Chapter 281

"What are you thinking about?" Wang Teng said, "If you really want to repent, God will naturally give you a chance."

Zhao Fei's every move at the moment, including the expression on her face, vividly reflected the fear of death, and suddenly she fell to her knees on the ground, and asked Wang Teng, "Please tell me, what should I do now?" Do."

Wang Teng didn't know how to answer this question, and said, "It depends on how much you repent and how much meritorious deeds you make. If you really want to be a new person, I believe they will give you another chance."

Zhao Fei asked again excitedly: "Is that true? How many years will I be sentenced to? Tell me!"

Wang Teng: "I'm not sure about this. The more meritorious service you do, the lighter the sentence. No term? Death reprieve? It mainly depends on whether you really want to repent."

"Then what am I going to do?"

Zhao Fei cried more and more, she couldn't persuade her, her eyes were red from crying, Wang Teng immediately wiped her tears with a tissue and said: "Okay, don't cry, I will take you to see someone tomorrow , she can definitely help you."

Zhao Fei anxiously asked, "Who?"

Wang Teng shook his head: "I can't tell you now, anyway, you will know tomorrow."

Zhao Fei wiped her tears and didn't stop crying. Soon she put on her shoes and got out of bed by herself, and walked out the door. When she got there, her body was still shaking.

"Have a good rest, I'll come to you tomorrow." Seeing that Zhao Fei was crying, Wang Teng didn't look like he was acting on the occasion, otherwise he wouldn't have told her the truth, and then said: "Don't stand at the door in a daze, so as not to be caught by others." Saw."

"it is good."

Zhao Fei agreed and went back to her room.

Wang Teng looked at the time and went to the bathroom to take a cold shower early, and went back to the room to lie on the bed and didn't sleep well for another night, mainly because of Zhao Fei.

At this time, Sun Kewei sent a text message, and the phone rang twice.

Wang Teng turned on the phone and saw the message said: "Wang Teng, meet at the opposite restaurant at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, Sun Kewei will stay."

Wang Teng didn't reply to the text message, and quickly deleted the text message, and slept all night in bed as soon as the lights were turned off.

Early in the morning, when Wang Teng woke up, he saw two deep-fried dough sticks and a meat bun on the dining table. At first he thought it was brought by the waiter, but later he saw a note under the plate, which was left by Zhao Fei.

"Come downstairs to find me after breakfast. I'm Zhao Fei."

When Wang Teng saw the note, he put it aside casually, grabbed the steamed stuffed bun on the table and stuffed it into his mouth. It may be because he drank too much wine yesterday, which made his stomach empty and hungry early in the morning.

After Wang Teng finished eating, he went downstairs. When he came to the entrance of the hotel, he saw Zhao Fei standing at the door. Today she was dressed very plainly, much less sexy and fashionable than usual. After seeing Zhao Fei, Wang Teng went up He asked, "So early?"

Zhao Fei turned her head and looked at Wang Teng, and said, "Yes, didn't you say you wanted to take me to meet someone today? Let's go."

"Okay, I'll take you to see her now, and I promise you won't be disappointed."

Wang Teng immediately took out his mobile phone and called Sun Kewei, asking her where she was now, but Sun Kewei just replied that she was on the way, and then hung up the phone.

Wang Teng went up to Zhao Fei and said, "Sister Fei, let's go, I'll drive you there."

Zhao Fei nodded quickly: "Okay."

Wang Teng got into the car, Zhao Fei sat in the co-pilot, and the two of them went to the restaurant that Sun Kewei mentioned in the car. When they got there, they found that Sun Kewei had already ordered food and sat down. Ming was also next to him, and there were two other men he didn't know, but Wang Teng could tell at a glance that they were plainclothes policemen.

"Wang Teng, you are here."

Sun Kewei greeted Wang Teng immediately when he saw Wang Teng, and then saw a woman behind Wang Teng, it was Zhao Fei, and immediately asked in surprise: "What's going on? Why did you bring her here?"

As soon as the voice fell, Chen Ming stood up immediately, and when he was about to point his gun at Zhao Fei, Wang Teng rushed up and stopped him, saying, "Wait, Officer Chen, Zhao Fei came here this time to help us. "

"Help us?" Chen Ming was stunned after hearing this.

Wang Teng explained: "Yes, Zhao Fei said that she wanted to repent, and hoped that you would give her a chance to make meritorious deeds and atone for her crimes, so I brought her here."

Zhao Fei stood behind Wang Teng with her head lowered and kept silent.

Only now did Chen Ming relax his vigilance, and he took another look at Zhao Fei carefully, and said, "Okay, Wang Teng, I trust you in the person you brought here."

Sun Kewei also glared at Zhao Fei and asked, "Zhao Fei, do you really want to repent?"

Zhao Fei nodded hastily, and replied: "Yes, officer, I have never killed anyone, and they forced me to transport drugs. I took this road in a moment of confusion. I will do whatever you ask me to do." What."

Sun Kewei sighed: "Okay, I'll give you a chance to make meritorious service. Let's sit down and eat something. Let's chat while eating."

"it is good."

Zhao Fei followed suit and sat down.

Wang Teng also sat next to Zhao Fei, six of them squeezed into one table, and only a few vegetarian dishes were ordered on the table. Seeing that there were few dishes, Chen Ming immediately asked the waiter to add two more dishes.

Sun Kewei looked at Wang Teng, and said suddenly: "We now have information on several important members of the criminal gang, one of which is Hao Yue, the other is Scorpion, and the other is Tony."

Wang Teng immediately asked: "Then when are you going to do it?"

Chen Ming added next to him: "Wang Teng, don't worry, it's too early to arrest. Hao Yue and Tony are okay, but the problem is this man named Xiezi."

"Scorpion?" Wang Teng immediately remembered who this person was, and said, "I seem to have seen him before, he is a mercenary."

Chen Ming casually took out a photo from his purse, put it on the table, and said, "That's right, the person in the photo is called Scorpion, the Master Chief who has served abroad for five years, and he brought a dozen Our men are also elite troops who have participated in overseas battles, our police force is more than enough to deal with Hao Yue and Tony, but it may be difficult to deal with Scorpion."

"Then what should we do now?"

Wang Teng was quite worried when he heard this, and then asked, "Can't we send more people?"

Sun Kewei explained next to him: "You are thinking too simply. If it was a gang of mobs, a few of us would be enough, but this time the enemy is not only very strong, especially Scorpion, whose anti-reconnaissance ability is superior to ours. .”

Chen Ming then added: "That's right, we thought we'd catch it together, catch half and run half, next time it will be even more difficult to catch again."

(End of this chapter)

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