Chapter 336
"Brother Wang, I'm coming!"

Immediately, a follower jumped out. He had a big bald head and stood under the streetlight, which was brighter than the streetlight. He was wearing a floral T-shirt and a thick gold chain was hanging around his neck.

The people coming and going around were also looking at Lin Yang, muttering to each other, but they didn't have the slightest intention to help.

"What do you think this kid is messing around with? Isn't this courting death?"

"Why don't you say it's just a child? If these two women get married with this rich man, the child will be miserable."

"Tsk tsk tsk, just watch, the child will be beaten later, and no one will pay for the medical expenses."

Some of the people around stopped slowly, stood aside and watched coldly, and even pointed, as if they were watching the excitement.

Lin Yang shook his head helplessly, and said, "You think it's really hard for you to bully two girls in the street, don't you?"

"We just bullied, what's the matter?" Baldhead touched his baldhead and said arrogantly: "If you can't beat it, just be reasonable? If you kowtow and apologize now, maybe grandpa can accept it!"

Lin Yang shook his head and sighed, "You guys, why do you always bully the weak and fear the strong?"

"What did you say?" The bald man stared, and said, "I think you are looking for death!"

As soon as the voice fell, the bald head punched Lin Yang in the face!

The bald head has a ferocious face, his eyes are staring like copper bells, and his fist the size of a sandbag is extremely fast in the eyes of others.

But in Lin Yang's eyes, the speed of the fist was as if it was in slow motion, which was outrageously slow.

Lin Yang tilted his head lightly, and easily dodged his fist.

The bald head punched nothing, and was stunned for a moment, he didn't even see how Lin Yang avoided it clearly.

Brother Wang, who was behind the bald head, even saw the bald head punching Lin Yang next to the head.

"Are you crazy? Where are you going to hit? If you don't dare to hit, return it to me, don't be ashamed!" Brother Wang snapped angrily.

The bald head looked at Lin Yang blankly, touched his bald head, and said in a low voice, "No, could it be that my eyes are blurry?"

He shook his head, rubbed his eyes, and looked at Lin Yang's position again.

This look frightened him directly.

The figure of Lin Yang in front of him became blurred, like a series of afterimages.

He was startled, and secretly said: "Is something wrong with my eyes?"

He was surprised when suddenly there was a burst of air breaking in his ears.

Immediately afterwards, there was a "bang!", and he felt a sharp pain in his stomach.

"Ouch!" He clutched his stomach, took two steps back, and sat on the ground with a "plop".

He raised his head and looked at Lin Yang who was still standing where he was just now.

Lin Yang still had a calm smile on his face, with his hands in his trouser pockets.

But the bald head looked at Lin Yang with fear.

"You, you, you are, are you a human or a ghost..." the bald head asked in a daze.

Brother Wang and all the attendants were also dumbfounded, their jaws almost fell to the ground.

I have seen one that can fight, but it will disappear when I see a fight for the first time!Who can afford this?

A group of people stared wide-eyed, and looked at Lin Yang with their mouths open in surprise.

"Do you still want to fight?" Lin Yang glanced at them and asked calmly.

"No, no, no more fights!" Brother Wang swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and ran away.

The other attendants glanced at the bald head curled up on the ground, then at Brother Wang who was running away, and ran away as well.

Looking at the fleeing crowd, the bald man immediately wanted to cry, so he simply rolled his eyes and curled up on the ground, pretending to be dead.

"It's okay, let's go eat." Lin Yang walked up to Bai Ning and said.

"Why are there so many people who don't understand in this devil city?" Bai Ning said with a speechless face.

"Brother Lin Yang, it's a good thing you're here, otherwise we wouldn't know what to do." Lin Miaomiao threw herself into Lin Yang's arms with a smile.

"Don't make trouble, there are so many people watching." Lin Yang said.

Lin Miaomiao pouted, looked at the onlookers, and said, "Brother Lin Yang, these people look at you so strangely."

Lin Yang was taken aback, and looked towards the crowd of onlookers.

I found that the expressions of this group of people were almost exactly the same as those of Brother Wang and the others just now. They all stretched their necks, stared, opened their mouths, and looked surprised.

Lin Yang was startled, and thought to himself, "Have you been recognized?"

"Go!" He grabbed the two girls, lowered his head, and quickly left the scene.

All the onlookers looked at Lin Yang's leaving back, and stood there in a daze.

"Well, does that person look like Lin Yang just now?" A girl looked at Lin Yang's picture on the Internet and said in a daze.

Another girl looked at the trending searches on her phone and said, "No, it's unlikely, right? Lin Yang, no, isn't it dead?"

A group of people looked at each other, glanced at each other, screamed at almost the same time, and then dispersed.

Immediately, entries like "Lin Yang's fraudulent corpse" became popular searches.

And the staff working at the headquarters of a certain blog were stunned when they saw this trending search.

"I'm going, didn't I want to announce Lin Yang's death? Why did the bomb kill him?" The staff directly deleted the trending search with dark circles under their eyes.

An onlooker girl who was at the scene just now was lying on the bed, ready to watch hot searches on the Internet.

As a result, the trending search was gone!
"I, my God, no, it's not like Lin Yang is really cheating, right? This, what's the trending search, why is it gone?"

The girl suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, threw the phone away, and hid directly under the quilt.

Lin Yang didn't expect that his appearance this time directly caused an urban legend to appear in Shanghai.

But this time, the "Lin Yang fraudulent corpse" incident directly overwhelmed the popularity of Lin Yang's scandal.

Heizi didn't blackmail Lin Yang at first, and everyone started discussing "Lin Yang's fraudulent corpse".

The three of Lin Yang who left did not go to the restaurant, but went directly to the hotel where Lin Yang was staying.

The three of them were sitting on the sofa in the living room and chatting.

Bai Ning looked at the discussion of "Lin Yang's fraudulent corpse" at night, and was speechless.

"I think you'd better not go out during this time, so as not to cause any commotion."

Lin Yang lay on the sofa and said helplessly, "I didn't expect such a thing to happen."

"Hey, brother Lin Yang, since you want to fake your death, why do you still stay in a hotel?" Lin Miaomiao dragged her chin with both hands, and looked at Lin Yang with big shiny eyes.

Lin Yang heard the words, and started to do it directly from the sofa.

"Yeah, if they found out, wouldn't they..."

"Knock Knock-"

"Hello, yes, is this Mr. Lin Yang's room? Yes, is there anyone?"

A waitress' voice came from the door.

She was standing at the door at the moment, with cold sweat dripping down her back, and she thought to herself, "Well, am I serving people or ghosts these days?" 
(End of this chapter)

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