Chapter 313 Sealed
The magistrate frowned, stared at Lin Yang for a long time, and said, "Are you Lin Yang?"

"Yes, it's me." Lin Yang said.

"What do you think of me when you came in to beat someone today?" There was a bit of anger hidden in the prefect's majestic voice.

"As I said, I didn't do anything at all." Lin Yang said forcefully.

"These people on the ground, did they fight their own people?" The magistrate asked sharply.

"They, they hit me." Lin Yang smiled and said, "Prefect, the people around you are really not that good."

The magistrate frowned, looked at Lin Huan, and said, "You were here all this time?"

"Yes, yes, all the time." Lin Huan lowered his head and said with a guilty conscience.

"These security guards beat Lin Yang like this?" the magistrate continued to ask.

"This..." Lin Huan rolled his eyes and faltered for a while.

"Say!" The magistrate emphasized his tone.

"Yes, it was indeed Lin Yang." Lin Huan was startled, and quickly replied.

The magistrate took a deep breath, looked Lin Yang up and down, and said, "Bring me everyone, and adjust the monitoring!"

Lin Huan frowned, lowered his head, his face was flustered, and the hatred for Lin Yang deepened in his heart.

He thought to himself, and said, "Damn, if something happens to labor and management today, Lin Yang will have to pay the price!"

Just as he was thinking this in his heart, a group of people had already arrived in the monitoring room.

In the dark and narrow monitoring room, the staff stood nervously in front of the prefect, not daring to move.

"Call out the monitoring screen that Lin Yang started here!" the magistrate said in a deep voice.


The staff agreed, and immediately began to call the screen.

Lin Huan and Lin Yang stood behind the magistrate.

It's just that Lin Huan's face was tense, thinking about how to explain it later, his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

And Lin Yang stood with his hands behind his back, with a calm and relaxed expression on his face, without a trace of tension at all.

The light from the surveillance screen hit the magistrate's face, reflecting his solemn expression.

He stood up straight, just standing like this, the staff and Lin Huan beside him felt a pressure on their hearts.

His eyes were fixed on the surveillance screen, and he thought to himself, "This kid, is he really so powerful?"

"Although these security guards are not things, they are all professionally trained! How could it be possible to beat someone up like this..."

The magistrate still had doubts about Lin Yang's words, but when he thought of Lin Huan's nervous appearance, he felt that what Lin Yang said was true.

He cleared his throat and said, "Lin Yang, the surveillance is here. If you confess now, there may be a turning point."

"What are you going to confess? Are those security guards garbage?" Lin Yang asked with a playful smile.

The magistrate frowned slightly, and said, "Very good! I admire you!"

After a while, the picture of Lin Yangjin's yamen was retrieved, until Lin Huan and Anbao became angry, how Anbao made a move, and how he was injured.

The more the magistrate looked at it, the more the anger in his heart surged up, and the more surprised and shocked he felt!
"I didn't expect that Lin really so strong! Who is this kid?" The magistrate thought to himself, "As his information shows, he is a Qingbei student who went out of the countryside?"

The magistrate felt more and more that this Lin Yang was not simple, but there was still no emotion on his face.

Without saying a word, he turned and left the monitoring room, and Lin Yang, Lin Huan and others immediately followed.

When he came to the prefect's office, the prefect said, "Lin Yang, Lin Huan, come in with me, the others are guarding outside the door."

"Yes!" Several security guards agreed and stood neatly at the door.

After entering the office, the magistrate sat in front of his work, glanced at Lin Yang and Lin Huan with a serious face, and lit a cigarette.

"Lin Yang, this matter has nothing to do with you." The prefect said flatly, "But I want to know, what's the matter with you coming to see me today?"

"Why doesn't this matter have anything to do with me?" Lin Yang sat down at the side coffee table and said, "They beat me."

"But you're fine, aren't you?" the magistrate said naturally.

"It's okay, just-"

"Lin Yang, you must have other things to look for me, right? If not, you can leave." The magistrate interrupted Lin Yang and said lightly.

"Okay, the first thing is, I think you need to adjust your security. As a security guard in the Yamen, this quality is really... laughable."

Lin Yang's tone was calm, as if he was really offering some kind of suggestion, not ridicule.

The magistrate nodded and said, "You don't have to worry about this kind of thing. Are there other things?"

"The second thing is my company, why can't I get the certificate?" Lin Yang asked bluntly.

"It's very simple, you are a tainted artist." The magistrate said as a matter of course: "The reviews about you on the Internet are not very good. If you are allowed to open a media company at will, the public will have opinions."

"According to your situation, of course we need to examine and observe more."

What the prefect said was reasonable, and before Lin Yang could speak, the prefect continued.

"By the way, we also need to check the security facilities of your company. In a few days, I think we will meet again."

When Lin Huan heard this, a sneer appeared on his face, and he glanced at Lin Yang proudly.

He naturally understands the implication of these words!
This is the time to seize Lin Yang's company!
Lin Yang naturally understood the meaning of this sentence, he just smiled lightly and said, "Okay, then I'll go first."

"Go slowly, don't send it off." The magistrate said lightly.

After Lin Yang left, Lin Huan breathed a sigh of relief, and said to himself, "It seems that the magistrate is still afraid of the power of the Chen family."

"Mr. Prefect, this Lin Yangtai—"

"Lin Huan, I know you are working for the Chen Group! But don't think that he can cover the sky with one hand here!"

The magistrate directly interrupted Lin Huan's words, his tone suddenly became serious, and said: "Remember, this is Qin City! And you are not from the Chen Group!"

"Today's matter is your responsibility, and you are responsible for all the medical expenses of security! As for Lin Yang's matter, I naturally have my plan!"

Seeing the magistrate's ashen face, Lin Huan was also shocked, stood aside, and said falteringly.

"Then, the magistrate, you should still cooperate with the Chen Group to deal with Lin Yang, right?"

"I have never cooperated with anyone, I just follow the rules!" The prefect said coldly: "You can leave now!"

Lin Huan wanted to say something more, but when the magistrate stared at him, he immediately shrank his head in fright and left the yamen in a hurry.

"Damn it! A magistrate, what kind of role do you really think you are? If you dare to disobey the intention of the Chen Group, I see how long you can be arrogant!"

Lin Huan got into the car and left the Yamen angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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