Chapter 331

Qin Tianming glanced at Steward Lin, took a sip of tea, and said, "No one will not love money, isn't Lin Yang also for Agni Media?"

"As long as we don't become enemies with him, I have the confidence to let him cooperate with me all the time!"

"Sir, Mr. Lin is here." The driver opened the door and brought Lin Yang in.

When Qin Tianming saw Lin Yang, he immediately got up, went up to greet Lin Yang enthusiastically, and wanted to shake hands with Lin Yang, saying: "Mr. Lin, you are truly a god. I, Qin Tianming, have lived for decades, and I have never seen you like this." Master!"

Lin Yang glanced at his outstretched hand, sat down on the sofa, and said, "I'm here for Agni Media."

Qin Tianming withdrew his hand and didn't care. He still had a warm smile on his face and said, "Mr. Lin, you saved my son. How can a fire media repay you?"

"I have already promised that I will fully support you in the media industry! If you have any other requirements, you can just ask!"

Lin Yang glanced at him, and said lightly: "I'm not short of money, all I need is a company that lets me broadcast live, I'm not interested in anything else."

"Then, how about it." Qin Tianming thought for a moment, leaned forward slightly, and said with a smile on his face: "I will give you the best live broadcast team, the best public relations team!"

"Don't worry, I will pay all their salaries for the next ten years. If your company needs any help, just ask."

Lin Yang couldn't help but smile when he saw how flattering he was.

He thought of the contempt and disdain Qin Sheng and Lin Butler had when they first met him.

But now, these people are uncharacteristically acting as if nothing happened before.

Lin Yang smiled playfully, looked at Qin Tianming, and said, "Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course." Qin Tianming said.

"You guys, how did you manage to change your face so quickly?" Lin Yang jokingly said, "You didn't treat me like this before, did you?"

The smile on Qin Tianming's face froze for a moment, then suddenly changed into a dazed look, and said, "Why did Mr. Lin say that?"

"Mr. Lin, I was too blind to see Mount Tai before. Mr. Qin didn't know about the affairs between us." Lin Butler walked up to Lin Yang and bowed deeply.

Lin Yang raised his eyebrows, nodded, and jokingly said, "You know now?"

"Steward Lin, as I said before, my Qin family has always been gracious! No matter who I meet, I treat them fairly!" Qin Tianming said with a serious expression.

"What do you mean? What did you do to Mr. Lin before?"

Steward Lin lowered his head, almost buried his head in his chest, and said, "Young Master Qin and Mr. Lin had conflicts, and I didn't know Taishan, so I contradicted Mr. Lin."

"Slap!" Qin Tianming slapped Lin Butler on the face.

This slap was not too forceful, butler Lin's face was swollen instantly.

"Apologize to Mr. Lin!" Qin Tianming reprimanded feigned anger.

"No need." Lin Yang said lightly, leaned back on the sofa, and said, "Both of you, I want Agni Media. As for your team, I don't need it."

"If it's okay, can I go through the formalities now?"

"Yes!" Qin Tianming said, "Of course, it's just that the company has just started and there is no team. Isn't it inconvenient?"

"What's more, according to Mr. Lin's recent situation, it seems..."

"You don't have to worry about my situation, I only want the company." Lin Yang said lightly.

"Okay, I'll deal with it right away."

Qin Tianming immediately made a phone call, and after a while, the company was directly transferred to Lin Yang's name.

"Tomorrow, I'll have someone take you to the company to have a look." Qin Tianming said, "If Mr. Lin needs anything, just ask."

"Mr. Qin, the food and drink are ready." The servant stepped forward and said.

"Mr. Lin, thanks to you today, how about a drink?" Qin Tianming said, "I will arrange the best hotel for you later, and let the driver take you back."

"No need." Lin Yang said, "I'll go back first."

Lin Yang left without waiting for Qin Tianming to persuade him to stay.

Butler Lin glanced at Qin Tianming and said, "Sir, he doesn't seem to appreciate it."

"Lin Yang, it's not easy..." Qin Tianming took a sip of tea and said, "He's worried that my team will monitor him."

"Don't worry, as long as he is in the business world, he will need us one day!"

Butler Lin nodded and said no more.

The next morning, shortly after Lin Yang woke up from the hotel, the phone rang.

Picking up the phone, Lin Butler's voice came from the other end, saying: "Mr. Lin, I don't know if I disturbed your rest, can I go to the company now?"

"Yes." Lin Yang said.

"Okay, I'm already waiting downstairs." Lin Butler said.

"Okay, I'll go down right away."

At this moment, in front of the hotel, a whole row of Bentleys attracted the attention of enough people.

The front desk of the hotel looked at a whole row of Bentleys, and didn't even dare to fish at work.

"I'm going, are you here to pick up some important person, or is there any important person coming?" a receptionist whispered.

"It looks like a pick-up?"

"Is there any big person in our hotel? It's not like it? It's just a small hotel."

"Maybe there are rich second generations who experience life?"

The two were chatting, Lin Yang had already come to the front desk and said, "Check out."

The front desk took the room card, without even looking at Lin Yang, he said, "It's back, let's go."

"I paid the security deposit yesterday, won't it be refunded?" Lin Yang asked.

"What's the security deposit back?" The front desk lowered its head and said impatiently: "You consumed a bottle of water yesterday, and the [-] security deposit will be deducted."

"Three hundred for a bottle of water?" Lin Yang frowned slightly, feeling a little outrageous.

But Lin Yang didn't want to waste time on this kind of thing, he said: "Forget it, I won't refund."

After finishing speaking, Lin Yang was ready to leave.

The front desk said angrily: "What do you mean forget it? Let me tell you, don't talk nonsense when you go out, our hotel charges are very normal!"

"Our mineral water is also clearly marked on the price, if you can't afford it, don't drink it!"

Lin Yang stopped, glanced at her, frowned impatiently, and then walked towards the door.

"Stop! What do you mean you are?" Seeing Lin Yang's displeased face at the front desk, her anger also rose.

"I said it, forget it, the deposit is gone!" Lin Yang emphasized his tone.

"It's fine if you don't want it? What's your attitude?" The front desk said arrogantly: "Let me tell you, our hotel has a background, you'd better go out and stop talking nonsense!"

"Also, you apologize to me! Otherwise, we can't let you go!"

Lin Yang frowned, smiled angrily, and said, "I want to apologize?"

"Otherwise? Do you think my old lady is easy to bully?" The front desk said confidently.

(End of this chapter)

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