My leisurely life live in the countryside

Chapter 304 The sky is turned upside down

Chapter 304 The sky is turned upside down
The girls were silent for a moment, and the girl who put on the mask suddenly said: "I've decided! Take off the powder!"

"Yes! Off fans! Such a scumbag is not worth it!"

"Although he is very good, he is too scumbag!"

The three girls took off their fans collectively, and started questioning Lin Yang online one after another.

And this kind of story happened again and again today.

Lin Yang's fan group who had posted on the bar at the beginning also began to turn back countless people.

"Don't try to persuade me, I'm definitely a fan now!"

"Sure enough, I said how can there be such a perfect person in this world, it's impossible!"

"I'm out of fans, I hope Lin Yang will turn around soon!"

Lin Yang's fan post bar back then, countless people quit overnight!
Except for the post bar, even the fan group on a certain blog, the number of people is all dropping crazily!

And all of this just happened overnight!
And Lin Binbin, who was looking at these data, was laughing from ear to ear at home right now!

"Mom, just watch, this Lin Yang can't dance for two days!" Lin Binbin said viciously: "When Lin Yang goes down, I want him to kneel in front of me!"

"Son, do you think that the person Lin Yang provoked will really give us 1000 million?" Aunt asked with some doubts.

"Is this still fake?" Lin Binbin said: "The Chen Group is one of the best companies in our big country, and 1000 million is nothing to them!"

"If you want me to say, if you hug the thigh of the Chen family in the future, it will be more than 1000 million in the future?"

Hearing this, the aunt's face suddenly burst into a smile, her eyes were narrowed, and a sharp laugh came out of her mouth.

"Hey, it's still my son who is promising. It is said that those who know the current affairs are the best, and I think my son is!"

"Mom, you are quite educated! From now on, we will be upper-class people, you should study more!" Lin Binbin said.

"Yes, yes, from now on, we will be upper-class people, and we won't live here anymore. Tomorrow, if anyone in our village pokes our spine, I will not deal with him!"

The aunt held her head high, twisted her waist, folded her hands on her chest, and her slanted eyeballs were full of disdain.

At this moment, Wang Qian was also paying attention to the news on the Internet. Seeing that Lin Yang's data kept dropping, he thought to himself.

"Sure enough, as soon as the Chen family made a move, those media that couldn't move started to make a move. Lin Yang must be doomed this time!"

Wang Qian lay on the office chair, exhaled a long breath, and murmured in a low voice: "Lin Yang has fallen, and the stock of the labor-management company should also rise."

At this moment, the biggest behind-the-scenes man in this matter, the instigator, was making a phone call in the hotel.

"Mr. Chen, he has already started to attack Lin Yang." Chen Jian held the phone and smiled all over his face, as if Chen Xiong was right in front of him.

"Mr. Chen, this is the first night, and Lin Yang's fans basically started to collapse. In addition, it is difficult for him to start a company. I think his career will be ruined soon."

Chen Xiong on the other end of the phone was silent for a long time before saying in a hoarse voice: "I see, you try to bring down Lin Yang as soon as possible!"

"I want him to come to the imperial capital and kowtow to my son to apologize!"

"Don't worry, I will do it as soon as possible." Chen Jian said respectfully.

"By the way, contact some institutions in Qin City and tell them that if they get stuck with Lin Yang's procedures, I won't be able to open his company!" Chen Xiong said word by word, gnashing his teeth.


After hanging up the phone, Chen Jian let out a long breath, and whispered in a low voice: "If you didn't need your last sum of money, labor and management would have quit!"

"However, I didn't expect that Lin Yang's number of fans and reputation would drop so quickly."

All of this was in full swing, like sparks starting a prairie fire, until the next morning, the bell next to Bai Ning's pillow rang.

She rubbed her sleepy eyes, turned off the alarm clock, and turned on the phone habitually.

The first time it was opened, a push caught her attention.

She immediately sat up from the bed.Rubbing his eyes, he said in a low voice: "Scum Lin Yang, who violently deceives ordinary people and college students?"

"Hey, what's going on here?"

Bai Ning lost all sleepiness immediately, and immediately started surfing the Internet.

For half an hour, Bai Ning looked at the overwhelming comments on the Internet and the data about Lin Yang's fan group, and his face was ashen for a while.

"This, did it become like this overnight?" Bai Ning looked at the screen and said in a daze.


Bai Ning's phone vibrated, and Lin Miaomiao called.

As soon as the connection was made, before Bai Ning could speak, Lin Miaomiao on the other end of the phone said anxiously.

"Sister Bai, have you read it online? What should we do now?"

"That Lin Binbin is talking nonsense! Brother Lin Yang is treating us well in the village!"

"Miaomiao, don't be angry, you mean, do you know the person who spread these rumors?" Bai Ning asked.

"Yes, we belong to the same village!" Lin Miaomiao said anxiously, "Sister Bai, what should I do now? Brother Lin Yang managed to start a company, but it hasn't opened yet!"

"Don't worry, I'll find you, tell me slowly!"

After finishing speaking, Bai Ning immediately hung up the phone and drove to the downstairs of Lin Miaomiao Hotel.

The latter also waited downstairs in the hotel for a long time. As soon as Bai Ning's car arrived, she got into the car immediately and explained the whole series of things about Lin Binbin and Lin Yang clearly.

Hearing this, Bai Ning pushed his glasses, a calm and shrewd light appeared in his eyes.

"Miaomiao, don't worry. From my point of view, Lin Binbin can't make it out of such a big fight yesterday! There must be someone behind it!"

Lin Miaomiao frowned anxiously, pouted, and said, "Brother Lin Yang didn't do anything, why did someone hurt him!"

Hearing this, Bai Ning couldn't help but gave a wry smile, without answering, he drove directly to the downstairs of Lin Yang Hotel, and called Lin Yang.

While Lin Yang was exercising, he picked up the phone and asked, "Bai Ning, what's the matter this early in the morning?"

"You can't wait, why are you still sleeping? Come down quickly, let's discuss what to do." Bai Ning said.

Lin Yang raised his mouth slightly, and said, "You mean about Lin Binbin?"

"You know?" Bai Ning asked in surprise.

"Of course I know, there's an uproar on the Internet!" Lin Yang said casually.

"Then you're still so calm? Come down quickly, let's talk about what to do." Bai Ning said eagerly.

"Okay, I'm coming down now."

After hanging up the phone, Bai Ning let out a long breath and said to Lin Miaomiao.

"Your brother Lin Yang seems to know about this matter already. Judging from his tone, there should be a solution."

(End of this chapter)

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