it out, how can I have a bloody disaster?"

Wang Teng asked.

The old woman stretched out a hand and said, "Come on, show me your hand, and I'll help you look at the palmistry first, male left and female right, stretch out your left and right."

Wang Teng asked: "Aren't you blind? Can you still see my palmistry?"

"You don't understand, it's called a tacit understanding, understand?"

That sounds like a professional scumbag.

(End of this chapter)

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