Chapter 302
What Lin Binbin didn't know was that Lin Huan was with Chen Jian at the moment.

The afterglow scattered on the main street, and the whole Fushi City was covered with golden sunshine.

In a whiskey bar, people were pushing and changing glasses, and a man in a suit was elegantly playing soothing piano music.

In the box of the bar, Lin Huan held the wine glass, leaned forward slightly, and said to Chen Jian: "Mr. Chen, Lin Yang is returning to the village today."

"He is now going to set up a company in Qin City, you say... how will we deal with him next?"

Chen Jian shook the wine glass in his hand, pondered for a moment, and said, "Lin Yang's contract with Panda Live is terminated, which means he can't live broadcast now."

"If at this time, someone can disintegrate his popularity and pull him down from the altar, we have basically succeeded in defeating him."

Lin Huan frowned when he heard the words, and asked with a puzzled look: "Then... how do we dismantle his popularity?"

"Find a suitable candidate to be the anchor." Chen Jian said, "It's better to be someone who has a relationship with Lin Yang, and personally slander Lin Yang!"

When Lin Huan heard this, his eyes lit up immediately, and he said, "I know Lin Yang, how about I come? If it succeeds, will I..."

"You can't." Chen Jian interrupted him directly, and said: "You are a real estate agent, plus you knew Young Master Chen before. If others want to rape you, they will strip all your information."

Lin Huan froze for a moment, slapped his thigh, and said, "I have someone to choose! A college student in my village also had a feud with Lin Yang!"

"Then let him come to see me tomorrow, and I'll contact Wang Qian. I think he will be happy to cooperate with me to defeat Lin Yang." Chen Jian said lightly.

"Okay, I'll contact him right away!"

Lin Huan left in a hurry and called Lin Binbin directly.

At this moment, Lin Binbin was in a hurry and wanted to find Lin Huan, but he didn't expect his phone call.

He stood up from the chair at home with a "squeak", picked up the phone, and said, "Boss Lin, what do you think about Lin Yang?"

"He seems to have seen that I was instructed by someone. He said that if he finds out who is behind the scenes, he will definitely not be polite!"

When Lin Huan heard this, a sneer appeared on his face, and he said, "You're welcome? I want to see how rude he is! Don't worry, he won't be around for long!"

"Do you have a way to deal with him?" Lin Binbin asked in surprise.

"If you come to Fushi tomorrow, I'll talk to you when I meet." Lin Huan said, "You're lucky, the Chen Group will use you!"

Lin Binbin was overjoyed when he heard the words, and said, "Okay, thank you Mr. Lin! I will definitely go to Fushi tomorrow!"

After hanging up the phone, his face was full of smiles, and he muttered, "Lin Yang, let's see how long you can be arrogant!"

As night fell, Lin Yang was bored in the hotel playing with his mobile phone and surfing the Internet.

Inadvertently, an article titled "Will Lin Yang Quit the Live Streaming World" caught Lin Yang's attention.

Lin Yang usually doesn't care about this kind of news at all, but now that he hasn't broadcasted live for a long time, he also wants to know what kind of attitude his fans have towards him now.

After clicking on the article, Lin Yang was dragged directly to the comment section.

Under this article, a total of more than 2 comments came into view. Lin Yang looked at the comments and couldn't help laughing.

"Woooooooooo, support my family Lin Yang to start his own business! But I haven't watched his live broadcast, so I'm thinking about it!"

"My mother used to watch Lin Yang's live broadcast every day, and she didn't beat me. Now that Lin Yang doesn't live broadcast, my mother beats me when she sees me! She even compares me to him!"

"Lin Yang, where are you? As a fan, I've never seen someone who doesn't care about his fans!"

"Oh my god, Lin Yang, I'm so bored if you don't broadcast live, I feel like losing my soul after get off work every day."

After reading the comments one after another, Lin Yang regained his energy and sat up from the bed.

"It seems that it should be broadcasted live. It is true that it has not been broadcasted for a long time."

Lin Yang thought about it, so he called Bai Ning.

"Hello? I was about to call you. Miaomiao and I are having dinner, are you coming?" Bai Ning asked.

"Then you eat first, I want to ask, I want to live broadcast now, is there any way?" Lin Yang asked.

Bai Ning thought for a moment, and said, "If you are an ordinary person, it's okay to say, but you are Lin Yang, and other live broadcast platforms probably won't allow you to live broadcast."

"Then when will our company and live broadcast platform be established?" Lin Yang continued to ask.

"Then it will probably take a month. Why are you in such a hurry to broadcast live?" Bai Ning joked.

"Why don't I have nothing to do? Don't talk about it, let's do this first."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yang stretched and muttered, "Forget it, let's talk about it after a month's rest."

The night passed, Lin Yang slept soundly, and the next morning, Lin Yang also stayed in the hotel bored.

Bai Ning, on the other hand, went back and forth in various departments and organizations to maintain the company's affairs.

Neither of them expected that the biggest crisis since Lin Yang's debut was gradually approaching!

In the early morning, in a private club, Lin Binbin sat awkwardly between Lin Huan and Chen Jian.

Sitting next to this table was an old acquaintance of Lin Yang - Wang Qian!
He looked at the high-end decoration in the club, the expensive dishes on the table, his eyes were shining, and he secretly sighed in his heart: "The life of the rich is good."

"If I still stay in the village and work as a laborer, I probably won't be able to eat such good food in my life."

Seeing Lin Binbin's envious face, looking left and right, Chen Jian sneered in his heart, "What a country bumpkin."

"Lin Binbin, right?" Chen Jian leaned on the chair, tapped his fingers on the table, and asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, I am." Lin Binbin got up quickly, lowered his head, and replied respectfully.

"Do you know what I asked you to do?" Chen Jian asked.

"I know, you want me to deal with Lin Yang." Lin Binbin said with a smile all over his face: "That kid doesn't know how powerful the world is, and he actually opposes you. He must end up badly."

"He's not against me, he's against the Chen family!" Chen Jian took out a cigar with an aluminum tube.

He opened the aluminum tube leisurely, pulled out the cigar, lit a match, and watched the match burn at the front of the cigar.

"Mr. Chen, what you are saying is that he will not end well if he fights against the Chen family." Lin Binbin said with respect and fear while bending over.

"Okay, Mr. Wang, tell me how you want Lin Binbin to deal with Lin Yang?" Chen Jian raised his eyes and glanced at Wang Qian.

"Ahem." Wang Qian cleared his throat and said, "Mr. Chen, since this Lin Binbin is a fellow of Lin Yang, it will be easy."

"In the name of Panda Live, I will start a live broadcast company and software under another name, and make a gimmick to package Lin Binbin."

"Then start the live broadcast directly, it's that simple!"

(End of this chapter)

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