Chapter 325 Conspiracy
Several people were discussing how to discredit Lin Yang in the end.

But Lin Yang, who was far away in the magic capital at the moment, knew nothing about it.

"Lin Yang, I have already participated in this auction on the Internet." Bai Ning said: "I also just discovered that on the official website of a certain blog, you can directly participate in this auction."

"I'll transfer the identity plate to you, and you can go directly to participate at night."

"Okay, don't worry, I'll be fine even if the auction fails." Lin Yang glanced at the time and said, "It's getting late, I'll take you to the airport."

Lin Yang sent Bai Ning directly to the airport.

At this moment, in the headquarters of a certain blog, Qin Sheng is in the office, preparing for the auction tonight.

He sat at his desk, looking at the folders scattered on the desk, he felt his head was big.

"Secretary, please handle these documents for me." Qin Sheng threw the pen on the table and shook the purple hair on his forehead.

"Master, you need to read these documents and then sign them." The secretary said respectfully.

"What the hell, is it so troublesome?" Qin Sheng opened a document in front of him with a look of displeasure.

This file is densely packed with names and personal information.

He frowned and asked, "What is this? Why are there so many company executives?"

"These are the list of people who will participate in the auction tonight." The secretary said, "These people are well-known in the society and can participate in this auction with financial strength."

"Then why do you still show it to me?" Qin Sheng said impatiently: "You can handle this thing?"

Qin Sheng shook his head and casually flipped through two pages of documents.

Suddenly a name came into view, he immediately raised his brows, his eyes lit up, and said, "Lin Yang? Former anchor of Panda Company? He also wants to participate in the auction of Agni Media?"

"Yes, master." The secretary replied: "Lin Yang is now blocked by the entire industry. He probably wants to set up a live broadcast company by himself, so he bought Agni Media."

Qin Sheng sneered, and said in a low voice: "If there is a way to heaven, you don't go, but if there is no way to hell, you just come and vote!"

"Master, do you want to disqualify him from the auction?" the secretary asked.

Qin Sheng thought for a moment, and said, "Let him participate! But, he can't be allowed to take away the company."

Hearing this, the secretary frowned, and said, "Master, if he bids for the company, we must hand it over to him."

"Then let his price make it impossible to buy our company!" Qin Sheng scolded angrily, "Don't you understand the two sentences?"


"No but!" Qin Sheng scolded angrily.

"Master, what happened?" Lin Butler suddenly entered the door and asked respectfully.

"This Lin Yang wants to auction off our company, and I just don't want him to succeed!" Qin Sheng said angrily.

"Master, since the other party signed up, he must be auctioned off. If the price is right, the company must also be transferred to him." Lin Butler said with a serious look, which cannot be questioned.


"Master, sir, the whole industry has banned him, and we will not show mercy to those who hurt my Qin family's face." Lin Butler said while bending over.

"Young master, I can't bear to make a big conspiracy. There will be many celebrities coming to the auction tonight, so it can't be laughed at."

Lin Butler bowed his waist, bent his waist, but his tone was unquestionable.

Qin Sheng knew that Steward Lin must have been sent by his father, so he nodded in agreement and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

"Then I'll go out first."

After Lin Butler left the office, he immediately made a phone call.

"This is the security department of a certain blog group, what questions do you have?" An operator answered the phone.

"I'm Steward Lin, I'll pick you up as the head of the security department." Steward Lin said.

Hearing this, the person on the other end of the phone said immediately, "Yes, I'll transfer it right away."

When the phone was connected, a rough but respectful voice came from the other end, saying, "Old Lin, what do you want?"

"Tonight, a man named Lin Yang came back. You send someone to wait at the door. I want him to bow his head in front of my Qin family." Lin Butler said firmly.


The person on the other end of the phone agreed, and after hanging up the phone, he immediately arranged staff.

"Lin Yang, you will have to pay the price for provoking the Qin family." Lin Butler thought to himself.

At this moment, in an abandoned unfinished building in the suburbs, more than 20 men gathered.

They sat around a folding table, all of them wore black overalls, had crew-shaven heads, fierce eyes, and strong builds.

Especially striking is a man standing in front of the table.

He is 1.8 meters tall, has a straight figure, wears a blindfold, and has only one eye left.

But his eyes were fierce and abnormal, and he exuded bursts of murderous aura!
The other men sitting in front of him looked at him with a little fear in their eyes.

Holding a dagger in his hand, he said, "President of YouTu, since you paid us to come here, we must get things done!"

"Qin Tianming's son, you must take him back tonight!"

"Yes!" More than 20 men agreed in unison.

"Is the action plan ready?" The man said: "The headquarters of a certain blog will hold an auction tonight. There are many people at the scene, so the plan must be thorough!"

"Boss, the plan is clear." A man said: "The building behind the certain blog headquarters building is only 30 meters away from the certain blog building."

"Some of us can go to the building behind the certain Bo building first, and then use the rope to directly enter the top floor of the certain Bo building."

"The remaining part can be disguised and sneaked into the auction site to respond."

Cyclops frowned and thought for a moment, then asked: "The security department of a certain blog, have you all figured out the details?"

"It's already clear that most of them are senior personnel trained by security companies. They may be experts among ordinary people, but compared with us, they are still far behind!"

"Okay, then let's do it like this!" Cyclops said, "Get ready, the auction will start at eight o'clock in the evening."

Tonight's certain blog auction, fully two hundred executives or presidents of various media companies attended in person.

At the gate of the headquarters of a certain blog, luxury cars were parked one after another. People were greeting each other and inquiring about each other's company news. It was very lively.

But no one could have imagined that tonight, the CEO of YouTu Company planned a conspiracy against Qin Sheng...

As night falls, the moon is bright and the stars are sparse, and the certain Bo building exudes dazzling neon lights.

The lobby of a certain blog's headquarters is full of well-dressed, high-society people chatting and laughing.

At this time, a black BMW car stopped at the door, and a man in a suit with fierce eyes and a crew cut came down, attracting everyone's attention.

(End of this chapter)

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