Chapter 33
"It's really unparalleled silky smooth. I can watch this kind of excavator driving video all day!"

"Give me a small mazar, I can watch it for two days!"

"Me too! It's really interesting."


Obviously they are all laymen and don't know the operation process of the excavator, but they still watch it with gusto.

Because Lin Yang really performed everything to the extreme.

Under Lin Yang's control, the house was quickly pulled down!

To be honest, after it was all beaten, Lin Yang felt a little empty in his heart.

Lin Yang took a deep breath to clear away the depression...

After everything was over, Lin Yang looked at Principal Zeng who was full of excitement, and said, "How is it? Did you take pictures of everything?"

"Yes, yes, yes. I took pictures of everything!"

After checking it and making sure there were no mistakes, Principal Zeng smiled even more.

Excellent value for money.

He felt that this time it was completely worth the money.

Soon, Lin Yang talked about Principal Zeng's plan to help build roads in the village.

All the villagers were excited when they found out.

Because that section of the road is usually fine, but when it rains on a cloudy day, it is much, much worse.

So it would be really nice to have it harden.


"Many people are indeed powerful!"

At the end of the live broadcast in the afternoon, Lin Yang praised.

At this point, the entire foundation has been done.

"What are you looking at here! Let's go home for dinner!"

Hearing the soft voice, Lin Yang turned his head and saw Lin Miaomiao looking at him with a smile.


Because the house here is still some time away, so Lin Yang lives in Lin Miaomiao's house now.

"Brother, you are really amazing now!"

"Is there? Am I still the same as before?"

When walking side by side with Lin Miaomiao, Lin Yang joked softly when he heard Lin Miaomiao's emotional opening.

Lin Yang really felt that he was the same as before.

"I feel much better than before. Just like this afternoon, the reason why Principal Zeng was willing to build the road was because of you."

"That's him trying to do good!"

"I don't believe it!"


"Yangyang, I've cleaned up your room for you! You can go to sleep later, the quilt and bed cover are all new."

"Second Aunt, you don't need to tidy it up for me, just find a place and it will be done in a few days."

"That won't work. You are the great benefactor of the village now. If I really dare to treat you like that, everyone will probably break the threshold of my family."

"Second aunt, you can joke."

"I'm telling the truth. The bad road in the village has been there for many years. Now because of you, someone is willing to pay to help build the road. Tell me, are you a benefactor of everyone?"

"I am also a member of the village, these are what I should do."

"That will also benefit the village! Come on, stop arguing, try my stewed chicken soup, this is hen soup, very nourishing."


After agreeing, Lin Yang picked up the spoon and took a few sips.

After dinner, Lin Yang returned to his residence.

As soon as he opened the door, Lin Yang saw Xiao Hei lying in the corner.

"You came earlier than me!"

With a slight smile, Lin Yang rubbed its head.

After that, Lin Yang sat down quickly.

Silent all night.

The next day, when Lin Yang woke up, it was already broad daylight.

"It's past seven o'clock!"

Seeing that it was almost time for the live broadcast, Lin Yang suddenly got up.

After greeting Xiao Hei, Lin Yang quickly walked out of the room.

After a simple wash, Lin Yang was about to start the live broadcast, when he heard footsteps.

Turning his head, Lin Yang saw a man in a tunic looking at him excitedly.

Beside him stood two young men.

Looking at their childishness, Lin Yang guessed that they should still be students.

"Wait a minute, this isn't the architecture tutor and his two students who said they wanted to come to me yesterday."

Lin Yang muttered!
Soon, Lin Yang knew that he was right, it was them.

"Hi, I'm Jia Yuhua, and this is my students Xu Haokuo and Guo Yangyun."

"You don't need to use any honorific title, just call me Liu Yang."

"That won't work, I'll call you Teacher Liu Yang."

"do not!"

"Then Liu Yang."

Sensing Lin Yang's determination, Jia Yuhua sighed, but took a step back.


Lin Yang turned on the live broadcast just now when they were introducing, so everyone can see the current scene.

"My dear, this Jia Yuhua is a master in the construction industry!"

"That's right, I published a lot of papers before."

"Now, with such respect for the anchor, the anchor is really awesome."

"Yes, yes!"

Many people have little stars in their eyes.

Lin Miaomiao and the others were also very surprised...

Thinking that Lin Yang graduated from Qingbei University, they were relieved.

Lin Yang went back to his residence together with them. At this time, everyone in the village had already arrived.

Jia Yuhua glanced at it, and said respectfully, "Lin Yang, how about I direct them to build it?"

"There's no need for that!"

Lin Yang shook his head quickly.

"Lin Yang, listen to me, I have my own ideas. I can't understand many things in your picture, so I want to build them with them myself, so that I can fully understand many things."

"That's it!"

"Fuck, the anchor is amazing! Hired a very professional boss to be the contractor."

"The most frightening thing is that someone volunteered to ask you to accept it."

"I don't float in space, so I just serve the anchor."

"Me too! It just exploded."

Everyone is really completely convinced!

Because Lin Yang is really invincible.

A professional professor took the initiative to come here as a contractor.

It's just plain easy.

"You two don't stand still! The opportunity to practice is here!"

Jia Yuhua glanced at Xu Haokuo and Guo Yangyun, and spoke quickly.

This time, the reason why Jia Yuhua brought them was because these two were his favorite students.

He wants to focus on nurturing them.

Hearing Jia Yuhua's words, they nodded quickly.

Soon, they picked up the shovels.

To be honest, they haven't done this before, and it's a bit rusty now.

However, they also know that practice is a good thing, so there are no unhappy thoughts now.

"Put down the shovel and go help build the wall!"

"it is good!"

They walked over quickly, and after seeing a few others how they did it, they began to build the wall.

It seems very simple, but after actually getting started, they found that it was much more difficult than imagined.


No matter how you do it yourself, it is very difficult to get it neat.

The most important thing to build a wall is to be neat, and I can't even do this.

"Let me teach you!"

Lin Yang walked over and spoke softly.

Lin Yang knew that this was their first practice, so it was normal that they couldn't build well.

"it is good!"

Hearing Lin Yang's words, they quickly moved away.

They are looking forward to it, the people at the scene are looking forward to it, and the people in the live broadcast room are also looking forward to it.

In anticipation of everyone, Lin Yang picked up the bricks and started to build the wall.

Movement is slow.

They are a little disappointed.

"It's not quite right!"


"I feel so too!"

Many people in the live broadcast room spoke quickly.

But soon, they stopped talking.

(End of this chapter)

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