Chapter 22 Centennial Ginseng
Lin Yang really didn't know what was going on inside, so he thought it best to remind them.

"Fuck, should I go? I'm so confused."

"Me too. On the one hand, I am afraid, but on the other hand, I find it very interesting."

"Yes, it would be a pity to miss it!"

Everyone was very entangled, but few people really left.

Because of this kind of live broadcast, there is no chance to see it in normal times.

It would be a pity if you missed it.

"Okay, let's start."

After waiting for 1 minute, seeing more and more people, Lin Yang's eyes twitched.

He wanted to complain right now.

These people seem to really live in their own live broadcast room, and they can't be driven away.

"Huh? My eyes can see so far!"

After walking into the cave, Lin Yang was a little surprised.

Because I can see very far.

There is no sunlight in the cave all year round, so it is difficult to see clearly here normally.

But Lin Yang didn't.

He can see far and far with ease.

It's like being outside.

"It should be the effect of the life water I drank before."

Lin Yang smiled.

Before, after drinking it, Lin Yang felt many changes one after another.

He looks forward to the future...

He believes that there must be changes in the future.

"Holy shit, I'm claustrophobic."

"Are there any girls in the group? Come here, I need your protection."

"Fuck, I thought you wanted to protect them."

"Gender equality, I'm so scared, come and protect me."

"Wait for me to climb over the network cable, but I'm not protecting you, I'm going to kill you."

As the drone flew into the cave, the entire cave was presented in front of everyone.

That kind of darkness, that kind of decay, that kind of airtightness made everyone terrified.

They really have an immersive feeling at this time.

They knew that Lin Yang must be more scared now.

However, it didn't seem like he was very calm, as if he was in control of everything.

"Now I'm beginning to suspect that the anchor has facial paralysis. Under such circumstances, how could he not be afraid?"

"Do you think the anchor is the same as you? The anchor is the same person as me."

"Fuck, wasn't it just you who shouted for girls to protect you?"

"Damn, I forgot to change the number. This time it's really embarrassing."

"You playwright, I'll demolish your stage another day, and let's see how you still act."

"Don't be ridiculous, this kind of drama has already entered the show too deeply, not to mention that there is no stage, even if there is no audience, they will perform by themselves."


"Afraid? What's there to be afraid of! It's just a cave. You are afraid because you think too much. On the mountain, because of the crustal movement, there are actually many caves like this. Although some may Live some animals, but seriously, it's mostly empty."

While speaking, Lin Yang walked forward calmly.

Xiao Hei had already moved to a more advanced position at this time.

"I really envy Xiao Hei. His eyes can see at night, and he can see clearly even in this environment."


"Didn't you find that the anchor's eyes can also have night vision?"

"How is that possible!"

"But the anchor is not slow at all now! Although there is a torch shining, it can only illuminate a small area. You can't see clearly under your feet. Normally, the anchor should move forward tentatively, but now, He's totally at ease. It's like walking on level ground."

"Knew it!"

Hearing this, they took a closer look and found that it was indeed the case.

"I know, the anchor was able to talk to animals before, because he himself became a spirit of some kind of animal."

"Fuck, your brain is bigger than mine."

"That's not the case. How do you explain his eyes? You've all been to haunted houses. In dark places, you can't see clearly at all."

"Catch the anchor another day, and study it carefully."

"I agree!"

"And I!"

"You guys are too ruthless, I just can see a little farther than normal people, are you like this?"

Speechless, Lin Yang continued to walk forward.

Three minutes later, Lin Yang came to the end of the cave.

It's very bright here.

"Fuck, what's the situation?"

"That's right, why is it so bright in front?"

"Is there any baby?"

"It can't be the Nine Suns Divine Art!"

"As soon as you mentioned Jiuyang magic skill, I remembered it. I was playing in Huashan before. Just after I bought the ticket, I saw a book under the stone with the word Jiuyang in front. I picked it up excitedly and ran away. After going to the hotel, I found out that it was the manual of Joyoung Soymilk Maker.”

"Huashan: I got another ticket."

"Joyoung Group: I was cheated by Huashan, and sponsored so many manuals, but the sales did not increase. Instead, it was made into a joke."

"What an adventure, there should be sunshine here. That's why there is light."

Explaining, Lin Yang continued to walk forward.

At this time, the popularity of the live broadcast directly soared to 800 million.

Many people were stunned, because this data was simply an explosion.

Bai Ning, who was sitting in front of the computer, sighed silently.

She knew she was right, Lin Yang was really on fire.

Wang Wei of Feiyuwang couldn't bear it anymore.

"I have to go to Linhe Village once! If such a powerful anchor is not taken down, it will really be a big loss."

He had always wanted to wait for Lin Yang to read the private message.

Now, he has changed his mind.

Because he knew that if he continued to wait, he might really get nothing.

There are many people who think the same way as Wang Wei.

They also gave up continuing the private message, but set off directly to Lin Yang's village.

On-site signing!

They all wanted to sign a contract with Lin Yang on the spot.

In their view, this is the cash cow.

If you can't get it, you will really lose a lot.


In the cave, Lin Yang and Xiao Hei came to a place where the sun can shine.

Here, Lin Yang saw a light green plant that produced dark red fruits.

"If you break through the iron shoes, you can find nowhere, and it doesn't take much effort!"

Lin Yang smiled.

The studio exploded.

"Fuck, is this ginseng?"

"It does look like it is!"

"It's blown up, it's blown up, the anchor is blown up."

Everyone roared with excitement, as if they had discovered it themselves.

Love the house and Wu.

They all like Lin Yang very much, so they are really happy to see Lin Yang gain something.

"Call Manager Zhang!"

"Is Manager Zhang here now?"

"The baby has come out, if you don't come, you will be snatched away!"

"Ha ha!"

Everyone started to go crazy @张雷.

They knew that Zhang Lei would be particularly interested in this ginseng.

Because this is not ordinary ginseng, but pure wild ginseng.

"Come, come, come!"

Zhang Lei quickly appeared.

Before that, he and Bian Lintian had just come back, and they were going to make some tea for themselves.

As a result, I was dumbfounded as soon as I started the live broadcast.

Because he saw thousands of people crazy @自我.

Quickly, he spoke directly.

"Manager Zhang, do you have any thoughts on ginseng?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Anchor, don't give this ginseng to others. I want it, I want it, and I'll make a deposit first!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the system prompt came.

[Nanling Traditional Chinese Medicine Manager Zhang Lei sent rockets * 100]

(End of this chapter)

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