Chapter 326
This man is wearing a high-end suit and a luxury watch. He also looks like a member of the upper class, but he is different from others.

The fierce and frightening eyes, the icy aura exuding from the whole body, are short of writing the words "don't get close to strangers".

As soon as he entered the door, he didn't look at the people around him at all, but took a look at the interior decoration and structure of the building.

He immediately sat on the sofa beside him and smoked a cigarette.

Seeing this, a female receptionist looked at her with some fear, and cautiously reminded: "Sir, smoking is not allowed here."

The man frowned slightly, then spread it out instantly, squeezed out a smile, and said, "I'm sorry."

He immediately put away his cigarettes and sat upright on the sofa.

He was tall and straight, and his sitting posture seemed to have been strictly trained. Apart from his expensive attire, he was completely out of tune with the others here.

"Who is this kid?" A man on the side asked his companion.

"I don't know, I don't know, I haven't seen it." The companion shook his head and said, "It looks like a bodyguard?"

"Come on, whose bodyguard wears such fine clothes? This is custom-made in Italy, at least 30!" the man said.

Everyone murmured, some people wanted to get close, after all, many friends have many paths.

But seeing the man's fierce eyes, he immediately dismissed the idea.

At this time, a taxi suddenly stopped at the gate of the headquarters of a certain blog company.

Compared with this man who has never seen before, this taxi is obviously more eye-catching!

The people who come here are all celebrities, and at worst, they are also company executives. Who will come by taxi?

Everyone's eyes were attracted by the taxi, and a young man got out of the car.

This man was wearing a white sportswear, with short cool hair and bright eyes like stars. He looked like an ordinary college student.

Everyone frowned as they watched the man walking towards the headquarters of a certain blog.

"Who is this? The clerk here? The staff?"

"It should be? Is it possible that you are still here to participate in the auction?"

"Who's coming in a taxi? Isn't that funny? It must be an intern here."

At this time, a man in a suit in the crowd suddenly frowned and said suspiciously: "No, why does this person look so familiar to me?"

When other people heard the words and took a closer look, they all felt familiar.

"Yeah, I seem to have seen it somewhere."

"Who is this person? Who do you know?"

"By the way, isn't this Lin Yang?"

"Didn't he be blocked by a certain gambling industry? How did he appear here?"

"Could it be that he came to participate in the auction? Isn't it funny?"

"Hey, look, he was stopped, and now there is a good show."

"This kid was crazy back then! On the live broadcast platform, when he wanted to sign a contract with him, he didn't reply to my message!"

"Looking at how embarrassed he is now, it's a good thing you didn't succeed in signing the contract."

There was a lot of discussion among the people, and many executives of media companies asked Lin Yang to offer olive branches, but Lin Yang either ignored them or refused directly.

And these people, now seeing Lin Yang being blocked by the entire industry, feel inexplicably refreshed!
What people love to do most is to lift a person up to the altar, and then watch him fall to the ground!

Lin Yang naturally knew this truth, and ignored the gazes of these people.

And when he walked to the door, two security guards standing there suddenly stopped Lin Yang.

"This is my nameplate. I signed up online." Lin Yang took out his mobile phone and said.

The personnel from the two security departments looked at each other with malicious smiles on their faces.

"Sir, please cooperate with our work." A security guard said: "Please, take off your shirt!"

"What are you going to do?" Lin Yang frowned slightly, and said, "If you want to take revenge on me because of Qin Sheng, then—"

"Sir, everyone who came to participate in the auction today is either rich or expensive. We must be responsible for everyone's safety." The security guard interrupted Lin Yang and said condescendingly.

"If you don't cooperate, we won't let you in, please go back!"

Another security guard also said in a strange way: "This is the headquarters of a certain blog. If you want to participate in the auction, you'd better abide by the rules here!"

The two security guards were confident and looked at Lin Yang arrogantly.

Everyone in the lobby also discussed with sneers on their faces.

"Tsk tsk tsk, look, when he was popular, you didn't see how arrogant he was, and he didn't care about fans in the live broadcast room, so he couldn't be dragged."

"Not only does it ignore fans? It also ignores other media companies and threatens not to enter the mainstream media. Now look."

"You should kill this kid's vigor and let him know that the business world is not so easy to mess with!"

"Did he still say he would take it off? It's best to take off all your pants, and I'll take a picture and post it on the Internet later, so he can mess it up again!"

"Of course, this kid is at the end of his rope!"

The mocking voice, like a fly, buzzed in Lin Yang's ears.

The two security guards, with their nostrils upturned, were unscrupulous and looked at Lin Yang confidently.

Lin Yang glanced at the people present, took a deep breath, and suppressed the anger in his heart.

"Sir, if you don't want to abide by the rules here, please leave!" The security guard looked at Lin Yang jokingly and said.

Lin Yang suppressed his anger, took off his shirt, leaving only a short sleeve, and said, "Now, is it okay?"

The two security guards looked at each other and sneered, "Go on."


"This is the headquarters of a certain blog! The site of the Qin family, if you don't abide by the rules here, then leave." Anbao spread his arms and said arrogantly: "We didn't force you to come here."

"Okay!" Lin Yang gritted his teeth and took off his short sleeves, revealing his strong chest.

Lin Yang's muscle lines are meticulously crafted, and the uncanny muscle lines seem to destroy the beauty if a bit of fat is added.

When the women in the lobby saw this, their eyes lit up.

"My God, is he in such a good shape?"

"No wonder so many women like it, tsk tsk."

"Take a picture quickly, take a picture quickly! Post it on the Internet, there will definitely be a wave of traffic!"

A group of women chattered and laughed, as if they were looking at a commodity.

Lin Yang's face was ashen. How could he not be angry when he was pointed at like this?
He suppressed his anger and asked, "Now, I should be able to go in, right?"

"Master!" The two security guards suddenly looked behind Lin Yang and bowed.

"Oh, isn't this Lin, Mr. Lin?" Qin Sheng was wearing an expensive suit, with his purple hair tied behind his head, and said, "Why are you here so naked? Are you trying to pretend to be a monkey?"

(End of this chapter)

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