My leisurely life live in the countryside

Chapter 34 The Keyboard Man Comes

Chapter 34 The Keyboard Man Comes

Because although Lin Yang moved slowly, he achieved absolute perfection.

Everyone else needs a little tweaking after building one.

But Lin Yang didn't.

He just put them up one by one, each one is special and perfect.

"Be good, Yangyang is amazing. I have been building for so many years, but I still don't have such a level."

"Me too. I thought I was pretty good before, but now it seems that after so many years, I've really been eating and drinking."

"And I!"

All the people in Linhe Village were hit.

They feel that it doesn't matter if they are hit in other places.

But when their profession was hit, they felt a little unacceptable.

But thinking that Lin Yang is the only Qingbei University graduate in the village, they gradually felt relieved.

"Brothers, there are so many of us, we can't let Yangyang compete with himself, right!"

"That's right! Fight!"

"Me too!"

Looking at each other, they regained their fighting spirit.

"Haha, these people fought with the anchor!"

"Who do you think will win?"

"Does it need to be said? I have watched the anchor's video for so many days, and I have an absolute understanding of the anchor's strength, so I think those people in the village won."

"Damn it, you fake fan!"

While they were muttering, Xu Haokuo and Guo Yangyun also joined the opposing team.

"Fuck, there are two more people on the opposite side!"

"There are almost twenty people, I think the anchor should have no chance!"

"I feel so too!"

Seeing more than 20 people in full swing, they felt that Lin Yang was about to suffer.

"Huh? Looks like this is a competition!"
Lin Yang glanced at them and smiled slightly.

"In this case, let me show you my level!"

While speaking, Lin Yang started to speed up.


Seeing that Lin Yang's speed had doubled, everyone's eyes widened in astonishment.

Before, they felt that Lin Yang's speed was at the limit just now.

Now, they realize that they think too much!
Lin Yang has no limit at all.

"Nimma, this speed is seven or eight times faster than before!"

"Is this the limit of the anchor?"

"I do not know!"

Many people shook their heads quickly.

They dare not guess...

After half an hour, Lin Yang stopped. The reason for this was that the construction here was almost finished.

Turning his head and glanced at the opposite side, Lin Yang found that they had only completed one-third of the work.

"Uncles, uncles, take a break! This is too tiring."

Seeing that they were still trying their best, Lin Yang quickly reminded them.

This is to build a house for himself, Lin Yang is really worried that they will be exhausted.

Hearing Lin Yang's reminder, they looked over and found that Lin Yang had already finished.

"There are successors, our Linhe Village construction team has successors!"

"What are you thinking! How could Yangyang be a construction worker like you?"

"That's it!"

"But this wall is level, it's too wasteful not to do construction work!"

As soon as he said this, he got countless blank stares.

"Brother Lin Yang, you are tired, drink some water!"

Hearing such a sweet opening, Lin Yang turned his head and saw Miaomiao looking at him excitedly.

"Thank you!"

"Brother Lin Yang, you were really amazing just now! If my family builds a new house in the future, you must help me."

"Okay! That's no problem."


"I was really busy before, so I didn't entertain you well, don't mind!"

After the live broadcast ended, Lin Yang looked at Jia Yuhua and said softly apologetically.

The whole day before, Lin Yang had been busy.

The advantage of this is that the house has a prototype.

"Lin Yang, don't say that. I've learned a lot here for a day. I'm really happy."

Jia Yuhua waved his hands again and again.

Before, he drew pictures and taught in the ivory tower, but he didn't have the opportunity to experience it himself.

So today, he really learned a lot.

"That's good!"

With a slight smile, Lin Yang started to make tea.

At this moment, his attention was focused on the tea table built with stones.

"Lin Yang, you made this tea table?"

"Well! There were a few unused stones in the backyard before, so I used them as waste. Is it okay?"

"It's more than possible! It's so good! I've seen many designs before, but compared to this, those so-called designs are really weak. I can take a picture of it later and study it when I go back." ?”


"Okay, thank you!"

After agreeing, Jia Yuhua took a deep breath, carefully took out his mobile phone, and took pictures seriously.

At this time, someone posted the video of Lin Yang building the wall on the Internet.

Because of Lin Yang's fame, he attracted many people's attention.

At the beginning, Lin Yang's speed was not fast, so many people started to tease him.

"This person's level is not bad!"

"Well, it looks very silky, but the speed is still very slow!"

"I also feel very slow."

"I feel that this speed is already very fast!"

"Fast? You have never seen a professional one. I have worked on a construction site for a while, and the speed is much faster than this!"

"Me too!"

Wherever there are people, there are people who like to pretend.

The person who uploaded the video did not expose them, but uploaded the second half of the video.


"Is this accelerated?"

"This speed is too fast!"

"That's right!"

Everyone was dumbfounded after seeing the second half of the video!
Seeing this scene, the person who posted the video said lightly: "Where is the person who pointed out the country before? Go ahead and talk about it, is this speed fast?"

"This speed is indeed fast! But it is accelerated!"

"That's right, what kind of skill is this kind of acceleration?"

They're still talking crazy.

"Speed ​​up? Look at the group of people behind the video, they are also building walls."

Hearing this, everyone looked behind.

Before, all their attention was on Lin Yang, and they didn't notice this side.

Now, they notice.

They knew the video hadn't been sped up.

"Hey, one person is faster than more than 20 people, this is simply invincible!"

"That's right! Invincible!"

Almost everyone was amazed.

Those people who came out to make sarcastic remarks before completely disappeared at this time.

Because their faces are swollen...

They didn't dare to pretend to be aggressive in a short time, because the feeling of being slapped in the face was really uncomfortable.

This video was very popular, so more people came to Panda Bear, and more people paid attention to Lin Yang.

Bai Ning burst into laughter!

Because the traffic of the website has increased visible to the naked eye.

She knew that Lin Yang brought all of this to the website.

"It's really the greatest luck in my life to be able to sign Lin Yang." While muttering to herself, she thought of the scene of her contact with Lin Yang before, and she felt that it was difficult for her in her life.

(End of this chapter)

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