Chapter 307
Lin Yang nodded and said: "I know, to be honest, I came back this time because of this matter, I hope you can clarify for me on the Internet."

"But, according to what you said... Did something happen again?"

The village chief slapped his thigh, frowned, smoked a cigarette, and said, "Yes, these days, Lin Binbin's mother, in the village, his tail is up to the sky."

"She would say to everyone, what did you provoke, especially powerful rich people, such international and big companies."

"Also, her son is doing things for others now. If anyone wants to get involved with you again, you have to think about the consequences."

The village head shook his head with a wry smile, tapped the cigarette stick on the table, exhaled a long breath, and said helplessly.

"Yangyang, we are just ordinary ordinary people. Tell me, how can we compete with them? It's not easy for us to live a peaceful life."

Lin Yang nodded and said, "Village Chief, I understand."

"Then I won't bother you. If there's anything else, I'll tell you again."

The village chief got up slowly, put his hands behind his back, and walked away step by step.

"Lin Binbin's family is too bad! How could this happen!" Lin Miaomiao frowned and pouted, "Brother Lin Yang, what should we do now?"

Lin Yang got up, let out a foul breath, and said, "Okay, it's okay, let's go back first, and then think of a way."

Several people left the village, boarded a car and returned to Qin City.

Along the way, none of the three spoke.

After the three arrived in Qin City in silence, Lin Yang went straight back to the hotel.

On the way Bai Ning sent Lin Miaomiao back to the hotel, Lin Miaomiao suddenly said.

"Sister Bai Ning, do you think brother Lin Yang can do anything now?" Lin Miaomiao asked.

Bai Ning squeezed out a smile and said, "Don't worry, your brother Lin Yang will find a solution."

"It's all my fault. If I hadn't persuaded him to help the villagers find jobs, maybe these things wouldn't have happened." Lin Miaomiao dragged her chin with both hands, pouted, and blamed herself all over her face.

"Miaomiao, don't blame yourself too much. Even if you don't persuade him, Lin Yang will still help them." Bai Ning said helplessly, "Isn't Lin Yang just like that?"

At this moment, Bai Ning's cell phone rang suddenly.

When she picked up the phone, a middle-aged man's hoarse voice came from the other end.

"Miss Bai Ning, I'm sorry, it's not easy to deal with your certificate now."

Bai Ning frowned, pulled over hurriedly, and asked, "Mr. Feng, our company's qualifications, funds, and location should be all right, right?"

"It's true that there's nothing wrong with these things, but... you, the person who runs the company, has a problem." The person on the other end of the phone said.

Bai Ning was taken aback, and said to himself: "I didn't expect that the Chen Group's hands are so long!"

"Mr. Feng, there is no other way—"


Before Bai Ning finished speaking, the person on the other end hung up the phone.

"Sister Bai Ning, what happened?" Lin Miaomiao asked.

Bai Ning shook his head and said, "It's okay, I'll take you back first."

Lin Miaomiao agreed without asking any further questions.

After Bai Ning sent Lin Miaomiao to the hotel, he went straight home.

As soon as he entered the house, Bai Ning slumped on the sofa with a haggard face.

She looked at the ceiling and thought in her mind, "If the company can't start up, then Lin Yang's termination of the contract this time will be meaningless."

"Could it be, are you going to talk to Wang Qian about signing the contract again?"

"In this case, Wang Qian will definitely open his mouth, and the conditions may not be easy to negotiate."

Bai Ning was worried in her heart, and a sense of exhaustion swept her brain, so she fell into a deep sleep on the sofa.

And Lin Huan, Chen Jian, and Wang Qian are in a box in a hotel at the moment.

The dining room in the private room was full of delicious food and wine, even if ordinary people spent two months' salary, they probably wouldn't be able to eat this meal.

"Mr. Chen, this matter has been settled. Lin Yang has given up trying to start his company these days."

Chen Jian leaned on the back of the chair, with a contemptuous smile on his face, and even more condescending eyes.

"An anchor dares to fight with the Chen family. I think he is tired of his job." Chen Jian said coldly, "Where is Lin Binbin? Has he done his job well?"

"Mr. Chen, Brother Lin Huan." Lin Binbin pushed the door open and said, "Sorry, I'm late. My mother called me just now and said that Lin Yang had returned to the village."

"Oh? Back to the village?" Wang Qian twitched his brows, and said sarcastically, "Sure enough, he must have asked his fellow villagers to clarify for him!"

"Don't worry, I have already told various live broadcast platforms that people from Jing'an Village will not be the anchors."

Chen Jian frowned slightly, and said lightly: "Be careful, there are still a lot of online platforms, and now is the cusp of the storm, and anything Lin Yang says on the Internet will be big news."

"Everyone, don't worry, those country bumpkins in my village can't clarify to Lin Yang." Lin Binbin said proudly: "My mother and I have already talked to the villagers."

"This time, it was the Chen Group that Lin Yang provoked. If those country bumpkins don't want to get burned, they know what to do."

"You did a good job. If this continues, Lin Yang will be dragged down by us in a short time." Chen Jian nodded and said with satisfaction.

"How is the video I asked you to do?" Wang Qian asked Lin Binbin.

"It's already done, and it's been posted on the Internet." Lin Binbin said: "As soon as it was posted, there were a whole million views, and the comments were almost one-sided!"

"Lin Yang, I'm sure I won't be able to survive this time!"

"Okay." Chen Jian said: "Continue on, and when Linyang Company is completely ruined and becomes a street mouse that everyone despises, you will be paid."

"It's my honor to be able to work for Mr. Chen." Lin Binbin quickly picked up his wine glass and said obsequiously.

Chen Jian sneered, glanced at him, and left the box straight away.

"Lin Huan, go prepare the navy, and make the public opinion as big as possible." Wang Qian said.

"Okay, I'll listen to you about this kind of thing." Lin Huan agreed and left directly.

"What about me? What do I need to do?" Lin Binbin asked obsequiously.

"Go back to the village! Hold on to those villagers. If those villagers are recruited by Lin Yang, it will be a lot of trouble." Wang Qian said.

"Alright, I'll go right away." Lin Huan promised and left straight away.

Wang Qian watched the crowd leave, tapped his fingers rhythmically on the table, and said in a low voice: "Lin Yang, there is a way to heaven, don't you go. This time, even if you come to beg me, I will not cooperate with you again .”

"Provoke the Chen family? You're really overthinking yourself!"

Lin Binbin's video targeting Lin Yang spread almost explosively on the Internet.

Just at dusk, this video has spread to almost every corner of the Internet...

Lin Yang was resting in his room when he suddenly received a call from Bai Ning.

"Lin Yang, go online and watch that video!" Bai Ning said hastily.

(End of this chapter)

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