Chapter 312 Still Personal?

Lin Yang turned his head and looked at Anbao with the same gaze.

An Bao's heart skipped a beat, he was taken aback, and took a step back.

A sneer appeared on Lin Yang's face, and he said, "I didn't do anything."

Anbao and Lin Huan felt that they had lost face, and suddenly became angry from embarrassment.

"Don't be wild, you kid, this is not a place for you to run wild!" An Bao angrily scolded, "Believe it or not—"

"How about you? I didn't do anything here, you want to hit someone?" Lin Yang said jokingly: "If you do it, will I just not have to call the yamen?"

Lin Yang's tone was sonorous and forceful, and he looked at Anbao firmly.

Anbao opened his mouth, his heart was burning with anger, but he didn't know what to say.

Lin Huan was furious and said, "Lin Yang, don't be so arrogant, who do you think you are?"

He glared at Lin Yang viciously, looked at the security guard at the side, and said, "Ask someone to beat him up! I'll be responsible if something goes wrong!"

"But, but, Mr. Lin, if we fight, we'll—"

"What are you guys? Didn't you hear what labor and management said?" Lin Huan scolded angrily.


"Hit me!" Lin Huan growled from embarrassment, with a ferocious face.

"Okay!" An Bao gritted his teeth and thought to himself, "Anyway, if the sky falls, there will be someone taller to hold it up!"

He took out the walkie-talkie and said, "Give me someone!"

As soon as the words fell, a dozen or so security guards ran out from the yamen, all of them were hulking and full of flesh, and they were not good at first glance.

Lin Huan crossed his arms, looked at Lin Yang arrogantly, and sneered, "Lin Yang, I know you can fight, but so what?"

"This is the Yamen, if you dare to fight back, labor and capital will make you look good!"

"I want to see how much you can be beaten!"

Lin Yang shrugged and said, "Since you insist on doing this, I can't help it."

Seeing that Lin Yang still looked indifferent, Lin Huan was even more angry.

With a big wave of his hand, he said: "Give it to me! I'll give it to me, and I'll give you [-] yuan per person!"

Under the heavy gold, there must be a brave man!
The monthly salary of these security guards is only two to three thousand yuan, which is 1 yuan, which is several months' salary!
The security guard at the head roared and said, "Don't rob anyone!"

After the words fell, he raised his fist and rushed forward aggressively, punching Lin Yang in the chest!

"Bang!" sounded.

A smile appeared on Lin Huan's face, and he thought to himself, "I'll let you kneel down and beg me later!"

But he looked at it for a long time, and Lin Yang in front of him not only did not have any painful expression, but also had a smile on his face, still smiling as before.

And the security guard just now, after punching Lin Yang, suddenly froze, and kept his arm moving awkwardly, hitting Lin Yang.

Anbao turned his back to Lin Huan and the others, and looked at Lin Yang in disbelief, as if he had seen a ghost.

His eyes were wide open, his mouth was opened wide, and he felt as if his arm had been hit on a piece of steel, and a piercing pain stimulated his nerves.


The security guard uttered a scream, covered his hands and stepped back a few steps, and finally fell to the ground with a "plop", clasped his hands and howled.

"Ouch, ouch, come to the doctor, call me a doctor!"

A group of security guards and Lin Huan were dumbfounded.

Lin Huan looked at the security guard who fell to the ground, and said sharply: "Are you so crazy? It's obvious that you beat someone, why are you howling?"

The security guard who fell on the ground only felt the pain, and didn't pay attention to Lin Huan's words at all, but kept wailing, like killing a pig.

Lin Huan spat hard on the ground and said, "Mother, what a waste!"

"All of you give it to me! Give it to me!"

Lin Huan roared angrily, and everyone else looked at each other. Thinking of the 1 yuan, a group of people rushed up one after another.

But how could they have imagined that Lin Yang's physical fitness had already far exceeded the limit of human beings!

Even if Lin Yang didn't make a move, as long as his muscles were tensed, the intensity would be far beyond what ordinary people could imagine!
A security guard smiled ferociously, and punched Lin Yang in the stomach.

The part of the stomach, once it is hit hard, it will cause mild fainting and severe stomach rupture!
This is also almost the softest part of the human body.

But after the security guard punched Lin Yang in the stomach, he immediately knew why the security guard was lying on the ground and howling.

"Ah!" The security guard also screamed, lying on the ground with his hands covered.

Then five or six more security guards attacked Lin Yang.

But without exception, all of them covered their hands and feet and lay on the ground with pained faces.

The rest of them looked at each other, looked at Lin Yang vigilantly, and surrounded him, not daring to take another half step!

Lin Huan stared at Lin Yang in a daze, his heart was beating fast, his expression was flustered, and he hesitated and said, "You, you, are you a human or not? What kind of monster are you!"

He glanced at the security guards all over the floor, and his fear of Lin Yang deepened in his heart!
At the beginning, he knew that Lin Yang had defeated Liu Lei, Qiang Sha, and Kun Luo.

But he didn't expect that someone would be so powerful!

Standing up and being beaten, how can you win? Is this still a person?

Looking back at Lin Yang, he stood with his hands behind his back, with a calm smile on his face and sharp eyes, and he still stood proudly on the spot.

He looked at Lin Huan jokingly, and said, "You hit someone. Do you want to let it go?"

"You, you, what do you want?" Lin Huan took two steps back in a hurry, and said in a panic, "Don't even try to do anything, this is the Yamen! Believe it or not, I'll let the magistrate come out!"

"Okay, let the magistrate come out." Lin Yang laughed angrily, and said, "Are the beating people so arrogant now?"

"I..." Lin Huan was at a loss for words for a while, thinking about it carefully, he really beat someone by himself, if he was looking for the magistrate, wasn't he looking for death?

"What's going on?" A deep and majestic voice came from the gate of the yamen.

Lin Yang turned his head to look, and saw a tall man with a majestic expression, thick eyebrows, big eyes, and piercing eyes. He came out in a Chinese tunic suit.

Even if he is just standing there, it makes people feel that this person is not simple, and he also has the aura of a majestic superior!

Lin Yang thought to himself: "It seems that this is the magistrate."

"I know, magistrate." Lin Huan hurried forward and followed him obsequiously.

The magistrate didn't even look at him, but glanced at the security guard who was howling on the ground, his eyes suddenly became sharp.

He looked at Lin Yang, and asked condescendingly, "Are you making trouble?"

Lin Yang stood with his hands behind his back, facing the magistrate with his head held high, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "You can watch the surveillance, they did it, and I didn't move a single finger."

(End of this chapter)

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