My leisurely life live in the countryside

Chapter 324 1 Soaring to the Sky

Chapter 324 Soaring into the sky

Lin Butler just pulled the corners of his mouth, showed a contemptuous smile, and got into the car, as if talking to Lin Yang was a self-deprecation.

After a while, the entire row of Mercedes-Benz left the hotel, leaving only a few security guards in the lobby.

The captain lying on the ground held his chest and said to Lin Yang, "I advise you, run quickly."

"I'm in Shanghai, and I still have things to do." Lin Yang said.

"If you don't want to die, stay!" The captain sneered, as if laughing at Lin Yang's overestimation.

"No matter how good you are at fighting, you will not be the opponent of the Qin family. If you stay, you will only die."

"Not necessarily." Lin Yang said.

"Arrogance." The captain clutched his chest, struggled to stand up from the ground, and left with others.

Lin Yang didn't take these people's words to heart at all, as long as these people didn't attack Bai Ning, he would have nothing to fear.

But at this moment, Bai Ning was in the room, looking at the phone screen, his brows were knit into a ball.

"What should I do, this Qin actually Qin Tianming's son?"

"Then, isn't tomorrow's auction..."

"Didi—" the door made a sound.

Bai Ning looked at the door vigilantly, only to see Lin Yang walking in.

"Lin Yang, are you okay?" Bai Ning asked with concern.

"Do you think they can hurt me?" Lin Yang said with a smile, "Don't worry, I'm fine."

"Shall we go back?" Bai Ning said suddenly.

"What?" Lin Yang looked at her suspiciously, and asked, "Why? If Agni Media didn't get it, our company might..."

"Qin Sheng is Qin Tianming's son. Do you know who Qin Tianming is?" Bai Ning asked helplessly while sitting on the bed with a wry smile.

Seeing Bai Ning's appearance, Lin Yang probably guessed it, and asked with a frown, "You don't mean that this Qin Tianming is the boss of a certain blog company?"

Bai Ning nodded helplessly, and said: "So, the auction is hopeless now, let's go back first, lest they come to make trouble again."

Lin Yang sat on the edge of the bed, thought for a long time, and said, "This Qin Tianming, how is he?"

"You mean character?" Bai Ning said with a wry smile: "Forget it, we had a dispute with his son, even if he is a good person, he will still favor his son, right?"

Lin Yang took a deep breath and said, "You go back first tomorrow, I'm going to give it a try!"

"Even if they want to attack me, they will not be my opponent. If Qin Tianming is a sensible person, he will know that the matter between me and his son was caused by his son himself."

Upon hearing this, Bai Ning was about to say something when Lin Yang interrupted her.

"You should go back first, otherwise, they will really attack us tomorrow, I'm afraid I won't have the energy to protect you."

Bai Ning pushed his glasses and said, "That's right, I'm a weak woman, so I won't be taken hostage."

"Go back, I can handle it here." Lin Yang comforted.

"Okay, that's the only way to go. If Agni Media doesn't get it, maybe our career in the live broadcast industry really comes to an end."

Lin Yang and Bai Ning had no choice but to make this decision.

At this moment, Qin Sheng, who had just returned home, was in his father's study.

In the study, Qin Tianming combed his hair back, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and piercing eyes. He was wearing a high-end suit and sat on the grand master's chair. His whole body exuded the majesty of a superior person, which made people feel uneasy. fear.

Standing in front of him, Qin Sheng completely lost his domineering attitude when he was outside, and obediently lowered his head, not daring to take a breath.

"Kneel down!" Qin Tianming said sharply.


Qin Sheng knelt down on the ground immediately without saying a word.

"Qin Sheng, you are my only son, Qin Tianming, how could you be such a waste?" Qin Tianming hated iron for being weak, and was so angry that he looked at Qin Sheng with sharp eyes like sharp knives.

"Father, it's that Lin Yang, he—"

"Shut up!" Qin Tianming scolded angrily: "The dignified Qin Tianming's son, the next heir of a certain blog company, you are actually getting involved with an anchor."

"Besides, he's a notorious anchor who everyone shouts and beats!"

"If this gets out, where will the Qin family face me!"

Qin Tianming reprimanded angrily, every word was sonorous and forceful, and every word that came out of his mouth seemed to be mixed with scorching anger.

Qin Sheng was almost lying on the ground, too scared to say another word.

"Tomorrow, Agni Media auction, I want you to host, if you fail to host, you will not be the successor of a certain blog group in the future!"

Qin Tianming sat on the grand teacher's chair, looking at Qin Sheng with cold eyes, as cold as looking at a stranger.

Qin Sheng was shocked when he heard this!
He raised his head in astonishment, he had something to say, but when he saw his father's eyes, he swallowed the words again.

He lowered his head and said, "I, I see."

"Get out." Qin Tianming said coldly.

Qin Sheng didn't dare to speak, and left the study obediently.

Qin Tianming sat in the room, took a deep breath, and said, "Steward Lin, come in."

"Sir." Lin Butler entered the door respectfully and said respectfully.

"Steward Lin, please help take care of tomorrow's affairs." Qin Tianming said: "No matter what, the Qin family cannot lose face."

"Yes." Lin Butler said respectfully.

"Also, please let me know that a certain blog of ours will permanently ban Lin Yang!" Qin Tianming's eyes flickered, and he said, "You can't let an anchor ride on my Qin family's head!"

"Yes!" Lin Butler agreed and left the room.

The long dark night gradually receded, and in the early morning of the next day, the news that a certain blog blocked Lin Yang wandered among various media companies and groups.

For a while, all positive news about Lin Yang on the Internet was completely erased.

And this news quickly reached Chen Jian's ears!
Early in the morning, he notified Lin Huan, Lin Binbin, and Wang Qian to gather in the conference room of a high-end teahouse.

Chen Jian sat at the main seat, tapping his fingers on the table rhythmically, making a cheerful rhythm.

"For some reason, Lin Yang left Qin City, and now he has provoked a certain blog company." Chen Jian jokingly said, "Now, a certain blog has completely banned Lin Yang."

"Lin Binbin, you can advance your plan and start leaking some information on the Internet."

"Okay, I'll prepare right away, and I'll reveal the news tomorrow! Lin Yang must be stink so that he can never get up again!" Lin Binbin said.

"After the matter is done, I will not treat you badly. If you are on the way, follow me from now on." Chen Jian said flatly.

"Okay, yes! Mr. Chen, I will do my best!" Lin Binbin was overjoyed!

As a child from a poor family, it is extremely difficult to get ahead even after graduating from university!
But if he got next to a big tree like the Chen family, he would be soaring into the sky!

(End of this chapter)

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