Chapter 310 Upstart

Lin Huan heard the voice sound familiar, so he looked back.

"Lin Yang? Why are you here?" Lin Huan was startled, and said, "I advise you not to meddle in your own business!"

He looked at Lin Yang in fear, and his heart began to speed up, because he knew very well that he was not Lin Yang's opponent at all, and if there was a fight, he could only be abused!

Lin Yang ignored him, walked straight towards Bai Ning, pushed Lin Huan away without even looking at him.

"Are you okay?" Lin Yang asked.

"It's okay." Bai Ning said, glanced at Lin Huan, and said, "Do you know each other?"

"He is Lin Huan." Lin Yang said flatly, "He is the one who colluded with Chen Shaobing."

Bai Ning suddenly realized, he glanced at Lin Huan in disgust, and said, "Sure enough, it's not a good thing!"

"There are flies around today, let's talk about things in another place." Lin Yang said.


When the two were talking, they didn't look at Lin Huan at all!
Lin Huan didn't expect that Lin Yang, who was no longer popular, would still ignore him so much!

"Lin Yang, your days are coming to an end! How dare you be so arrogant after provoking the Chen family? Believe it or not, one day, I will make you beg on your knees!"

Gritting his teeth, Lin Huan roared at Lin Yang angrily.

"It's not important. What's important is that I can make you kneel down and beg me right now, do you believe it?"

After finishing the words, Lin Yang gave Lin Huan a cold look with sharp knife-like eyes.

For a moment, the latter only felt that he was being targeted by a wild beast, and a primitive fear occupied his heart.

He subconsciously took a few steps back, not daring to say a word, his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

Lin Yang sneered, and sneered in a low voice: "Chen Shaobing raised a coward like you, and still wants to win me?"

He sneered, took Bai Ning, and swaggered away from Lin Huan, not even bothering to look at him.

Lin Huan watched Lin Yang and Bai Ning leave, the anger in his heart almost rushed out of his chest!
"Lin Yang! You wait for me! Labor and capital will not make it easy for you!" Lin Huan pointed at the taillights of the car where Lin Yang and the two were leaving and roared like crazy.

At this time, a waiter came out of the coffee shop and said to him respectfully: "Sir, please pay for your coffee just now."

"Go to Nima! The labor and management gave you several hundred for smoking just now, not enough for a cup of coffee?"

Lin Huan cursed and got into the car angrily.

The waiter watched him leave, spat hard on the ground, and said, "Damn, is the jing bug in your head? What kind of big-tailed wolf are you pretending to be?"

But at this moment, Lin Yang and Bai Ning had already arrived at another coffee shop and directly opened a box.

Bai Ning sat on the sofa, heaved a long sigh, and said, "I never expected to meet our opponent today."

"He's just an upstart, so don't worry about him." Lin Yang said, "By the way, are you okay?"

"It's okay." Bai Ning pushed his glasses and said.

"By the way, you said the company couldn't be started. What's going on? Are the Chen family's hands so long? Can they interfere with the normal process of starting a company?"

Lin Yang asked solemnly: "The Chen family, is it so pervasive, covering the sky with one hand?"

Bai Ning gave a wry smile, took a sip of coffee, and said, "You haven't checked it online, what is this Chen Group doing?"

Lin Yang thought for a moment, then said, "I've checked, but I can't believe everything on the Internet."

"By the way, why don't we ask Chen Ping to ask?" Bai Ning said, "Perhaps Chen Ping has experience in handling these matters."

"What's more, she is also from the Chen family. Maybe if she comes forward, our certificate will come down?"

Lin Yang's eyes lit up, and he said, "It makes sense! I'll call her right now!"

Immediately, Lin Yang called Chen Ping and turned on the speakerphone.

As soon as the phone was connected, Chen Ping's voice came.

"Lin Yang, isn't the Chen family causing trouble for you again?" Chen Ping asked in a helpless tone.

"You can put it this way, that is..."

"It's them who prevented you from starting a company, right? Plus, I didn't see any voice from you on the Internet. If I'm not wrong, you can't make a voice on other live broadcast platforms now."

Before Lin Yang could finish speaking, Chen Ping hit the point and said the crux of the problem!

Lin Yang was taken aback, and said, "He did prevent me from starting a company, but he didn't let me speak out on other platforms. I don't know about that yet."

"It's simple, just download any mainstream live streaming software and see if you can register?" Chen Ping said.

Lin Yang and Bai Ning exchanged glances, and immediately downloaded a panda live broadcast.

Lin Yang thought to himself, even if he is no longer on Panda Live, he can still be a user anyway, right?
But what Lin Yang and Bai Ning didn't expect was that, let alone being a user, they couldn't even complete the registration!
Lin Yang and Bai Ning immediately felt the seriousness of the matter!
"Chen Ping, you are right! Then what should I do?" Lin Yang frowned slightly, with a serious tone in his tone.

Chen Ping on the other end of the phone sighed for a long time, and said, "Lin Yang, the Chen Group covers businesses that you may not have imagined, but others can do."

"There is no one in the live broadcasting industry in our big country that can be compared with the Chen Group."

"It's normal that you can't speak out on the Internet. After all, you're just an anchor. Who would offend a Chen family because of an anchor?"

When Chen Ping said this, she paused and said, "Don't worry, I'm just telling the truth."

"I understand, I don't mind, but, regarding starting a company, is there a way for the Chen family to obstruct it?" Lin Yang asked solemnly.

Chen Ping sighed, and said, "As long as you have money, what can't you do? What can you do if someone keeps you stuck for three months or five months?"

"What's more, according to my estimation, in the next step, after they stink you, they will jointly plan to block you."


These two words, like a heavy punch, slammed into Lin Yang's heart.

He was stunned for a long time before he asked, "Then you have any other options?"

"Lin Yang, I'm at home now, and my family has warned me not to fight against the family, so please do it yourself... I can't help it either."

Chen Ping's tone was full of helplessness.

Naturally, Lin Yang could also understand that Chen Ping and Chen Shaobing were in the same family after all, if they helped outsiders, they would naturally be criticized in the family.

What's more, now Chen Ping is also starting her own business. If she is dragged down again, Anhe Culture Company may also be affected.

"I see, it's troublesome." Lin Yang said.

"If you really can't help it, maybe..."

"Maybe what?" Lin Yang's eyes lit up, and he asked hastily.

"If you really have no choice, maybe you can join forces with other live broadcast companies. In terms of the benefits you can bring, maybe someone is willing to take risks."

Lin Yang was startled, and said, "I see."

(End of this chapter)

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