Chapter 335

Beside this girl, there is another girl in a light blue dress.

She has beautiful long black hair, gently swaying with the evening wind, and her fair skin, which can be broken by a blow, makes people want to take a bite.

A pair of big watery eyes, brighter than the stars, even a tough man has to be turned into soft fingers.

The light blue dress perfectly outlined her slender waist. Under the light skirt, a delicate calf was exposed, and a pair of round-toed loafers.

The two girls walked on the street, they looked like people from two dimensions, completely becoming the focus of the street.

And who are these two girls, if not Bai Ning and Lin Miaomiao?

Bai Ning completely ignored the eyes of everyone on the street, while Lin Miaomiao blushed.

She moved close to Bai Ning's ear and asked in a low voice, "Sister Bai Ning, did brother Lin Yang say he would come to pick us up?"

"Why are everyone on the street looking at us? It's so strange."

Bai Ning looked at the time and said, "We'll be there after a short walk. Lin Yang said he's at the Fez restaurant."

"Oh." Lin Miaomiao agreed, and walked away holding Bai Ning's hand tightly.

At this moment, Bai Ning and Lin Miaomiao walked up to three or five men who also looked to be in their early twenties.

These men looked at Bai Ning and then at Lin Miaomiao, wishing they could cut their eyes into eight pieces for use.

The leading man stretched his neck unscrupulously, staring straight at the chests of the two girls.

Bai Ning frowned, pulled Lin Miaomiao behind him, and said, "Don't be afraid, Miaomiao, these guys don't dare to do anything."

Lin Miaomiao obediently followed behind Bai Ning, agreed, and dared not look at those men again.

And these men obviously didn't want to have a face-to-face meeting with Bai Ning and the others, let's just pass by. They looked at the two girls and talked blatantly,

"Old Wang, do you want to go up and ask for WeChat?"

"Such a beautiful woman, why hasn't she been taken care of by a certain young master?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, it doesn't matter if you take care of her, I only need one night!"

"Yeah, if the two of you can come together, I'd be willing to lose ten years of my life!"

Their conversation did not intend to avoid other people at all, the voice was so loud that everyone in the street could hear it.

Bai Ning frowned, glanced at them in disgust, pulled Lin Miaomiao away from them, and walked towards the traffic lights.

"I'll go, what did that woman look like just now?"

"Brother Wang, come on, this kind of woman must be trained."

A group of people were chattering, and the man called Brother Wang was the leader of this group of men.

He was wearing Versace jeans on his lower body, London boy on his upper body, a golden top, short hair, a string of golden necklaces around his neck, and a golden Rolex on his wrist.

If the whole person stands under the sun, the whole body can shine.

"You are right, this kind of mother is not trained!" Brother Wang said: "I don't believe it, there are still women who can't spend money?"

"That's right, Brother Wang, weren't those college students all innocent before?"

"That's right, after spending money and living a rich life for two days, who the hell is pretending?"

"What chastity and innocence are all just pretending. When I see the money, I can't wait to climb on our bed."

A group of people chattered and walked towards Bai Ning and the other two. Their voices were so loud that many people on the street cast strange glances at them.

Bai Ning and Lin Miaomiao waited for the traffic lights on the sidewalk.

Listening to these words, she only felt disgusted and disgusted!

"Sister Bai Ning, why don't we call Brother Lin Yang?" Lin Miaomiao shook Bai Ning's hand and said, "These men are so disgusting."

Bai Ning took a glance from the corner of his eye and found that these men were walking towards them. He immediately took out his mobile phone and sent Lin Yang a location and a message.

As soon as the post was finished, a few men led by Brother Wang came to Bai Ning and Lin Miaomiao and surrounded them.

"Miss, do you know me?" Brother Wang looked at Bai Ning and deliberately shook the Rolex on his wrist.

"Not interested." Bai Ning said coldly, "Get out of the way, we are leaving."

"Oh, don't be so unreasonable." Brother Wang said jokingly: "Everything can be discussed, tell me, how much will it cost?"

"Get out!" Bai Ning suddenly became angry, and said in a cold tone: "If you don't leave, my friend is coming!"

"Oh, do you still have friends? Are you as beautiful as you?" Brother Wang said angrily, "Hurry up and call some more, my brothers don't have girlfriends yet."

"Yes, beauty, call a few more, we are very lonely at night."

"Beauty, when are your girlfriends coming? Shall we go to the bar and wait for them?"

The chirping of the men, to Bai Ning's ears, sounded like a few flies buzzing.

"Hello? You're dumb, don't talk?" Brother Wang looked Bai Ning up and down, his eyes stayed on Bai Ning's legs, his eyes almost fell to the ground.

"Beauty, you are so beautiful, you can't waste your body." As Wang Ge said, he reached out to Bai Ning with one hand and said, "I'll give you [-] yuan a night, how about it?"

Bai Ning looked at the salty pig's hand, his disgusting hair stood on end, he slapped Brother Wang's face with a "slap", and pulled Lin Miaomiao back two steps.

"Don't come here, or I won't be polite!" Bai Ning glared at the men and snapped.

Brother Wang covered his face, he didn't expect Bai Ning to hit someone!

How could he bear being slapped by a woman in public?

"You stinky female cousin, how dare you hit me?" Brother Wang pointed at Bai Ning, waved his hand, and said, "Take these two away to the labor and management! Tonight, the labor and management must train him well!"

Brother Wang's followers looked at each other, with evil smiles on their faces.

"Little beauty, I'm sorry, who made you so angry? How dare you hit our brother Wang?"

"That's right, then don't blame us for doing it!"

"Stop!" At this moment, a burst of angry shouts came.

Brother Wang and the others froze for a moment, then looked in the direction where the voice came from.

I saw a young man in white sportswear, clean short hair, and piercing eyes standing behind them.

Who is this man, if not Lin Yang?
Brother Wang picked the man up and down, and said with disdain: "Get out, have you finished your homework?"

"It's still too late for you to leave now." Lin Yang said coldly, "They are my friends, I won't be polite if I don't let them go."

Brother Wang and his followers looked at each other, and burst out laughing.

"Listen, elementary school students nowadays are still imitating other people's heroes to save the beauty!" Brother Wang tilted his head, lit a cigarette, squinted his eyes, and looked at Lin Yang with disdain.

"Whoever you are, go teach him a lesson and let him know what social beatings are."

(End of this chapter)

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