Xiaoyao Village Doctor

Chapter 235 Marriage Pass

Chapter 235 Marriage Pass

Although Wang Teng felt that the old fox was such a liar, he didn't have the nerve to say it out loud.

It's not easy for an old woman to cheat the ten yuan. If she can't deal with the background of her family being ruined and her wives scattered, she looks pitiful at first sight.

"Okay, grandma, can I give you ten dollars?"

Wang Teng took out ten yuan and threw it on the table, and then said, "You don't have to tell my fortune, this money will be treated as a charity from me."

The old woman became upset when she heard this, and said, "You grandson, what are you talking about? I'm a professional fortune teller, so I won't cheat you for ten yuan."

"The problem is that I don't need a fortune teller."

Wang Teng felt that his life was hard enough, and there would be no bloodshed at all.

The old woman was determined to count Wang Teng's life, otherwise she would not charge the ten yuan.

It doesn't look like a liar anymore.

It seems to be such a fortune teller.

"Young man, if you don't let me tell your fortune, I won't accept the ten yuan."

The old woman's tone was very sincere.

Wang Teng felt helpless when he heard this, and said, "Okay, then you can make a fortune for me, try to hurry up, I'm in a hurry."

The old woman smiled and said, "No problem, young man, stretch out your hand, and I'll make a fortune for you."


Wang Teng stretched out a hand and put it in front of the old woman.

The old woman took a closer look at Wang Teng's palmistry, and found that the emotional line of Wang Teng's palmistry was very plump, thick and long, and suddenly she slapped the table and shouted: "Oh boy, your life is very good, you can marry in this life. Several wives."

"What's the matter?"

Wang Teng looked confused, always felt that the old woman was talking nonsense, and said: "How many wives can I marry? Then I have to thank you, old man."

The old woman said with a smile: "That's right, not only can you marry several wives, but you can also earn a lot of money."

"Shoot, keep shooting, don't shoot the horse's legs."

Wang Teng didn't believe what the old lady said, and he was full of nonsense. When this was ancient times, he married several wives.

The old woman's face turned ugly, and she said, "Young man, do you think I'm fooling you? Believe it or not, I'll tell you that if you don't marry a few wives in your life, you will become a Short-lived ghost."

Wang Teng said righteously: "The law stipulates that a man can only marry one wife. If he wants to marry a second wife, he has to divorce the previous wife. Did you travel from ancient times?"

The old woman took out a certificate from the drawer under the table, threw it on the table, and said, "I knew you didn't believe me. You take this thing and give it to you for free. You can marry ten wives without any problem." .”

Wang Teng looked down at the thing on the table, and took a look at it in his hand.

Marriage Universal Pass:
Male; Wang Teng; 21 years old; born in 1999.

"What the hell is this?"

Looking at the documents in his hand, Wang Teng suddenly felt a blank in his mind.

He seemed to have seen this certificate somewhere before, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

The old woman said: "With this certificate, you can marry many, many wives."

Wang Teng's first reaction was that the old woman seemed to be suffering from some kind of severe hydrocephalus. She just ran out of the hospital and the doctor didn't find her.

"You old eighth woman must be sick."

Wang Teng said: "Do you think this is unbelievable? I took this certificate to get married, and the Ministry of Justice 100% regarded me as crazy."

The old woman said: "I have already given you the things. Believe it or not is your own business. I have to go."

"By the way, let me tell you one more thing, your wife is a Kefu."

The old woman went on to add another sentence.

Wang Teng hadn't heard this once or twice, he had already gotten used to it, and said, "It's none of your business that she killed me."

The old woman said: "I have told you everything I need to tell you. The young man will meet later."

Swish! ~
The voice fell.

The old woman's body faintly became translucent, and then disappeared.

Ouch, my god, it disappeared.

Wang Teng was startled immediately, and his whole body staggered back a big step.

There was only one pen left on the table.

The old lady was gone.


Or hallucinations...

Wang Teng rubbed his eyes, then looked forward, the old lady was indeed gone.

Wang Teng only left in his hand a universal marriage pass presented to him by the old woman.

I heard that with this thing, you can marry many wives.

Normally, a man can only marry one wife.

However, with this passport, Wang Teng can marry as many wives as he wants.

Although I don't know if the old woman is talking nonsense.

But the moment she disappeared just now is enough to prove that she is a master.

At this time,

Wang Teng opened the second page of the pass, and there were only two pages in total.

On the second page it reads:

"If you want to survive, please marry more than ten wives."

This sentence seems absurd, but there seems to be a profound philosophical meaning behind it.

Wang Teng just glanced at it casually, and put the passport back into his pocket.

Suddenly, hurried footsteps came from behind Wang Teng.

Looking back, it was Xia Xue.

The moment Xia Xue appeared in front of Wang Teng, she was dressed very sexy. She was wearing ultra-short jeans with a pink T-shirt that was exposed.

"A Teng, what are you doing here alone?"

Xia Xue walked over and patted Wang Teng on the shoulder.

When Wang Teng saw Xia Xue, he suddenly came back to his senses and said, "Oh, it's you, why did you suddenly come to me today?"

Xia Xue said, "I'm on vacation today, why don't we go watch a movie."

Xia Xue suddenly asked Wang Teng to go to the movies, obviously wanting to take the initiative to flirt with Wang Teng.

But Wang Teng is already a man with a wife, so how could he casually date other women? This is simply absurd.

"Sister Xia, I'm still at work today, how about another day?"

Wang Teng just found an excuse and refused. In fact, he is also on vacation today, but he just doesn't want to play with Xia Xue.

Xia Xue's face suddenly turned ugly, and she said, "A Teng, don't lie to me, you won't go to work today, I already knew."

Wang Teng also became embarrassed, and said, "Actually, I have other things to do, but I'm not particularly busy."

Xia Xue said: "If you are not particularly busy, go to the movies with me today, or you can have a meal, don't avoid me like this."

Xia Xue's face was all for this, and Wang Teng was too embarrassed to refuse.

(End of this chapter)

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