Chapter 305
Lin Miaomiao heard the words, patted her small chest, breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "It's okay, brother Lin Yang is lucky! If it were an ordinary person, I probably wouldn't be able to bear it."

"That's right, that's Lin Yang. After something like this happened, he's still so calm." Bai Ning said.

At this time, Lin Yang left the hotel, got into Bai Ning's car, and joked, "What are you two saying bad about me?"

Lin Miaomiao turned around from the front row with a smile, looked at Lin Yang, and asked, "Brother Lin Yang, sister Bai said, you already have a way to deal with this matter, is it true?"

Lin Yang pampered Lin Miaomiao's head, and said, "Haha, it's your elder sister Bai Ning who understands me, and I really have a solution."

"Then tell me, what can you do?" Bai Ning also turned his head, looked at Lin Yang curiously, and said, "I guess Lin Binbin didn't make this up alone."

"Could it be that you know who is instigating Lin Binbin? Or did you already know about it and plan ahead?"

"The last time I went back to the village, I found out that he was the one who made things difficult for me. I have nothing against him. It is obviously abnormal for him to treat me like this."

"At that time, I guessed that someone was asking him to do something. Who do you think is the most likely to do so?"

As soon as Lin Yang finished speaking, the two girls looked at each other, and immediately said in unison: "Chen Shaobing!"

Lin Yang nodded and said, "The person who is most likely to do this now is him!"

"But, according to Chen Ping, didn't he go to the imperial capital?" Bai Ning frowned, pushed his glasses and said.

Lin Yang shrugged and said, "I'll just call Chen Ping and find out."

The phone was connected, and before Lin Yang could speak, Chen Ping on the other end of the phone spoke.

"Now I know all the things on the Internet, you want to ask if Chen Shaobing did it?"

"Yes, did he come back?" Lin Yang asked.

"No, he's still in the imperial capital. However, his father probably sent someone to do this. Chen Xiong especially cares about saving face and protecting the calf."

"I've said it a long time ago, I want you to be careful, I guess this is just the beginning."

Chen Ping sighed on the other end of the phone, was silent for a moment, and said, "If you need any help, you can call me."

"Thanks, but it shouldn't be necessary for now."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yang told the two girls what Chen Ping had said.

The two of them frowned suddenly, their faces full of sorrow.

"What are you doing with such an expression?" Lin Yang laughed, and said, "Now go back to the village, find my second uncle and others, and let them start the live broadcast, too?"

Bai Ning frowned slightly, and said, "Now, this is the only way to go."

"However, I don't know if netizens will believe what your second uncle said. Maybe they will think that you are forcing your second uncle."

Lin Yang smiled nonchalantly, and said, "Try it, can a living person be suffocated by urine?"

Bai Ning rolled his eyes and said, "It's only you who can be so leisurely now."

Lin Yang shrugged his shoulders and did not speak. He was thinking to himself, "The Chen Group, it seems that the purpose of the commercial sector of the system is to defeat the Chen Group."

"If the live broadcast of the second uncle and others doesn't work this time, what should I do next?"

Lin Yang leaned on the back seat, slowly closed his eyes, and fell into deep thought.

Even Lin Yang, who has faced life and death, still feels powerless when facing these things.

And the indifference he showed just now was just because he didn't want to burden the two girls more.

shopping mall!It was something Lin Yang had never experienced before!
At this moment, Lin Huan, Wang Qian, and Lin Binbin were not idle either.

The three gathered in Wang Qian's office, discussing the next move.

"Yesterday's effect is very good! I didn't expect that Lin Yang, who has always been the king of popularity, became the object of everyone's spurning overnight."

Wang Qian's brows were beaming with joy, and his ears almost reached the back of his ears.

"Then what should we do next?" Lin Huan said, "I'm not familiar with this kind of thing."

"Yesterday, Mr. Chen Jian told me to go to various institutions and tell them not to let Lin Yang's company open!" Wang Qian said.

Lin Huan nodded, stood up and said, "I'll do it right away!"

"What about me? What should I do? When can I start the live broadcast?" Lin Binbin asked eagerly.

"You want to replace Lin Yang and become the new popular anchor?" Wang Qian stared straight at Lin Binbin, as if he could see through his thoughts.

Lin Binbin smiled awkwardly, and said, "No, no, I just want to help Mr. Chen and get things done as soon as possible."

Wang Qian sneered and said, "Don't worry, you go and shoot a video, saying that you want to break the news to Lin Yang, but after ensuring your own safety, the time is set for next Monday!"

"Okay, I'll do it right away!"

Lin Binbin didn't ask any more questions, and went straight to work.

Wang Qian watched the two leave, with a sneer on his face, lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and whispered.

"In order to climb the big tree of the Chen Group, I really worked hard..."

While speaking, he took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Mr. Wang, you did what happened to Lin Yang yesterday? How did you do it?"

The voice of another live broadcast company boss came from the other end of the phone.

"It's not me, but don't ask too many questions. All I can say is that Lin Yang has provoked him. He is an important figure in the world and a big company!" Wang Qian said.

The person on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly, and said, "Isn't that just what we want? This Lin Yang, I'm still afraid that once his company starts, our companies will have no way out!"

"So, in order to completely finish Lin Yang, I need you to do me a favor." Wang Qian said.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

"Notify the people from other live broadcast companies, as long as the address is Fushi, people from Jing'an Village will not be allowed to register for the live broadcast!"

"Also, get ready, we will join forces to find a certain blog, and Lin Yang and other people from Jing'an Village will not be allowed to live broadcast and post statements on it!"

The person on the other end of the phone immediately understood what Wang Qian meant, and said, "Boss Wang, your move is poisonous!"

"You're covering Lin Yang's mouth to prevent him from speaking!"

"If he can open his mouth to refute, then don't we have to work hard?" Wang Qian said jokingly.

"Okay, I'll do it right away!"

After hanging up the phone, Wang Qian's eyes flashed brightly, and he thought to himself: "Lin Yang, it's not my fault!"

"It's you who want to terminate the contract and want to take my job! What's more, you actually provoke the Chen Group, you are beyond your control!"

"Now, I guess you will go to the villagers to clarify it for you? But... there is no chance!"

(End of this chapter)

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