Chapter 332

Seeing this, another receptionist also started to chime in, saying, "Little brother, if you want me to tell you, you should apologize."

"Here, look at the door, these cars are not deceiving, right? Our hotel has a lot of background!"

Lin Yang sneered and said, "Really?"

"What's the matter? There was a lot of noise early in the morning?" A man who looked like a manager came over.

"Manager, look at him, he drank a bottle of water, 300 yuan, and he still looks unhappy, and even flirted with us!" The female receptionist leaned on the manager, and said coquettishly, like a water snake.

"Little brother, you should apologize for your bad attitude towards our front desk. What's more, our water is clearly marked with a price." The manager said with a half-smile.

"I'm too lazy to talk to you." Lin Yang left a sentence and walked directly towards the door.

"Stop!" The manager scolded: "You left, if you leave a bad review online and talk nonsense, it will be bad, so I can't let you go."

"Now, you have to apologize, and then give me a good review."

Lin Yang took a deep breath, suppressed his anger, and said, "Praise, apology, I don't know how to do it. You better not stop me!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Yang walked towards the hotel entrance.

"Come on, stop him!" The manager yelled.

Immediately, more than a dozen security guards rushed out from the duty room. Obviously, they had been prepared for a long time, and this kind of thing was not uncommon.

"Boy, I advise you to do what I say, otherwise I can't say what will happen later." The manager said coldly.

More than a dozen security guards looked at Lin Yang with a sneer on their faces, and the leader, the captain, walked up to Lin Yang with an arrogant look on his face and said.

"Boy, this hotel doesn't mean that you can come or leave whenever you want." The security guard jokingly said, "Do as the manager tells you, and you will suffer less."

Lin Yang glanced at the security guards, then at the manager, and said, "It's still too late for you to get out of the way."

"Why are you so arrogant, kid? Who gave you the courage?" The manager didn't expect Lin Yang to be so stubborn.

With a big wave of his hand, he said: "Do it, loosen this kid's bones, let him know how powerful he is!"

A few security guards said they were going to do it.

"Stop!" came a vigorous and powerful voice.

A group of security guards and managers followed the sound.

I saw that more than 30 men in suits and leather shoes and sunglasses rushed in uniformly, and surrounded them with murderous looks on their faces.

An old man in a tuxedo strode in.

The manager and a group of security guards, who had never seen such a posture before, were dumbfounded for a moment.

The female receptionist also looked at the manager with a panicked look on her face, and asked, "Manager, who are they?"

"You ask me, how do I know? What the hell, the Matrix?" the manager said in panic.

He didn't care about the female front desk either. He took three steps and two steps at a time, bent over, walked up to Elder Lin with a smile on his face, stretched out his hand, and said flatteringly.

"Sir, what is your business here? Are you looking for someone? We will definitely cooperate."

Lin Butler didn't even look at him, just walked past him and walked straight to Lin Yang.

The manager looked at Lin Yang, his outstretched hand was stiff in the air, cold sweat fell from his head, and his heart beat so fast that it almost reached his throat.

"This kid sells all his goods and lives in this kind of hotel. He must not be a young man. This old man must have come to trouble him..." the manager comforted himself.

But the next moment, his self-comfort was shattered.

Steward Lin bowed down respectfully, and said to Lin Yang, "Mr. Lin, I'm sorry, I just watched it in the car and thought you knew them, but I didn't know that these short-sighted people actually wanted to do something to you!"

After the words were finished, the manager made a "plop" and fell to the ground, his back drenched in cold sweat.

The two receptionists looked at each other, almost fainting from fright.

The aggressive receptionist's legs went limp and he collapsed to the ground.

She thought to herself: "I, I'm a woman, he, he shouldn't hit a woman, right? If we can be with him...can he take a liking to me?"

Lin Yang glanced at the manager and the front desk, and said calmly, "It's okay, let's go and see the company."

"Mr. Lin, what do you plan to do with these people?" Guan Lin was naturally talking about the manager and the front desk.

At this moment, the hearts of the front desk and the manager rose to their throats, and they seemed to be watching Lin Yang nervously, as if they were waiting for the trial.

A group of security guards were also hiding in the corner, trembling, looking at Lin Yang nervously, not daring to take a breath.

Lin Yang glanced at them lightly, and said, "Forget it, go directly to the company."

"Yes." Butler Lin said.

"By the way, I have a deposit that has not been refunded." Lin Yang said.

"Deposit, deposit, here, here." The receptionist immediately handed 300 yuan to Lin Yang.

Her hands trembled, she didn't dare to look at Lin Yang at all.

Lin Yang took the money and said, "Let's go."

"Yes." Lin Butler made a gesture of invitation.

Lin Yang got into the car straight away.

Lin Butler followed behind Lin Yang, glanced at the front desk and the manager, and gave instructions to one of his subordinates.

"Contact the owner of this hotel and fire them all," Lin Butler said.

"Yes!" The subordinate agreed.

The manager, the front desk, and the security guards all breathed a sigh of relief. Although they lost their jobs, they can still apply for jobs in other hotels.

But the next moment, Lin Butler's words made them completely panic.

"By the way, prepare the medical expenses for them." Lin Butler said, and followed Lin Yang into the car.

The security guard, the front desk, the manager and others suddenly felt tense, and looked at the men in black in panic.

The next moment, a group of men in black surrounded them, and screams came from the lobby of the hotel.

Lin Yang was in the car, watching all this through the car window, but he didn't get out of the car to stop him.

He secretly said in his heart: "In the past, I was really too simple. In this world... the strong are respected. Only when you become strong can you decide how you treat the weak."

"And the weak can only wag their tails and beg for mercy from the strong, hoping to get a little mercy..."

This time when Lin Yang came to the magic capital, he saw Qin Tianming who was very deep in the city, the cold housekeeper Lin, the domineering Qin Sheng, Lin Zhen who claimed to be his apprentice, and these security guards and receptionists.

Lin Yang has completely discovered what social status these people are in, no matter whether they are rich or not.

As long as you have power, you will always use it to bully those who are weaker than them!

And Lin Yang, who has seen through all this, no longer looks like he just left school.

As for the security guards and managers who were beaten, Lin Yang knew that these people asked for it!
Who knows how many people were bullied by them before Lin Yang?
(End of this chapter)

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