My leisurely life live in the countryside

Chapter 327 Fairness and Justice

Chapter 327 Fairness and Justice
Lin Yang glanced back at Qin Sheng, and said coldly, "Qin Sheng, I didn't want to play such tricks with you!"

Qin Sheng shrugged his shoulders, and said in a strange way: "Oh, Lin Yang, I didn't do anything."

"My security is just a routine. I don't think you, a big anchor, should take it to heart?"

"Then can I go in?" Lin Yang clenched his fists, holding back his anger, every word seemed to be squeezed out between his teeth!
"Then you have to ask my two security guards." Qin Sheng said eccentrically: "After all, our security guards are also following the rules!"

"Don't deceive people too much!" Lin Yang said coldly.

Qin Sheng patted Lin Yang on the shoulder and said, "What you said, look, so many people took pictures of you, wouldn't posting them on the Internet increase your traffic?"


"Yeah, I haven't finished filming yet, Lin Yang, smile at the camera, I promise you'll be on fire!" A woman dressed in jewels shouted at Lin Yang.

"Did you hear that? This is kindness." Qin Sheng said in a strange way.

"Qin Sheng, remember, a soldier can be killed, but not humiliated!" Lin Yang said every word with a loud voice, and he was about to leave after putting on his clothes.

Seeing this, Qin Sheng hurriedly said, "Wait, wait."

"If you don't want to take pictures, you don't want to take pictures, and I didn't say I won't let you in."

Lin Yang didn't speak, but just gave him a cold look, the eyes were terribly cold.

Qin Sheng was stared at by this gaze, as if being stared at by a wild beast.

The most primitive fear of human beings made him startled, and he took two steps back subconsciously.

"Okay, I'll let you in, Lin Yang, don't worry, our auction will be fair!"

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, he was startled by Lin Yang, which made Qin Sheng feel that he had lost face in front of Lin Yang again. He looked at Lin Yang viciously and gritted his teeth.

Lin Yang snorted coldly, and said, "I hope your Qin family will be fair and just!"


Lin Yang ignored him, and directly pushed away the two security guards into the lobby, sat on the sofa, and waited for the auction to start at [-]:[-] pm.

In the lobby, the fierce man with short shaved hair looked at Lin Yang sitting opposite him and frowned, and said to himself, "This kid is very imposing. Who is this kid? He doesn't look like a businessman..."

Lin Yang felt his gaze and looked at the man.

In an instant, two imposing gazes collided, and the man was shocked instantly!
His gaze was already fierce enough, and there were not many people who could meet his gaze on weekdays.

He didn't expect that the boy he met today would actually make him feel intimidated!
A person's eyes can best reflect a person's mental state.

If a person is in good spirits, his eyes will naturally be bright.And those who have a murderous aura and walk on the edge of danger all year round, have a beast's breath on their bodies, and their eyes are even more penetrating.

But the man didn't expect that Lin Yang's eyes were sharper than his!

He immediately withdrew his gaze, thinking in shock, "This kid is definitely not an ordinary person, it seems that he is also the enemy of Qin Tianming's family, it seems that this is a good show!"

The man got up slowly, went directly to the bathroom, made a phone call and went out.

The phone was connected, and the person on the other end said vigilantly, "Ace of Spades!"

The man also whispered: "Red poker!"

"Jiaolong, what's the matter?" the person on the other end of the phone asked.

Jiaolong lowered his voice and said, "Qin Sheng has provoked another young man. That young man doesn't look simple. Try to act as fast as possible tonight, so as not to cause trouble."

"Understood." Cyclops' voice came from the other end of the phone.

And Lin Yangduan sat in the lobby, frowning, looking at the direction the man left just now, and thought to himself: "Who is this person? He doesn't look like a businessman, but his eyes look like someone like Liu Lei..."

"It seems that the auction tonight is not as peaceful as it looks on the surface."

After a while, Jiaolong left the bathroom, returned to the hall, and sat opposite Lin Yang, but neither of them looked at each other again.

Time gradually flowed, and it was eight o'clock in a short while.

In the lobby, a beautiful piano sounded, and a Rolls Royce stopped at the door.

Everyone looked at the door in unison, and stood on both sides automatically, and some people who were sitting also got up and stood at the door to greet them.

A driver opened the door, and Lin Butler got out of the car slowly.

With his hair combed back and elegant tuxedo, he walked into the lobby energetically and stood in front of everyone.

"Everyone, welcome to today's auction. I won't go into details. Our Qin family's auction must be open, fair, and just!"

After Lin Butler finished speaking, everyone started to clap their hands, with flattering smiles on their faces.

In the crowd, Lin Yang and Jiaolong didn't move at all, which was particularly eye-catching. Many people cast contemptuous glances at Lin Yang.

Lin Butler naturally also noticed Lin Yang and Jiaolong, but his eyes stayed more on Jiaolong.

Jiaolong felt Steward Lin's gaze, and also looked towards Steward Lin.

Facing Jiaolong's sharp gaze, Lin Butler not only stood still, but smiled indifferently and nodded.

Jiaolong withdrew his gaze, and secretly said: "This old man, it's not easy!"

"Everyone, the auction can start. Please follow me to the hall on the top floor, where the auction will be held tonight."

"After the auction is over, we will arrange a reception and dinner. I hope you will have a good time."

Butler Lin made a gesture of invitation, then got on the elevator and headed up to the top floor.

After a while, a group of people came to the auction hall on the top floor.

The lights here are brightly lit, and the entire hall is brightly lit, and the light is even a little dazzling.

The hall is rectangular, about [-] square meters, and everyone has an exclusive place.

Right in front of the hall, there is a temporary stage with a microphone and podium.

After everyone found their seats and sat down, they began to whisper and chat in groups of three or four.

But at this moment, Butler Lin did not appear in the hall, but in Qin Sheng's office.

"Master, the auction has started, and you are required to host it tonight." Butler Lin said respectfully.

"I know, I'll go now." Qin Sheng said, "Isn't it just that the highest bidder wins, it's very simple."

"Master, have you reviewed the auctioneer's list?" Lin Butler asked.

Qin Sheng was stunned for a moment, today he just flipped through two pages casually, and stopped reading after he happened to see Lin Yang.

He hesitated and said: "Look, look, there is no problem, aren't they all presidents of media companies, executives or something."

"Master, there is a man with short hair, a strong figure, and sharp eyes. He is about 30 years old. Have you checked his background?" Lin Butler asked.

(End of this chapter)

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