Chapter 320 Wood Head
After a while, the lobby manager was called and stood respectfully in front of the man.

"Brother Long, what's your order?" The lobby manager asked.

"Just the woman who just went up, give me her room card and room number." The man said impatiently.


"What is this?" Brother Long pushed the lobby manager and said, "Laozi and Young Master Qin are friends, don't you know?"

"Young Master Qin, you should know him, right? His father is a shareholder of your hotel! How about I give Young Master Qin a call?"

The manager of the lobby lowered his head and thought to himself, "Forget it, I can't afford to provoke these dudes, and I can't stop the boss from doing things."

The lobby manager gritted his teeth and said, "Wait a minute, I'll give it to you right away."

"Give it to me, [-]! Show the door to the boss!" Holding the room card, Brother Long couldn't wait to get into the elevator, already thinking about how to spend the night.

And at this moment, in Bai Ning's room [-].

Bai Ning stood on the balcony, overlooking the city.

She gently pulled her hair behind her ears, leaned against the railing, looked at the bright lights in front of her, and said with emotion.

"As expected of the city that was called the city that never sleeps, it is much more prosperous than Qin City and Fu City. It is so late, and there are still people coming and going on the streets."

Bai Ning let out a deep breath, looking at the beautiful scenery in front of him, it seemed that his tense nerves had relaxed a lot during this time.

"Yes, but such a big city probably isn't suitable for me." Lin Yang said with a wry smile, "If possible..."

He was halfway through speaking, and suddenly stopped talking.

Bai Ning looked at him suspiciously, and asked, "What's the matter? If possible, what would you like to do?"

"It's nothing." Lin Yang showed a faint smile, and said, "Go to rest early, I'll go back first."

"Wait." Bai Ning said: "Today's young master Qin, do you think he will come to trouble you again?"

"When I first arrived in Shanghai, I provoked a dude. I think we'd better be careful."

Lin Yang frowned slightly, and said, "If you come to trouble me, I don't care."

"He better pray that he doesn't mess with the people around me!"

Before Bai Ning could speak, Lin Yang continued, "Okay, I'll go back first."

"This time, what will happen in the task arranged by the system?" Lin Yang thought to himself, "If I threaten the people around me again... I will never let it go!"



Just as Lin Yang was about to leave, there was a sudden sound of the door opening!

Bai Ning's heart tightened, and he subconsciously leaned against Lin Yang.

"Could it be Young Master Qin? He came so fast?" Lin Yang thought to himself.

With quick eyes and quick hands, he immediately took Bai Ning and quickly hid in the corner of the balcony.

He stared vigilantly at the direction of the door, and said in a low voice, "Don't worry, with me here, nothing will happen."

Bai Ning nodded, holding onto Lin Yang's clothes tightly.

Bai Ning looked at Lin Yang's calm and sharp eyes, his knife-sharpened face, and felt an inexplicable sense of security in his heart.

It seemed that no matter what happened later, she would have nothing to do, as if no matter what happened, the young man in front of her would block it.

"This guy, what has he been through? Even though he is so young, he knows everything. It seems... he is much more stable than ordinary people." Bai Ning looked at Lin Yang's side face, and suddenly felt a little curious.

But Lin Yang didn't know what was going on in Bai Ning's mind. He breathed steadily and gently, and his gaze was like a torch, like a beast hiding in the dark in the night, patiently waiting for the prey to appear.

His hearing was far beyond that of ordinary people, and it was at its peak at this moment, when he heard a slight male voice at the door.

"You guys, stay on guard in the corridor. That mother seems to have a boyfriend in the next room. If he dares to come over, I'll break his leg!"

"Brother Long, don't worry, this is not the first time we have done this." Another man whispered.

Lin Yang raised his eyebrows, and said secretly: "It seems that the devil city is really full of demons and ghosts."

"It's not the first time this kind of thing has been done, so don't blame me for doing justice for the sky!"


The door of the room was pushed open, and the lights from the corridor crawled into the room.

A man entered the room cautiously and sneakily.

The light cast a shadow on his face, but with Lin Yang's superhuman eyesight, he recognized this man immediately!
"It's him? That man in the lobby just now?" Lin Yang thought to himself.

There was no night light turned on in Bai Ning's room, and under the dim light, the bed was still flat.

The man stood by the bed, looked around, and said in a low voice, "Mother, where did this man go?"

He was stunned for a while, then suddenly spat viciously on the ground, and said, "What the hell! You must have gone to the next door! Damn, a couple open two rooms? Are you sick?"

He left the room angrily, and said to Ma Zai at the door: "Go, go downstairs and get the room card from the next room!"

"Later, you tie up that man for me! Labor and management will broadcast him a live broadcast!"

Ma Tsai quickly agreed and went downstairs directly.

Bai Ning, who was on the balcony, heard the man's voice, his face flushed, and there was a hint of disgust in his eyes, and he said in a low voice: "Men are disgusting!"

"I'm not sick." Lin Yang said.

Bai Ning rolled his eyes and said, "You're stupid."

"What do you mean?" Lin Yang asked in a low voice.

Bai Ning rolled his eyes and didn't speak again.

Lin Yang didn't care either, he glanced into the room.

Brother Long and Ma Tsai have already left the room, not at the door of Room [-].

Lin Yang thought to himself, "It seems that you are going to my room?"

"It's just right, let you have a taste of the pain!"

Lin Yang patted Bai Ning's shoulder and said, "You wait here, I'll go out and solve it."

"Be careful." Bai Ning warned.

Lin Yang agreed, walking lightly, walked to the door at a very fast speed, and closed the door forcefully.

"Bang!" There was an explosion.

Brother Long was startled, and shouted, "Damn it, what's going on?"

He saw that the door of Bai Ning's room was actually closed?
"This mother is in there!" Brother Long pointed at the door and shouted, "Little girl, I advise you to open the door for me and stay with me all night, otherwise you will suffer a lot!"

Lin Yang, who was at the door, had a playful look on his face, he lifted the quilt and lay down on the bed.

Bai Ning watched from the corner of the balcony, almost couldn't help laughing out loud.

"What does this guy want?" Bai Ning looked curiously and murmured.

She didn't realize that in the face of this crisis, because of Lin Yang's presence, she was no longer afraid at all.

(End of this chapter)

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