Chapter 319
Brother Zheng was startled, and said to himself: "I'll go, and I'm still looking for trouble? Are you not afraid of being hammered?"

He said helplessly: "Young Master Qin, don't worry, I will definitely ask him to give you an explanation, but... I am afraid that our current people are not his opponents."

"Look at his appearance, what if he really defeated Kun Luo? Aren't we..."

"Find him, I didn't let you trouble him!" Qin Sheng scolded, "It seems that I underestimated him."

"Yes, yes, then I'll send someone to look for him immediately." Brother Zheng nodded and bowed, pointing at the two thugs and said: "You two, drive to find him and follow!"

"No matter what method you use, find him and follow him for me, do you understand?"

"Yes!" The two thugs agreed and drove away immediately.

"Young Master Qin, what about this guy?" Zheng Ge glanced at Lin Zhen and asked.

Qin Sheng clutched his chest, propped himself up and stood up, walking in front of Lin Zhen.

"What do you want?" Lin Zhen asked vigilantly.

"Whether you are Lin Yang's apprentice or not, you can be considered a master." Qin Sheng stared at Lin Zhen with a serious face, and asked, "Tell me, what do you think of Lin Yang's strength just now?"

Lin Zhen frowned, and said coldly, "I don't know!"


Qin Sheng slapped him on the face, and angrily said: "You are in my hands now, see that you are a little capable, obediently do things for me, it will not do you any harm!"

"If you show embarrassment to Laozi again, Laozi will throw you into the sea to feed the fish!"

"That, that, Young Master Qin, you, can you really stop bothering me?" Lin Zhen's expression changed, and he asked flatteringly.

After all these years in the rivers and lakes, Lin Zhen no longer knows what face is.

He always believes that those who know current affairs are heroes!

"As long as you obediently listen to labor and capital, I can let you go!" Qin Sheng said coldly: "In your opinion, what is Lin Yang's strength?"

"'s hard to say, but he has a domineering aura and sharp eyes. He must have kung fu. There is a high probability that he is a master. Otherwise, his eyes would not be so imposing."

Qin Sheng nodded when he heard the words, and said, "Understood, you go back with people like me, and I will come to you again if there is anything to do."

"Young Master Qin, you—"

"Why don't you hurry up and get out? Young Master Qin wants you to do things for him! In the future, you will be beneficial!" Zheng Ge interrupted Lin Zhen and sternly reprimanded him.

"Take me back." Qin Sheng said to Brother Zheng.

"Yes, yes." Brother Zheng hurriedly supported Qin Sheng, and asked cautiously: "Well, Young Master Qin, what do you want to do with Lin Yang now?"

"If this kid is really a master, we still have to think long-term."

Qin Sheng glanced at Zheng Ge, and said angrily: "Today, Lin Yang embarrasses labor and management. If this matter gets out, how will labor and management get along?"

"Besides, I also want to see how good this kid is at fighting!"

"Listen to me when you find him, and I'll bring a few masters to meet him!"

"Yes, yes, it's all up to your arrangement." Brother Zheng smiled obsequiously.

He secretly said in his heart: "You dude, if it wasn't for your father, who would have lied to you? If Lin Yang is really a master, wouldn't provoking him be courting death?"

But Brother Zheng absolutely dare not say these words.

Qin Sheng not only has a strong background, but is also an absolute dude, totally unreasonable.

And although Qin Sheng can't compare with Qiangsha, Liu Lei and others, he can be considered a master of fighting among ordinary people.

A playboy who loves fighting since he was a child, and has a naughty nature, in this place in Shanghai, there are really few people who dare to provoke him.

After Qin Sheng returned to his five-star hotel, he lay on the bed and made a phone call.

"Young Master Qin, what's your order?" A sultry voice came from the other end of the phone, asking, "Are your hands itchy again? Do you want to find some brothers to fight?"

"Prepare me a dozen of the most capable ones, I may use them these days." Qin Sheng said.

"Hey, someone provoked you? Who is so bold?" The person on the other end of the phone asked in surprise.

"Don't ask so many questions, just be ready anyway."

After finishing speaking, Lin Yang immediately hung up the phone.

And the person on the other end of the phone is currently in the lobby of a hotel.

He was resting his feet on the tea table in the lobby, with a cigarette dangling from his mouth, and there were several tall and strong men standing beside him.

"Brother, did Young Master Qin call you just now?" Yi Mazai asked.

"You go, prepare a few brothers who can fight the most, Young Master Qin may be able to use them these days." The man said.


"Also, call my woman over here, mother, let labor and management wait in the hotel for so long, let's see if labor and management will deal with him later!" The man said angrily.

Ma Zai had a smirk on his face and said, "Brother, how do you want to deal with her?"

"None of your shit?" the man scolded with a smile.

At this moment, the smile on the man's face suddenly froze on his face, his eyes stared straight at the hotel door, and his eyes wished to fly out of their sockets.

There was an evil smile on his face, and the halazi almost fell off.

And there was a man and a woman standing at the door. Obviously, he omitted the man directly.

This man was wearing a tracksuit, in his early twenties, with short hair, he looked radiant, his eyes were as bright as stars, and although his skin was fair, he exuded a masculine air.

The woman beside him had clean and handsome short hair, a pair of black-rimmed glasses on her face, and a professional uniform.

Who is this couple if not Lin Yang and Bai Ning?
"It's disgusting, why do these men act like they've never seen a woman before?" Bai Ning muttered in a low voice.

"Isn't that why you look good?" Lin Yang joked.

"Fuck you." Bai Ning rolled his eyes.

"Don't worry, I'm here, don't worry about them." Bai Ning said.

"That's true." Bai Ning smiled.

She glanced at Lin Yang's profile, and thought to herself, "With him, it seems that there is really nothing to worry about."

The two entered the hotel and directly ignored the group of people sitting on the sofa.

After the two opened two rooms, they went straight upstairs.

The man from just now followed Bai Ning into the elevator with his eyes fixed, and then he looked away in a still unsatisfied way.

He wiped his chin, and said in a daze: "What the hell, labor and management are really lucky today, to be able to meet such a woman."

"Brother, which woman of yours, should I call you?" Ma Zai asked.


The man gave him a shudder, and said, "Are you stupid? Compared to her, my woman is trash!"

"Then, brother, are you planning to..."

"Call me the manager of the lobby!" The man rubbed his hands and said excitedly, "I must get this woman tonight!"

(End of this chapter)

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