Chapter 301

"Yangyang, when will the money arrive?" A villager couldn't wait, so he asked.

"What? There are foreigners here, and he will lie to you?" Second Uncle said displeased.

The villagers shrank their heads and muttered, "I'm not in a hurry."


There was a roar of cars, and everyone looked towards the entrance of the village, only to see a cloud of dust rising up, covering the sky and the sun.

Bai Ning drove the car and came to the ancestral hall first.

"Lin Yang, I brought all the money."

Bai Ning didn't look at the surrounding villagers, and stepped in front of Lin Yang on high heels.

"What about the money? Why do I only see you?" Lin Binbin sized Bai Ning up and down, and thought to himself, "Why is Lin Yang so lucky? Find such a good woman."

"Have you seen money?" Bai Ning turned his head, pushed his glasses, glanced at Lin Binbin lightly, and said, "There are tens of millions in total. Do you think I can carry it in alone?"

Lin Binbin was speechless when questioned.

After a while, one black van after another stopped at the gate of the ancestral hall.

On the black armored van, several cash transporters with guns came down, each with a majestic expression, standing guard beside the armored van.

Several staff members in the car moved the boxes out one by one.

A group of villagers with bright eyes hurriedly came forward to look at it, chattering and chatting.

"What the hell is this? Isn't it all our money?"

"I think it should be, the 2000 million must be piled up into a mountain, right?"

"Oh, if you want to say that Yangyang is rich and promising, you can give 2000 million if you say so."

At this time, a staff member opened the box, revealing a red label.

The eyes of a group of villagers were green. If they didn't look at the gun in the hand of the money transporter, they might have gone up to grab it!

"Oh, it's really our money, this, this is how much this is."

"I already said 2000 million."

"2000 million is so much? Give me half of it, and the three generations of our family will have nothing to worry about."

At the entrance of the ancestral hall, there are boxes of money piled up several layers, and the red soft sister coins are dazzling!

Lin Binbin's mother and son looked at such a pile of money, their eyes turned green.

"Son, when will you be able to make this money? Both of our ancestral graves are smoking!" The aunt stared at Ruanmeibi with a greedy expression on her face.

"Mom, we've settled our relationship with Lin Huan, so we're afraid we won't be able to do it if we don't have money?" Lin Binbin said in a low voice, "I've already told Lin Huan about Lin Yang!"

"Mr. Lin, all 2000 million yuan has arrived here! Do you need us to check for you?" The staff shouted into the ancestral hall.

Everyone turned their heads to look at Lin Yang, and all of them shut up.

Lin Yang walked towards the door, and everyone automatically moved out of the way.

Lin Binbin stared straight at Lin Yang with jealous and vicious eyes.

Lin Yang naturally noticed him too, but he didn't respond at all.

"No need to order, I trust your bank." Lin Yang said.

"Then please sign it." The staff took out the document and handed it to Lin Yang.

After signing, the staff just left.

Lin Yang turned his head, looked at a crowd of villagers, and said, "The money has been delivered, you can share it among yourself."

As soon as the words fell, a group of villagers couldn't wait to get started.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yang went on to say: "However, if you take the money, I don't care about the work in the future!"

"It's okay, I'll take the money, of course I won't bother you."

"Yes, yes, just take the money, and work matters, we will figure out a way by ourselves."

How can a group of villagers still think about work, and every one of them can't wait to fall into the pile of money.

"Okay, take the money." Lin Yang said lightly.

As soon as the words fell, a group of people rushed up the mountain immediately, and began to take money one after another.

Lin Binbin's mother yelled, "Get out of the way, I still have my share!"

Lin Yang sneered, and his eyes fell on Lin Binbin who was beside him.

Facing Lin Yang's cold gaze, Lin Binbin's heart skipped a beat, and he said, "What do you want to do?"

"Lin Binbin, framed me time and time again, framed me, you and I should have no grievances, right? You can't be taking advantage of someone by doing this, right?"

There was a sneer on Lin Yang's face, his eyes were like knives, Lin Binbin felt guilty, and his eyes were dodging.

"No, no, don't talk nonsense!" Lin Binbin said: "I'm from your hometown, and I can't see you bullying my fellow villagers like this!"

"You speak nicely." Lin Yang said coldly, "I will find out, and you can figure it out then!"

Lin Yang emphasized the last few words.

Lin Binbin felt a "thump" in his heart, as if he had been hit hard with a hammer.

Lin Yang stopped talking to him, walked straight up to the second uncle, and said, "Uncle, I am causing you trouble."

"No trouble, no trouble." The second uncle said, "It's just these white-eyed wolves who don't know what's good."

"Second uncle, let's not talk about them. I came back today to pick up Miaomiao." Lin Yang said.

"What? Where do you want to pick up?" The second uncle said in surprise: "You and Miaomiao, no, no really..."

Bai Ning's face was calm, but his heart was already overwhelmed.

"Lin Yang, he, and Lin Miaomiao have already..."

Lin Miaomiao also looked at Lin Yang in surprise, her delicate face instantly turned into a red apple, "Brother Lin Yang, could he..."

Seeing everyone's reaction, Lin Yang said dumbfoundedly, "Second Uncle, where are you going? I'm taking Miaomiao to work."

"Miaomiao may have been at home for a long time, so she should go to work. Bai Ning just needs an assistant, so I want Miaomiao to go."

When the second uncle heard this, he was relieved, but he felt a little disappointed.

"Hey, look at me, where am I going?" The second uncle patted his head and said, "You don't need to tell me about this, you can just talk to Miaomiao."

"I promise, I also want to go to work." Lin Miaomiao said hastily.

She lowered her head, fiddling with the corners of her clothes with both hands, thinking to herself. "Brother Lin Yang wants to start a company, so he probably won't be back for a long time. If I don't follow, what if I'm really snatched away by sister Bai Ning?"

Bai Ning frowned slightly, and then quickly relaxed it, thinking to himself: "It seems that Lin Yang always misses his sister..."

"It's almost time, Lin Yang, I still have a lot to do." Bai Ning looked at his watch and said, "How about I go first?"

"No, I'll be with you," Lin Yang said.

Lin Yang and Bai Ning left the ancestral hall with Lin Miaomiao and headed towards Qin City.

And all the villagers who got the money also returned home happily, and no one cared what Lin Miaomiao was doing with Lin Yang.

After Lin Binbin returned home, he kept thinking about what Lin Yang said to him just now.

At home, he was restless, thinking, "Lin Yang is a rich man after all, if he deals with me, what am I going to do?"

"No, I have to go to Lin Huan and ask him to help me!"

(End of this chapter)

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