Chapter 328 Auction

Qin Sheng was confused.

He had no idea who Steward Lin was talking about, his head was in a mess.

But he knew that if he answered "I don't know", his father would probably give him a reprimand.

He had no choice but to bite the bullet and said, "I know, it's the operations director of a media company. I forgot the company and name."

"Old Lin, don't worry, the people here are all media people from some media companies, as well as Lin Yang's notorious anchor, it's okay."

Lin Butler bent over, frowned slightly, and said in a solemn tone: "Master, YouTube is the strongest social media company in the United States."

"Recently, they are trying to open up the Chinese market and want to cooperate with Mr. Qin, but Mr. Qin refused."

"The cooperation broke down, and the two sides became real competitors. The president of YouTu said that he would target Mr. Qin and make a blog change owner!"

"In this case, young master, you must be careful. They can do anything on YouTube."

Lin Butler spoke earnestly, but Qin Sheng didn't take it to heart at all.

He said indifferently: "A Youtu is fine in the country of America, but in Shanghai, how dare they mess around?"

"Don't worry, Butler Lin, I'm going to host the auction, lest others say I'm negligent."

After all, Qin Sheng left the office without waiting for Butler Lin to speak.

As he walked towards the meeting room, he slandered: "I'm so sloppy, you are the master, and I am the master?"

Seeing Qin Sheng leaving impatiently, Steward Lin sighed a long time, and asked the secretary beside him, "Have you really read the list of people participating in the auction, Master?"

The secretary naturally knew that Qin Sheng didn't look at it at all, but she didn't dare to say anything, so she could only lower her head and hesitated for a long time without being able to speak.

Lin Butler shook his head helplessly, left the office, and called my department.

"hello, I--"

"I'm Steward Lin, I'll transfer to your minister." Steward Lin interrupted the operator.

"Mr. Lin, what are your orders?" The Minister of Security asked respectfully.

"Send someone to patrol the entire building, including the roof and around the company, without any blind spots!" Lin Butler said firmly.

"Old Lin, is something wrong?" the minister asked nervously.

"Do as I say, if something happens tonight..."

Butler Lin spoke half of the sentence, and hung up the phone before he could finish the sentence.

The head of security on the other end of the phone felt nervous, and immediately sent an order to patrol the entire building and its surroundings!
All of a sudden, there were more than a dozen security guards on each floor of the entire building, patrolling uninterruptedly.

But at this moment, on the roof of the building behind the headquarters of a certain blog, there were altogether [-] sturdy men with shaved heads and piercing eyes.These people were all wearing black overalls.

On the rooftop, there were several black bags and black ropes scattered around. A group of people were assembling the ropes and hanging Wia-like devices on their bodies.

And one of them was holding a binoculars and looking at the Mobo building. On the binoculars, there were infrared lights flashing like thermal imaging instruments.

His expression suddenly became serious, and he said: "Brother, the headquarters of a certain blog has suddenly stepped up patrols, and there are patrols on every floor."

"At the entrance of the building, 360-degree patrols have been added. Have they discovered that Jiaolong has mixed in?"

Cyclops frowned slightly, stepped forward to take a look through the binoculars, and lit a cigarette.

"Probably not, we have already disguised Jiaolong's identity information." Cyclops said.

"However, Jiaolong is not good at disguising, will it be seen by others?" the man asked worriedly.

"Probably not. If they find Jiaolong, Jiaolong will definitely give us a signal, and the auction site will not be so quiet." Cyclops frowned, thought for a moment, and said.

"Speed ​​up and prepare, wait for the news from Jiaolong, and then slide directly to the top floor of the opponent. The remaining five brothers will take control of the first floor as hostages, and five more will come to meet them. It should be no problem."

"Yes!" More than twenty strong men said in unison.

At this moment, Qin Sheng, who was at the auction site, was completely unaware of this matter.

Standing on the stage, he looked at the celebrities in front of him with arrogance and disdain in his eyes.

He cleared his throat, and after introducing the basic situation of Agni Media, he said.

"I have already introduced the basic financial situation, operation situation, etc. of Agni Media, and there must be no fraud."

"Everyone, start the competition now, starting from 850 million to 100 million!"

After the words fell, a woman dressed in jewels immediately raised her sign.

"950 million!"

"100 million!"

"500 million!"

The price kept rising, Lin Yang glanced at his bank card balance.

"There are still more than 5 million, so there should be no problem." Lin Yang thought to himself.

He glanced at the short-haired man sitting in front of him.

Lin Yang found that not only did he never raise his placard, but he also didn't look at the stage, instead he kept looking around.

Lin Yang thought with some doubts, "He doesn't look like he came to the auction, who is he?"

What Lin Yang didn't see was that the man took out his mobile phone and sent a text message.

The content of the text message is: "Action!"

"Thirty-five million, it's already thirty-five million, do you have any price increases!" Qin Sheng asked on stage.

When Lin Yang was distracted, the number had reached more than 3000 million.

He raised his head, just as he was about to raise the price, he suddenly saw black figures approaching behind the toughened glass window behind Qin Sheng!

The night was dark, and these people were all wearing black clothes and black masks, so ordinary people couldn't see them at all.

And Lin Yang's eyesight has long surpassed that of ordinary people, so he can see clearly!

He stood up abruptly and shouted eagerly, "Get out of the way!"

"Lin Yang, this is the auction site, not your live broadcast room, so don't make trouble here!" Qin Sheng said viciously, "If you don't want to auction, just—"



Before Qin Sheng finished speaking, the glass behind him suddenly burst, like an explosion.

The shards of glass splashed everywhere, Qin Sheng froze in shock, his eyes stared straight,
Before he could react, the man sitting in front of Lin Yang leaped towards Qin Sheng!

Lin Yang frowned, and a group of men in black walked in through the broken glass window.

In an instant, there were screams in the venue.

Some of the women ran towards the door and some started fighting to escape.

The scene was noisy. These men in black were well-trained and immediately occupied two entrances and exits.

The leader Cyclops and Jiaolong stood behind Qin Sheng, with a sneer of contempt on their faces.

(End of this chapter)

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