Chapter 306 System Penalties
Lin Yang and Bai Ning were still on their way to the countryside.

Along the way, the car was very quiet, and Lin Yang was resting with his eyes closed.

Suddenly, the sound of the system sounded in his brain.

"The system prompts that the company will be officially opened within two weeks. Complete the task and reward the fully mature live broadcast company system."

"If the task fails, the system will punish and confiscate all income from the host."

Hearing this, Lin Yang's heart tightened suddenly, and he thought to himself: "The difficulty of the game seems to have suddenly increased?"

He opened his eyes and asked in a calm tone: "Bai Ning, how are you preparing for the company's certificates and the like? When can we open?"

"There should be no problem with the certificates. The main reason is that the company needs a professional team, which is more difficult." Bai Ning said.

"You don't have to worry about that, just get the certificate as much as possible." Lin Yang said.

"Do you have a professional team?" Bai Ning asked in surprise.

Lin Yang smiled and said, "Guess?"

Bai Ning rolled his eyes, and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "I know you have a way."

"Brother Lin Yang is amazing!" Lin Miaomiao said with a smile.

At this time, the car had already reached the entrance of the village.

The bright sun shines on the earth, and it is golden.

Bai Ning stopped the car at the entrance of the village. As soon as he got out of the car, everyone in Lin Yang saw two people arguing about something in the distance from the entrance of the village.

The voice from afar was urgent and hoarse. Bai Ning frowned and asked, "Who are these two? What are they arguing about?"

Lin Yang frowned, took a closer look, and said, "Lin Binbin's mother, and the village chief?"

"Go, go and have a look."

But at this moment, at the entrance of the ancestral hall at the entrance of the village, the village head and Lin Binbin's mother insisted on their own opinions, arguing red-faced.

Lin Binbin's mother's face was flushed, her eyes were round and round, her body was bloated like a bucket, and her fat was trembling.

She wiped the greasy sweat from her forehead, pointed at the village chief, and scolded in a sharp voice: "You are meddling in your own business! I can't see my son doing well! You old man!"

"You, you shrew!" The village head pointed at the aunt with a cigarette stick, and said angrily: "It's just you and your son who talk nonsense on the Internet, do you still have a conscience!"

"Conscience?" The aunt sneered, looked at the village chief contemptuously, and said, "Can conscience raise a son for you? Can conscience make you more money? Conscience can only starve you to death!"


"Hey, don't you don't like to hear it. Look at the villagers in our village. When they see me now, don't they greet me with a smile? It's you, this old man!"

The aunt's eyes were wide open, and the whites of her eyes were bloodshot, which was extremely frightening.

"Village Chief, what happened?" Lin Yang hurried forward, staring at Auntie with sharp eyes.

The aunt held her head high, snorted coldly, put her hands on her chest, and muttered, "Reserved dog, what are you doing back here?"

Mumbling, she glanced at Lin Yang and left quickly.

Lin Yang glanced at her, and asked the village chief, "Village chief, what happened?"

The village chief took a look at Lin Yang and the three of them, took a puff of dry tobacco, and let out a long breath.

He put his hands behind his back, stooped his body, and said: "Oh, Yangyang, it's a long story, let's go sit at your place and talk, there are so many people here."

The village chief walked towards Lin Yang's home before Lin Yang could speak.

Lin Yang and Bai Ning looked at each other, and hurriedly followed.

The countryside is still filled with the smell of soil and wheat fields, and the sound of golden wheat waves is still rustling.

The villagers, as usual, carried hoes, walked on the country road, and walked towards the fields.

An old man was carrying a hoe, met Lin Yang and the others, and walked towards the field.

Lin Yang smiled at him, and just about to say hello, the uncle suddenly turned his head, pretending not to see Lin Yang, quickened his pace, and walked past Lin Yang.

Lin Yang frowned, and thought to himself: "Could it be that what happened in the ancestral hall last time made the villagers have opinions on me? But didn't I give money?"

Confused in his heart, another villager walked past him.

Like the old man just now, this villager lowered his head and walked past Lin Yang at a faster pace.

This looks like how scary Lin Yang looks.

Along the way, I met several villagers, but their attitudes were almost the same.

Lin Yang frowned, knowing that something had happened.

When they came home, several people sat at the tea table, and Lin Yang asked while making tea for the village chief.

"Village Chief, when I came back just now, why did they see me as if they saw a ghost?"

The village chief took a sip of tea, smashed his mouth, gave a wry smile, and looked at Lin Yang.

The village head's cloudy, vicissitudes but shrewd eyes seemed to want to see Lin Yang clearly.

"Yangyang, what do you think of the people in our village?" the village head asked.

Lin Yang froze for a moment, then said, "Everything is fine."

"Yeah, everything is fine." The village chief smiled meaningfully and said, "Then how do you think everyone's life is going?"

Lin Yang frowned slightly, thought for a moment, and said with a wry smile: "Village Chief, what do you mean by that?"

"Hahahaha." The village chief suddenly laughed, patted Lin Yang on the shoulder, and said, "Yangyang, do you know what people are most afraid of?"

"What?" Lin Yang asked suspiciously.

"The most fearful thing is greed!" The village head suddenly straightened his face, and said, "People in the city now, for us, that day is a good day that we can't even imagine burning incense and worshiping Buddha."

"We didn't have this idea before, and we didn't feel how good life is for the people in this city."

"But it's different now. You have money, and Lin Huan has money. Once you make a move, everyone in our village will have an extra [-]!"

"Tell me, seeing a good life ahead, how many people are willing to go to work in the fields?"

Hearing this, Lin Yang felt mixed emotions.

He nodded and said helplessly, "Village Chief, I understand what you said."

"Man, once you have this kind of thought, it's hard to take it back."

"Yes." The village head let out a long breath, smoked a dry cigarette, and said, "What's more, who doesn't have a son and a daughter in every household? Who wants their children to live a hard life?"

Lin Yang nodded, but did not speak.

Lin Yang naturally understands human nature, but he also feels a little uncomfortable in his heart.

"So, Yangyang, I don't blame the villagers for this, but...they should never, never should have come to help you harm..."

The village head let out a long breath, with a wry smile on his face.

Lin Yang raised his eyebrows, raised his voice, and said, "Village Chief, what do you mean by that?"

"You know what Lin Binbin has been doing online these days, right?" the village head asked.

(End of this chapter)

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