Chapter 23
"Fuck! This deposit is fine!"

"If someone gives me so much, I'll just run away."

"Is this a lot? It's just my day's wages."

"Hua Tuo: This person is hopeless, he is in the advanced stage of paranoia, bow down."

"Everyone gather at the entrance of the village. The auspicious time has come, prepare for the burial!"

"Taoist Yimei: Slow down first, I feel that the evil spirit is very strong, so let's burn it on the spot."

"...You guys are so ruthless!"

Lin Yang smiled lightly, "Actually, you don't need to pay any deposit, and it's not the first time we've been dating!"

At first, Lin Yang planned to keep this ginseng plant.

But later, Lin Yang gave up, because keeping it for himself was of little use.

I am in a hurry to repair the house now, so it is more appropriate to sell it for more money.

"What should be given will still be given."

"Ha ha!"

Smiling lightly, Lin Yang knelt down and stared at the emerald ginseng solemnly.

Lin Yang knew that it was at least a hundred years old.

"Anchor, I was going to buy ginseng before, but I don't have much experience. Can the anchor tell us about it?"

"I want to learn too!"

"That's right, anchor, talk about it!"

"Let's join in the fun with a monthly salary of [-]!"

Seeing their inquiries, Lin Yang smiled lightly, "With Manager Zhang here, I won't be playing tricks."

Zhang Lei sent it quickly.

"Anchor, I don't know much about ginseng, so I want to listen to it too."

Although Zhang Lei is the manager of Nanling Traditional Chinese Medicine, he doesn't know much about ginseng.

Because there are too few opportunities to handle ginseng.

Many times, not much per year.

Occasionally there will be, and it is also the kind of year that is very short.

So there is not much value and necessity for research.

"Okay, then I'll talk about it! There are many kinds of ginseng, let's not talk about artificially cultivated ginseng! There are also many kinds of wild ginseng, the most famous one is the blood body, it is red all over, it is a treasure among ginseng. "

"Anchor, is this blood ginseng?"

"That's right, anchor!"

"I hope, but it's not, it's just ordinary wild ginseng, but it's more than 100 years old, so it's very valuable."

With a slight smile, Lin Yang continued to talk about the identification method of ginseng.

It made everyone feel like they learned it again.

Zhang Lei also felt that he had learned.

"The students of Tsingbei University are absolutely invincible!"

"In the future, I will say hello to the Human Resources Department. All students at Qingbei University will be exempted from the exam."

"That is, they are all invincible existences."

"I feel so too."

Lin Yang's live broadcast improved Lin Yang's reputation a lot.

In addition, the popularity of Tsingbei University is much, much higher.

Many graduates of Tsingbei University are inexplicably able to get the opportunity to be exempted from the test, which surprised many people.

After understanding, they realized that it was Lin Yang's reason.

For Lin Yang, they became very grateful.

It took a full two hours for Lin Yang to dig it out completely.

No one is impatient, so no one dares to breathe.

When Lin Yang finally took it out, the live broadcast room reached the peak of madness.


"The anchor is mighty!"


"Finally successful!"


The barrage of various celebrations completely covered the entire screen.

Soon, more rewards came like crazy.

Lin Yang smiled, "Fortunately, it's not a disgrace!"

"There are so few roots!"

"And there are a lot of white spots on it!"

"It doesn't look good!"

After the excitement, everyone carefully looked at the wild ginseng held by Lin Yang.

Many people frowned slightly...

Because it's not as pretty as I thought it would be.

Also, not big enough.

Lin Yang smiled lightly, and said: "Ginseng grows underground and needs enough water, so its roots need to be well developed. In this case, it will expand its roots as little as possible! Because only in this way can it Make sure your roots are the most developed."

"As for the dots above, they are called pearl dots! Because ginseng automatically discards many small root fibers during the growth process, so they fester, and their festering leaves such white dots."

"Damn it, don't dare to question the anchor again!"

"Yeah, I got slapped in the face again!"

"The anchor is simply a walking encyclopedia."

"Encyclopedia? It feels like more than Encyclopedia!"

"I'll throw away the computer chair tomorrow and watch the anchor's live broadcast. I'm not qualified to sit in a chair!"

"Me too, I've been kneeling and watching!"


"Anchor, I talked to the boss just now, and the boss said he would buy it for 500 million, what do you think!"

"Fuck! 500 million?"

"It exploded!"

"Is it too late to change jobs tomorrow to dig ginseng? Wait online!"

"If you want to drink the northwest wind, there is time!"

"I also think that if we really go to dig ginseng, we will probably starve to death."

"Comparing people to people, it's maddening!"

They have heard of getting rich overnight before, but they have never seen getting rich overnight.

Shocked the live broadcast room for 1 years! ! !

"Okay, this price is fine!"

Lin Yang agreed!
Lin Yang knew that in fact, if he went to the market to sell it himself, he might not be able to buy it at this price.

"Okay, I'll talk to you in private later, tell me your bank account number, and I'll send you money."

"Can I chat privately?"

Lin Yang was a little surprised.

"Damn it, there is finally an anchor who doesn't understand!"

"Shou's cloud opens to see the moonlight."

"Haha, that's great, I'm so happy, I'll add an extra bowl of rice tonight."


Seeing Lin Yang's surprised look, everyone seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood.

At this time, they were really happier than picking up 100 yuan for nothing.

"You are too exaggerated!"

With a helpless smile, Lin Yang took a closer look, only to find that there was indeed a private chat.

At this time, he saw that there were still private messages.

I actually have hundreds of unread private messages.

"What's all this?"

Surprised for a moment, Lin Yang clicked on them, and soon, Lin Yang saw all kinds of information.

Almost everyone invited themselves to join.

Lin Yang was really frightened.

Because there are people on all major platforms.

"It looks like I'm really famous, otherwise, they wouldn't be so crazy."

Smiling lightly, Lin Yang saw a system prompt.

"Manager Zhang of Nanling Traditional Chinese Medicine applied to add you as a friend, do you agree?"


After quickly agreeing, I became friends with him.

"Anchor, give me your account when you wait, and I will send money."


Knowing that the bank card was at home, Lin Yang was not in a hurry, but temporarily turned off the private chat.

After that, Lin Yang turned around in place.

Soon, he sighed with regret.

Originally, Lin Yang expected to find something else, but he never found it again.

"I seem to be a little greedy!"

Lin Yang shook his head lightly...

Lin Yang knew that he was really lucky to find this century-old ginseng here.

So really be content with yourself.

After saying hello to Xiao Hei, Lin Yang walked back quickly with it.

Five minutes later, Lin Yang and it came out one after the other.

(End of this chapter)

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