Xiaoyao Village Doctor

Chapter 280 Mercenary Scorpion

Chapter 280 Mercenary Scorpion
About ten minutes later, Hao Yue completed the transaction and received Tony's 6000 million US dollars. Half of the people inside came out one after another, and all returned to the car to leave.

Wang Teng felt that it was getting late, why didn't Sun Kewei show up yet?Didn't you do it when you agreed to make a deal?
After waiting for another 10 minutes, Wang Teng still didn't see any police officers coming to arrest these drug dealers. Only then did he realize that today's operation might be cancelled.

After a while, Hao Yue, Yang Waiwai, and Zhao Fei came out of the warehouse at the same time, followed by many people who carried boxes and loaded them into the cart. dollars.

Hao Yue looked at Wang Teng with a smirk on his face, and waved: "Go, brother, let's go eat."

"Success, Mr. Hao, you can listen to everything you say."

Wang Teng agreed and got into the car together.

It was Zhao Fei who drove the car. She didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, and she drove the car very fast.In about half an hour, the car stopped at the entrance of a hotel, the same hotel as before.Hao Yue specially booked a private room, ordered a large table of dishes, and took out several boxes of money to share when eating.

At this time, Wang Teng was looking for chargers everywhere, found an excuse to go to the bathroom, turned on the phone after charging 5.00%, and saw that Sun Kewei had sent several text messages in succession.

"Wang Teng, how are you? Today's operation has been cancelled."

"The above means that it is not the time to do it now, how are you doing now? Are you still safe?"

Wang Teng saw the two text messages from Sun Kewei, which were sent half an hour ago, and Wang Teng immediately replied, "I came out safely now, and I was almost discovered just now."

In less than half a minute, Sun Kewei texted back again, saying, "You continue to be an undercover agent there, collect as much information as you can and send it to me, the text message must be deleted in time, delete it in time, did you hear me?"

"Okay, I'll definitely delete it." Wang Teng reminded Sun Kewei twice when he saw Sun Kewei, as if he cared about him.

A few seconds later, Sun Kewei sent a fifth text message: "Remember, your undercover code name has changed now. It's not black cat or white wolf, code name white wolf."

"Okay, I know."

As soon as Wang Teng sent this text message, he immediately deleted all the text messages in his phone, and then left the toilet.

At this time, a waiter came over and asked Wang Teng for a tip of 100 yuan. The reason was that when Wang Teng was urinating just now, he used a towel to give Wang Teng a health massage on his shoulder.

Wang Teng didn't bring his wallet with him, and he didn't accept WeChat, so he had to write a white note to owe the debt first, and the waiter scolded Wang Teng in English, as if saying he was stingy.

Wang Teng didn't bother about it, he must not worry too much when encountering this kind of thing, the waiter must have the support of the backstage if he dares to push like this, otherwise he would not dare to be so presumptuous.

Wang Teng passed away with a smiling face, and went back to the private room of the hotel. Yang Waiwai and Zhao Fei were both inside. Hao Yue stood up, raised his head and waved to Wang Teng with a smile, saying, "Come on, buddy, come and have a drink together." .”

"Master Hao, yes."

Wang Teng found a seat at random and sat down.

"Come on, drink." Hao Yue took the initiative and filled Wang Teng's glass with a bottle of red wine: "Today we need to get drunk."

Although Wang Teng didn't drink, he still took a sip from his wine glass and said, "Master Hao, you are too polite. What can I do? If I want to toast, I should respect you."

"No, no, one family doesn't speak different languages." Hao Yue took out a black leather box from under the table, opened it, and it was filled with stacks of cash and dollar bills, "Brother Teng, there are a total of $300 million, this transaction was very successful."

Wang Teng was a little embarrassed, pushed the box back, and said, "Master Hao, you're right. I don't have any credit for this transaction. How can I charge so much money?"

Yang Waiwai sat aside and smiled: "Brother Teng, you can take it if Master Hao gives it to you. You have the most dividends this time."

Wang Teng didn't know why Hao Yue suddenly treated him so well. I heard that Zhao Fei and Yang Wawai only shared 200 million yuan each, and they were all elite elites. The rest of the mercenaries were thugs. People took 50.

"Wang Teng, just keep it."

Hao Yue said: "It's right for you to hang out with me. I will guarantee that you will be popular and hot in the future. There are many beauties. By the way, you are not married yet, right?"

"Yeah, no." Wang Teng was actually married, so he lied on purpose.

Hao Yue patted Wang Teng's shoulder heavily with his hand, and said emphatically and affectionately, "Don't worry, brother will introduce you to a foreign girl when the time comes, I'm sure you will be satisfied."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yang Wawai, who was sitting beside him blushing from drinking, suddenly burst out laughing.

At this time, a man came in through the door, wearing a camouflage uniform and sunglasses. He was dressed coolly from head to toe. In terms of credit, what about the 1000 million dollars you promised to give me?"

As soon as this person walked in, the private room fell into silence. Yang Wawai suddenly stood up and patted the table and said, "Scorpion, be careful when you talk to Master Hao."

The person who came in was nicknamed Scorpion, and he was a mercenary hired by Hao Yue, who was responsible for ensuring the safety of the transaction.

When Hao Yue saw the scorpion, his face darkened for a moment, and he was stunned for a long time before he said: "Oh, you are here, the money will be sent to you later."

"It's been three days and I haven't seen the money."

As soon as Scorpion sat down, he raised his legs up and swung a saber back and forth in his hand, making a foolish look, and then said: "You'd better call me the money tonight, I don't care but My gang of brothers can't suffer."

"Scorpion." Hao Yue emphasized his tone, lit a cigarette at the same time, and said, "We've been working together for a long time, and it's the first time I've seen you being so greedy."

Scorpion sneered and said, "I'm playing with my life for you. The last time the police surrounded you, I didn't bring those brothers to fight to the death to rescue you. You thought you could survive till now."

"Okay, I'll call you at night for 1000 million."

Hao Yue obviously lacked confidence when talking to Xie Zi, as if he was quite afraid of Xie Zi.

"You'd better keep your word." Scorpion stood up suddenly, walked out the door, walked like following the wind, and disappeared in an instant.

Yang Waiwai's expression was very unnatural. After the scorpion had left for a while, he said, "Master Hao, it seems that the scorpion wants to betray."

"I've seen it a long time ago." Hao Yue knew that Scorpion was not normal recently, and he kept raising money, and said, "After this time, let's see how I deal with him in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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