Chapter 309

Listening to the discussions around him, Bai Ning took a deep breath, suppressed his anger, and sat in a seat by the window, ready to speak.

Suddenly, Lin Huan also sat in front of her, and said with a smile on his face: "Miss, you see that I am so sincere, you are not going to have a word with me?"

"Please leave! I have no interest in your people, your car, or your money!" Bai Ning pushed his glasses, and said every word, sonorously, resolutely.

For a moment, all the people in the coffee shop focused on Bai Ning and Lin Huan.

The girls whispered one by one, discussing in low voices.

"I'll go, this woman is really good at pretending, but she still embarrasses this man?"

"Could this woman be rich too?"

"Forget it, look at her clothes, how does she look like a rich man?"

"I think so, just pretending! Just because you look good, do you really think that men will hang around her?"

The girls are chirping, but the guys think it's so cool!
"This girl is so stupid, let these rich second generations eat shit!"

"It's so cool, do you really think you can do whatever you want with money?"

"If there were more girls like this, we men wouldn't be so tired."

Men and women insisted on their own opinions, chatting endlessly.

Bai Ning just looked at the street outside the window, turning a deaf ear to the surrounding discussions, acting as if he had nothing to do with himself.

The anger in Lin Huan's heart rushed to his brain, and he felt that his face was completely humiliated!
But when he saw Bai Ning's beautiful face, he felt unwilling again.

He said viciously in his heart: "Damn, I don't believe it anymore. There are still women who can't be spent with money these days?"

He leaned back in his chair, took out a cigar, lit a match, and lit it pretendingly.

A waiter said, "Excuse me, sir, no smoking here."

Without saying a word, Lin Huan took out a few bright red soft sister coins from his bag, and slapped them on the table with a "bang".

"Now, can I smoke?" Lin Huan sneered and said, "If not, I have more money!"

Just as the waiter was about to speak, the foreman immediately gave her a look, stepped forward to take the money, and said with a smile on his face.

"You can smoke, you can smoke, you can smoke." The foreman said, took the money and left.

Lin Huan crossed his legs, smoked a cigar, and said in a superior tone.

"Miss, have you seen it? There is nothing in this world that cannot be bought with money!" Lin Huan jokingly said, "You can set a price, as long as you make me happy, it doesn't matter how much it is!"

After the words fell, everyone in the coffee shop held their breaths and concentrated their eyes on Bai Ning.

The girls discussed in low sour voices what price Bai Ning would offer, and they were cursing.

"What kind of pretense are you pretending to be? Just watch, she's sure to open her mouth like a lion!"

"Pretending to be a white lotus, who knows how many beds she has slept in private."

"You all watch, within 5 minutes, this woman will definitely bid, and then happily follow this man!"

"As long as you have money, why pretend?"

The men shook their heads one by one, as if they had expected the ending long ago.

"Well, she has the ability to make money, so let's forget it. If you ask me, this woman makes money very easily."

"Maybe this woman doesn't want money?"

"No money? Brother, are you crazy? If a man asks you that, I guess you'll have to run away with him with your pants in your hands."

The ear-piercing discussions from around penetrated into Bai Ning's ears, making the anger in her heart even stronger.

She clenched her fist tightly with her hand under the table, and thought to herself: "Don't be impulsive, don't stir up trouble now, and don't cause trouble for Lin Yang."

Time passed by, Bai Ning still didn't speak, and still looked out of the window.

Lin Huan said impatiently: "Mother, do you not believe that labor and capital are rich?"


Lin Huan threw the handbag on the table, and said: "The labor and management come out to play every night, and it is a bag of money! You come with me, these are all yours!"

At this moment, the anger in Bai Ning's heart could no longer be suppressed.

She stood up abruptly, before Lin Huan could react.


A crisp and loud slap landed firmly on Lin Huan's face.

With this slap, Lin Huan couldn't react for a moment, he just felt his head buzzing.

A bright red and clear palm print instantly appeared on his face.

He looked at Bai Ning in disbelief, as if he hadn't expected that Bai Ning would do anything!

"Stupid? I think you just have a brain problem!" Bai Ning said angrily: "If you have money, you can buy a woman? Why don't you buy your mother?"

After Bai Ning finished speaking, everyone in the coffee shop was stunned for three seconds. Everyone's eyes widened and they looked at Bai Ning in surprise.

After Lin Huan reacted, he was furious!
"You cousin!" Lin Huan's eyes were red, his face was ferocious, and he was about to hit Bai Ning with his hand.

Bai Ning immediately picked up his bag and quickly walked towards the door of the coffee shop.

Lin Huan also picked up the bag and yelled at Bai Ning, "Stop! You bitch! You're going to die tonight!"

Everyone on the side seemed to be watching a play, discussing excitedly.

"My God, this woman is so fierce!" said a man.

"Niu Pi, this kind of woman is really rare, what kind of man would let such a woman be his wife?"

"Didn't you hear what the man said just now? This woman is dead tonight."

"Hey, even if this woman doesn't want to follow, she can't hold back someone with power."

The men shook their heads and sighed, but none of them wanted to help.

The women showed ironic smiles on their faces, as if they were waiting for Bai Ning to be beaten.

"Is there a big hole in this woman's mind?"

"I think it's the same. Such a good opportunity, to refuse it, and beat someone? I really don't know what she thinks."

"Hey, look at the door, the man has caught up with this woman!"

Everyone looked towards the door at once.

At the door, Bai Ning was stopped by Lin Huan.

Seeing Lin Huan's ferocious and angry face, she also felt a little afraid in her heart.

She took two steps back, looked at Lin Huan vigilantly, and thought to herself, "Why hasn't Lin Yang come yet?"

"What? Now you know you're afraid?" Seeing Bai Ning's fearful appearance, Lin Huan felt an inexplicable pleasure in his heart.

He looked Bai Ning's beautiful figure up and down, and said, "I'll give you another chance! Stay with me for one night, and you can still take the money!"

"Otherwise, you not only have to accompany me, but you also have to take nothing!"

"You should die!" Bai Ning said resolutely.

"I'll fuck you!" Lin Huan was furious, raising his hand to hit Bai Ning.

"Lin Huan!" At this moment, a burst of angry shouts came from behind Lin Huan.

(End of this chapter)

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