Chapter 330
Seeing that Lin Yang didn't speak, Cyclops stretched out his hand to suppress Jiaolong's gun.

He lit a cigarette, looked at Lin Yang with interest, and said, "You are very good, and you are not afraid of looking at the muzzle of a gun."

He rubbed his temples, frowned slightly, with a smile on his lips, and said, "Tell me, are you stupid, or are you really not afraid?"

"Let him go, I don't want to do anything." Lin Yang didn't answer, but said flatly, "If you shoot, you will regret it."

"Hahahaha, you're really interesting." Cyclops put his hands on his chest, looked up to the sky and laughed confidently, and said, "Okay, I'll give it a try."

"By the way, Jiaolong's marksmanship is very accurate, do you want to step back a little?"

Cyclops turned his head sideways and looked at Lin Yang playfully, like a hunter looking at his prey.

"Shoot." Lin Yang said lightly.

Jiaolong glanced at Cyclops and asked Cyclops for his opinion.

The one-eyed dragon thought for a moment, and said, "One shot, if you don't die, you will follow, how about it? We have everything you expect to find, riches, riches and beauties."

"No, you either shoot or let them go." Lin Yang said bluntly.

"Tsk tsk tsk, why don't you cherish life at such a young age?" Cyclops sat on the chair, crossed his legs, smoked a cigarette, and looked at Lin Yang playfully.

Lin Butler and Xiao Qin Tianming were in the monitoring room, and they also looked at Lin Yang with great interest.

Some of the other people hiding in the corner covered their ears, slandering Lin Yang in their hearts.

Some were bold, looked at Lin Yang from the corner of their eyes, and slandered in their hearts: "What a shame, do you want to die so much?"

Jiaolong held up his pistol, the black muzzle pointed directly at Lin Yang's forehead, and said, "Go to hell."

Butler Lin said: "He is going to die."

Qin Tianming said lightly: "I'll just throw it at the door later."

"Yes." Butler Lin said.


After the voice fell, the gunshot of the pistol exploded like thunder!
Everyone present closed their eyes in fright.

Qin Tianming and Lin Butler's expressions were calm, as if they had seen such scenes too many times.

But the next moment, the screen in front of them suddenly shook.

The next moment, Lin Yang's body did not appear, and Lin Yang... also disappeared in place!

On the screen, there was only a black bullet mark emitting white smoke.

Before the two of them could react, they saw the figures of Cyclops and Jiaolong, who suddenly flew upside down with two muffled "bang bang" sounds, and hit the ground hard.

The next moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of the screen of the two of Qin Tianming!
The two people who have always been calm and calm showed a rare panic expression on their faces!
Qin Tianming stood up from the chair with a "crush", and "thumped" backed up three steps!

He looked at the screen in shock, a man carrying a sleeping bag, who is it if it's not Lin Yang?

"Man, I already got it, Agni Media, I want it." Lin Yang said to the monitor.

Qin Tianming and Lin Butler never thought that Lin Yang would survive!

Both of them stared at the monitor in a daze, completely unresponsive.

The cigarette in Qin Tianming's hand fell to the ground, but he didn't react.

Seeing that no one responded, Lin Yang frowned and said, "Do you want to go back on your word?"

"No! Agni Media, I will definitely give it to you!" Qin Tianming said in person, "More than that, I will give you the full support of the media industry!"

"It's best!" Lin Yang said lightly.

At this moment, Jiaolong and Cyclops' subordinates raised their guns and aimed at Lin Yang.

More than a dozen black guns pointed at Lin Yang, enough to turn him into a hornet's nest!

Seeing this, Qin Tianming and Lin Butler glanced at each other, and they both saw the doubt in the other's eyes—"Can Lin Yang break out of the encirclement?"

Lin Yang, who was standing in front of the monitor, glanced at these men and said, "You better not shoot, you will regret it!"


More than a dozen people put on the safety catch at the same time, and just as they were about to shoot, Cyclops suddenly said, "Let him go!"

More than a dozen people looked at the one-eyed dragon suspiciously, and Jiaolong also frowned.

"Brother, you—"

"Let him go!" Cyclops clutched his chest, struggled to get up from the ground, and said, "Brother, I, Cyclops, have been wandering around for so many years, and I have never seen such a strange person like you!"

"I won't accept this business. Let our brothers leave safely. We will never trouble you again."

After all, Cyclops paused for a moment, and then said: "There is also trouble with the Qin family, and we will not look for it again."

Lin Yang glanced at him and said, "Okay, let's go."

After the voice fell, Cyclops pressed the communicator and said, "Leave!"

"Brother, how could he dodge these dozens of guns?" Jiaolong said anxiously.

"I let you go, didn't you hear me!" Cyclops yelled angrily, and left the rope immediately.

The rest of the people looked at Lin Yang unwillingly and left from the rope.

After a while, Steward Lin in the monitoring room received a notice and said, "Old Lin, they all left suddenly."

Qin Tianming sighed from the side, and said, "Unexpectedly, I saw the wrong person, Lin Yang... must be a dragon and a phoenix among people!"

Butler Lin nodded and said, "Mr. Qin, this Lin Yang must not be his enemy!"

"However, do you think he would be able to dodge if a dozen people shot just now?"

Qin Tianming took a deep puff of cigarette and asked, "Do you think Lin Yang is a fool?"

"Without absolute certainty, he wouldn't go to save people, not to mention, Cyclops just now... wanted Lin Yang to let them go, not him."

When Steward Lin heard the words, he was shocked all over, and was shocked in his heart!

"A person who can dodge bullets and go so fast, is he... really still human?" Steward Lin murmured in shock.

"I thought that there was nothing new under the sun, but I didn't expect that I was taught a lesson today." Qin Tianming said to Mike: "Lin Yang, hand my son over to any employee and let them deal with it. "

"I will send someone to take you to my house later, and I want to thank you personally!"

"Understood." Lin Yang's voice came from the speaker.

"Let's go, go home and wait for our distinguished guest!" Qin Tianming said.

Butler Lin agreed, and respectfully followed behind Qin Tianming.

After a while, the two returned to their single-family villa in the suburbs.

Qin Tianming sat on the large and soft sofa, and Lin Butler stood respectfully behind him.

A servant immediately brought up a cup of tea.

"Go and tell the kitchen to cook the best dishes and prepare the best wine." Qin Tianming ordered.

"Yes." The servant replied.

Butler Lin said, "Sir, how do you plan to deal with Lin Yang?"

(End of this chapter)

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