My leisurely life live in the countryside

Chapter 314 Going to the Demon City!

Chapter 314 Going to the Demon City!
Just after Lin Huan left, the magistrate extinguished the cigarette in his hand, and exhaled a long breath.

"This Lin Yang is not simple... However, for the time being, we can't offend the Chen Group because of him, let's take another look..."

"Maybe this kid can really fight against the Chen family?"

After the magistrate finished speaking, he smiled, shook his head, and said, "How is that possible?"

Lin Yang, who had just left the Yamen, received a call from Bai Ning.

After picking up the phone, Bai Ning's excited voice came from the other end, saying, "Lin Yang, we have a chance!"

"What chance?" Lin Yang asked suspiciously.

"That's right, a certain blogger is going to auction off his company, Agni Media! Let's go to Shanghai and auction off the company. Don't we have a ready-made company?"

Bai Ning said in an excited tone on the other end of the phone, one can even imagine her excited face now.

Lin Yang raised his eyebrows, remembering the news he heard while driving in the morning.

"Is this thing reliable?" Lin Yang asked: "If this company is fine, why is it going to be auctioned?"

"Let's treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor. What's more, a certain blog is also a big company with countless companies. It's normal for one or two companies that are useless to him to auction in exchange for cash flow."

Lin Yang thought for a moment, and said, "Okay, let's meet and say, it's still yesterday's coffee shop."

"Okay, I'll be right there." Bai Ning suddenly remembered something, and asked, "By the way, didn't you go to the Yamen? How's the situation?"

Lin Yang smiled wryly, and said, "This situation is really not good."

He told everything about what happened in the yamen just now.

Bai Ning on the other end of the phone smiled wryly, and joked: "So, there are things that Mr. Lin can't handle?"

"But it doesn't matter, as long as a certain blog can be auctioned off, our company will be considered settled."

"Do you really think I'm omnipotent? It's the first time I've ever done business." Lin Yang said, "Okay, let's talk about it when we meet."

"Okay, hang up."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yang immediately went to the coffee shop without stopping.

After arriving at the place, the two ordered coffee and entered the box.

As soon as Bai Ning sat down, he couldn't wait to say: "Shall we go directly to Shanghai now?"

"Now?" Lin Yang was stunned, and said, "So soon? As for?"

"Tomorrow night's auction, you can see for yourself." Bai Ning said: "What's more, you didn't read what Lin Binbin said. Next Monday, he will start the so-called breaking news."

"If at that time, we were really blocked, or if we didn't have a place to speak out, maybe we really had no chance!"

Lin Yang frowned slightly, and thought to himself: "It's Tuesday, next Monday, and there is still a week left, if the company is closed down by the government..."

Thinking of this, Lin Yang knew that it might really be the last chance to go to Shanghai this time!

"Okay, go to Shanghai now!" Lin Yang said.

"Do you want Miaomiao to go together?" Bai Ning asked.

Lin Yang thought for a moment, and said, "Forget it, let's go, and you talk to Miaomiao."

"After all, I asked her to come to work in the company, and the company is not open now. It's not good to let her go along with the bumps."

"Okay, then we don't have anything to bring, just go directly?" Bai Ning asked.


The two of them went straight to the airport, booked the nearest flight, and headed to Shanghai!

And at this moment, in the headquarters of a certain blog company in Shanghai, in the chairman's office...

"Where did that kid go? Did you find anyone?" A middle-aged man with a gloomy face exuded the aura of a superior.

The assistant in front of him lowered his head and said tremblingly, "Not yet, not yet."

"Keep looking!" The middle-aged man said: "Also, how many people participated in the auction of Agni Media tomorrow night?"

"In the whole industry, a total of 380 corporate legal persons participated." The assistant said.

"Go down and get that kid back for me! Don't let him cause trouble outside for me!" said the middle-aged man.


After the assistant left, the middle-aged man sat at the desk with a sad face, and said in a low voice: "The family is unlucky, if this kid gets into trouble again, maybe the board of directors will really decide to change the heir."

And this middle-aged man is none other than the chairman of a certain blogging company—Qin Tianming!

But at this moment, in a fight club in Shanghai, a young man is leading a boxing ring, sitting on a stool next to the ring, eager to try.

He looked at the two people who were coming and going on the stage, and he felt his blood boil.

"Young Master Qin, your hands are itchy? Why don't you go up and play two?" A young man came over and said flatteringly, "However, with your skill, Young Master Qin, you have no opponents in this club."

This young man named Qin Shao has an ordinary appearance, fair skin, purple hair, only half bald, half purple, quite individual.

He was wearing a white vest and a pair of shorts on his lower body, and the gloves of his hands collided, making a "bang bang" sound.

"But this is also the biggest boxing gym in the whole devil. If my young master doesn't come here, where am I going?" Qin Shao asked casually.

The man rolled his eyes and said, " can call Lin Yang!"

"Him?" Young Master Qin shook his head and said, "Although an anchor defeated Kun Luo, I feel that Kun Luo lost to him just for the sake of eating."

"I watched the game that day on the live broadcast. It was too fake. What's more, hasn't this kid had a scandal recently? This kind of person is not worthy of fighting with this young master!"

"Yes, yes." The man said obsequiously: "By the way, our club has an outdoor competition on the Bund tonight. If Young Master Qin is interested, why don't you join in?"

After the words fell, the young man called Young Master Qin, his eyes glowing, said: "Why didn't you say it earlier? Outdoor competitions? In other words, people who are not from this club can also participate?"

"Of course, otherwise, how can we go to the outdoor competition?" The man said flatteringly: "Young Master Qin, many people have signed up for the competition tonight. If you go, you may even meet a master!"

"That's fine!" Young Master Qin said excitedly, "I just want to challenge the masters! I'm going tonight!"

When the man heard the words, a sly look flickered in the corner of his eyes, and he looked embarrassed again, and said: "Well, Young Master Qin, although many people have signed up, it's not certain whether the event will be held or not."


Young Master Qin punched the man indifferently, and said impatiently, "What the hell do you mean? What the hell are you going to tell me if we don't hold it?"

"Young Master Qin, it's like this. We must have prizes and sponsorship for the competition, right? But... our club really has no money right now." The man looked embarrassed, then patted his chest again, and said.

"But if Young Master Qin likes it, I'll do it! It's worth the money!"

(End of this chapter)

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