Chapter 311
After Lin Yang hung up the phone, he exchanged a glance with Bai Ning, both of them had helpless smiles on their faces.

Lin Yang leaned on the sofa, pretending to be relaxed and said: "It is said that the power of capital is destructive, and now I have learned it."

"I always thought that someone like me was already rich enough, but I didn't expect..."

Bai Ning shook the coffee cup and said, "Boss, think of a way? I believe in you, there must be a way."

Lin Yang stretched himself, stood up from the sofa, and said, "One week! Before the next week, I must start the company!"

"Boss, do you have a solution?" Bai Ning asked.

"No!" Lin Yang said confidently.

Bai Ning rolled his eyes and said, "Looking at you like this, I guess you have a solution, so I can rest assured."

"Okay, it's almost time, I'll go back first, let's talk about it tomorrow."

"Wait a minute." Lin Yang stopped Bai Ning and asked, "Tell me, who cares if our company can be opened or not?"

"Yamen, what's the matter?" Bai Ning said, "You're not going to go directly to the Yamen, are you?"

"Now the name of the Chen Group is very famous in Qin City. It can be said that it can cover the sky with one hand."

"If you want to go directly to the yamen to find someone, I don't think it will work."

Lin Yang stood up with his hands on his knees, and said, "Don't worry about it, go back, next Monday, the company will definitely open."

Bai Ning looked Lin Yang up and down, and muttered, "It's mysterious."

"But since you said you have a way, I will naturally believe you."

Ever since Bai Ning met Lin Yang, he had never had a problem that Lin Yang couldn't solve.

But this time, seeing his relaxed appearance, Bai Ning thought that Lin Yang was still capable of solving this matter.

But Lin Yang watched Bai Ning leave, with a wry smile on his face, and said in a low voice, "Take a dead horse as a living horse doctor, what else can I do?"

Lin Yang drove back to the hotel and lay on the bed with complicated thoughts in his mind.

"The Chen Group covers the sky with one hand... now Lin Huan and Lin Binbin are probably the running dogs of the Chen family!"

"If they really went to the yamen to find something, then what should I do..."

Lin Yang thought over and over in his mind but couldn't come up with any clue.

After all, apart from owning the system, Lin Yang was also a college student from the beginning to the end.

Breaking into the business world this time can be said to be the first time for a big girl to get on a bridal sedan chair.

The night gradually flowed, the moonlight gradually dimmed, a ray of dawn broke through the darkness in the sky, and a ray of sunlight sprinkled to the earth, extended from the window sill into the room, and sprinkled on Lin Yang's face.

He stretched, got up early, washed up, and after breakfast, Lin Yang drove directly to the yamen!
"No matter what, we must go and see the situation first!"

Lin Yang thought to himself, and drove towards the Yamen.

"Morning news, today the chairman of a certain blog group issued a statement that it will publicly auction its subsidiary Agni Media to the industry, and the location will be Shanghai..."

The sound on the radio was directly turned off by Lin Yang and switched to a song.

After a while, Lin Yang drove to the gate of the yamen.

In the early morning, people have already entered and exited the yamen.

As soon as Lin Yang's car arrived at the gate, it was stopped by security guards.

"Who are you? Who are you looking for?" the security guard asked.

"Hello, I'm here..."

"Yo ho, you are Lin Yang?" The security guard interrupted Lin Yang, and jokingly said, "How dare you come here?"

"Can't I come?" Lin Yang asked.

The security guard sneered and said, "You are here to find our prefect?"

"Yes." Lin Yang said directly.

"Master Zhifu is not here, get out!"

Security sneered, waved his hand, pointed at the gate and yelled sharply.

Some of the staff who came and went also looked sideways and talked a lot.

"Lin Yang? How dare he come here?"

"Take a picture and take a picture, look at him now, he actually drives a Santana?"

"It's ridiculous, is this a down and out Internet celebrity?"

"Quick take a picture!"

Everyone was chattering, and many people raised their mobile phones and looked at Lin Yang like they were looking at a monkey.

Lin Yang frowned slightly, his eyes gradually turned cold, and said, "Why can't I go in? I..."

"No reason! If you need anything, just call the yamen. Do you think the magistrate can see anyone he wants?"

Security interrupted Lin Yang's words impatiently, and said with disdain, "You're an old fashioned internet celebrity, why don't you show your face?"

Lin Yang frowned. Just as he was about to speak, the security guard pointed at the door and cursed loudly, "Get out of here, don't be an eyesore here!"

Lin Yang closed the car window with a cold face, and was just about to turn around and leave when suddenly there was a rush of horns behind him.


"Fuck, who is it? How can Santana drive in?"

In a car behind Lin Yang, a man poked his head out and cursed!
"Bang bang bang!"

The security guard patted Lin Yang's car, and said, "Did you drive to the side, didn't you see anyone coming?"

After finishing speaking, the security guard immediately ran towards the car behind Lin Yang with a big smile on his face.

Lin Yang held back his anger, and temporarily moved aside in his car.

The security guard ran to the Mercedes-Benz behind Lin Yang, and said with a smile on his face, "Mr. Lin, why are you here?"

"You don't know, Lin Yang is in this car. This kid wanted to find the magistrate, but I stopped him."

Hearing the words, the man in the car raised his brows, his eyes flashing with anger.

"Lin Yang? Damn, if there's a way to heaven, he won't go, but if there's no way to hell, he'll come and vote!"

Who is this man other than Lin Huan who had a conflict with Lin Yang yesterday?

After being threatened by Lin Yang yesterday, he held a grudge in his heart. This time he came to the Yamen just to let the magistrate completely seal Lin Yang's building for a few days!

Unexpectedly, as soon as they arrived at the door, they ran into Lin Yang directly.

"Mr. Lin, did he provoke you?" Security patted his chest and said, "Do you want me to call some brothers to avenge you?"

"Just you? Are you good enough for Lin Yang?" Lin Huan sneered, got out of the car, and walked towards Lin Yang's car aggressively.

He was sure that it was absolutely impossible for Lin Yang to dare to do anything here!

Lin Yang, who was in the car, saw Lin Huan approaching him aggressively, and thought to himself, "It seems that this guy is really the running dog of the Chen family!"

"Bang bang bang!"

Lin Huan walked to Lin Yang's car, slammed on the window, and said, "Get down, you boy!"

Without further ado, Lin Yang got out of the car immediately, staring straight at him with sharp eyes like a wild beast!
Lin Huan looked at this look, feeling a little uncertain in his heart, subconsciously took a step back, and looked at the security guard at the side.

"What do you want to do? Do you still want to hit someone here!" The security guard immediately scolded.

(End of this chapter)

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