Chapter 303 My God!

Lin Binbin was overjoyed when he saw that there was something going on!
He felt that this might be a turning point in his life, when he reached the pinnacle of his life!
He hurriedly bowed to Wang Qian, Chen Jian, and Lin Huan, and said, "Don't worry, everyone, if there is anything that needs me to do, I will do my best!"

A sneer twitched at the corner of Chen Jian's mouth, and he said contemptuously, "Don't you just want money? But have you thought about the consequences if this matter is not handled well?"

Lin Binbin's heart skipped a beat, the smile on his face became stiff, and he didn't know how to answer for a while, so he could only look at Lin Huan.

Lin Huan glanced at him, lowered his head, and ignored him at all.

"Hahaha." Chen Jian laughed suddenly, and said, "Don't be nervous, it's normal if you don't succeed, if you can defeat Lin Yang, you will be a ghost."

"However, I can give you a chance to try and try to prevent the development of Lin Yang's career."

"As for your reward, after this matter is completed, I will give you 1000 million."

1000 million!

Lin Binbin's eyes lit up when he heard these three words, and he hurriedly said, "Thank you, thank you!"

"By the way, how are you going to deal with Lin Yang?" Wang Qian interjected and asked.

"Lin Yang and I grew up together, this gimmick should be fine, plus I can smear his black material, anyway, now netizens don't care about the truth at all."

Lin Binbin answered crisply.

Hearing this, Wang Qian looked at Chen Jian and asked what he meant.

Among these few people, Chen Jian was obviously the key point!
Tapping his fingers on the table, he said casually: "Okay, let's do this. Speed ​​up and try to make trouble for Lin Yang."

"Don't worry, we will do it well!" Wang Qian said.

"By the way, Wang Qian, if you get things done, the Chen family will consider investing in you."

After finishing the words, Chen Jian left the bar box directly.

Wang Qian's eyes lit up immediately, and his heart was filled with excitement.

Although Wang Qian's company has been listed, but for a behemoth like the Chen Group, Panda Live is like playing house.

What's more, now that Lin Yang has left Panda Live, his market value keeps dropping, and Wang Qian is already devastated by this!

If we can get the help of the Chen Group, Panda Live may become the best live broadcast company in China!

Wang Qian glanced at Lin Huan and Lin Binbin, and said, "Both of you, from now on, we are also on the same boat."

"They are all working for the Chen Group, so everyone should do their best."

"Of course." Lin Huan said: "If you need me to do something, just ask."

"Go and contact various TV stations and newspaper reporters, and give them some money."

"No problem!" Lin Huan agreed, and immediately went to work.

"Lin Binbin, go and fabricate a few articles specifically to smear Lin Yang. I don't think this will be too difficult for you?" Wang Qian looked at Lin Binbin and asked.

"Not big, not big." Lin Binbin said: "I'll do it right away!"

After the decision was made, the three of them left to prepare for their errands.

The name and capital of the Chen Group, coupled with Wang Qian's promotion in the media circle.

All kinds of out-of-the-box scandals about Lin Yang immediately dominated the headlines of almost all media!

For a while, Lin Yang once again became the focus of media attention.

And those reporters and TV stations who received money from Chen's family also started to move around.

In the Qinshi TV station, the director was on the phone in the office, and said with a serious expression: "Arrange two reporters, contact Lin Yang now, and interview him for me!"

"Remember, you must pay attention to editing! Follow the method proposed by Mr. Chen!"

In the newspaper office of Qin City Daily, the editor-in-chief also said to the reporter in a hurried tone.

"Now, immediately, immediately! Contact Lin Yang for me. No matter what he says, you should know how to write!"

"Yes, I'll get in touch right away!" said the reporter.

And the articles in various Internet self-media and web browsers were overwhelming for a while, and almost all of them had the word "Lin Yang" written on them.

Under the darkness of night, Lin Yang began to rest early.

And a group of Lin Yang's fans on the Internet are completely blown away!
A female fan of Lin Yang was reading all kinds of articles in the school dormitory, with her mouth open enough to fit a light bulb.

"My God! Sisters, look quickly, some people say that Lin Yang has been deceiving the people in their village all this time, and that he is pretending to be harmonious in the village!"

A girl stared at the screen and said with a look of surprise.

A girl who was putting on a facial mask said calmly: "Don't make noise, it must be fake news again, my idol is really popular!"

"I'm going, look it up! This doesn't seem to be fake news. Someone said that it was Lin Yangfa who broke the news! They said they still live in the village!"

Another girl said in surprise.

"What!" The girl who put on the mask yelled, pulled off the mask, and ran to the computer to read the article.

This article is written like a crime, full of black material such as Lin Yang's deception and oppression of the villagers.

The girl who had just put on the mask said in a daze, "Isn't it? You are still domineering in the village and look down on the fellow villagers. If anyone dares to question, they will be beaten?"

"Crazy? How is this possible?" said another girl.

The girl who was manipulating the computer pulled the article to the bottom, and a video of a person suddenly appeared, and who was the person in the video if it wasn't Lin Binbin?
"Everyone, I'm Lin Binbin, Lin Yang's younger brother! I'm in Jing'an Village now!"

"I wrote this article. If you don't believe me, you can investigate as you like!"

Halfway through Lin Binbin's words, an aunt suddenly appeared on the screen.

This aunt was crying in front of the camera with tears in her eyes and tears in her eyes.

"That damn Lin Yang, every time we are in the village, we have to act for him. Today I have to say it!"

"Today, when he was in our village, he threatened my son and said that if he dared to disclose the matter, he would trouble my son! Please help! Spread the video!"

The video screen ends here.

As for Lin Yang's female fans, they looked at the computer screen for a while before recovering.

A girl slumped on the bed and said, "It's over, I'm going to change my husband again!"

"You just changed husbands, but Lin Yang has always been my idol! The benchmark of my efforts!" The girl who put on the mask raised her head and shouted.

"Do you think it might be fake?" said the girl who controlled the computer.

"Impossible!" Another girl said: "Lin Yang, rich and powerful, he can still fight! He can do anything, why do you think they provoke Lin Yangtu?"

"Could it be that Panda Live terminated the contract with Lin Yang and framed Lin Yang?" The girl continued to ask.

"Impossible!" The other two girls said at the same time.

"The panda live broadcast is almost half-dead without Lin Yang, and still fighting against Lin Yang? Crazy?"

(End of this chapter)

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