My leisurely life live in the countryside

Chapter 338 Find Your Partner

Chapter 338 Find Your Partner
The three of Lin Yang are currently in the underground parking lot of the hotel.

In the dark parking lot, Lin Yang was wearing a peaked cap and a black mask, revealing only a mouth and a pair of eyes, and a pair of black sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, and a black sportswear.

Lin Yang looked in the mirror and said helplessly, "Bai Ning, do you want me to be the King of the Mountain?"

"It's better to be a mountain king than you to be a ghost." Bai Ning rolled his eyes and said, "Our company is about to get on the right track!"

"Now, there must be no extra problems. For the sake of the company's business and prospects, you must make sacrifices!"

Lin Yang was helpless, pretending to be interested, and said: "Okay, okay, you are the president, listen to you, I am a small anchor."

"Fuck you." Bai Ning pushed Lin Yang and said, "Where is our house?"

"Wait a minute, let's take an online car-hailing service."

The three of Lin Yang came to the street and stood by the side of the road waiting for the bus.

His attire attracted a crowd of onlookers on the road.

The people waiting for the bus all cast a strange light on him, and took two steps away from Lin Yang in disgust, for fear that others would think they knew Lin Yang.

Lin Yang looked at Bai Ning helplessly, his eyes seemed to say, "Do you think you have to wear a robber's mask?"

Bai Ning put on the earphones directly, with a look of "I didn't see it", and took two steps away from Lin Yang by the way.

Lin Yang suddenly felt helpless, and turned his attention to Lin Miaomiao.

The latter smiled at Lin Yang and followed behind Bai Ning.

Lin Yang rolled his eyes and muttered, "This outfit looks like a clown."

After a while, Lin Yang's cell phone rang, and the voice of an online car-hailing master came from the other end of the phone.

"Crooked? Where do you put it?" The master asked in a rough voice.

"Under the bus stop sign." Lin Yang replied.

"What are you wearing?" the driver asked.

"All in black." Lin Yang replied.

He looked at the many cars in the traffic flow, and a middle-aged man's head poked out from a white Corolla parked by the side of the road with double flashing lights.

Obviously, the master driver also saw Lin Yang, he froze for a moment, looked at Lin Yang for a few seconds, and said into the phone.

"Little brother, you, you are going to the bank to find your accomplice, no, you are looking for your friend?"

Lin Yang clearly heard the voice of the driver swallowing into the phone.

He said awkwardly: "Master, let's go to Guiyuan No. [-]."

"What's wrong? Guiyuan No. [-]?" The driver's voice raised an octave.

"Yes, master, come here quickly." Lin Yang said helplessly, "I didn't rob you."

The driver was stunned on the other end of the phone, rolled his eyes, and said, "Alright, wait."

He hung up the phone and said to himself: "Damn, this young man doesn't look like a good person at first glance, he needs to start a video!"

The driver turned on the video, drove up to Lin Yang, and said, "Get in the car, don't hesitate."

Lin Yang got into the co-pilot directly. Just as the master was about to drive, the back door was suddenly opened.

He looked back and saw two girls coming up!

Who are these two if they are not Bai Ning and Lin Miaomiao?

He was taken aback, and asked suspiciously: "Sister, you two, are you friends with him?"

The driver pointed at Lin Yang with disgust and asked.

"Yes." Lin Miaomiao said with a smile: "Don't look at my brother dressed like this, he is a good man!"

The driver smiled awkwardly, nodded, and drove straight away.

He thought to himself, "Good guy? Are all good guys dressed like this these days? Why don't I believe it?"

At this moment, on the hill behind Guiyuan No. [-], which is located on the fifth ring road of the magic city, three men were discussing something in a low voice.

The clothes the three of them were wearing were exactly the same.

They all wore black peaked caps, black masks, black sportswear, and black sunglasses on their faces.

The three of them looked around and discussed in a low voice.

"Second brother, third child, our goal today is Guiyuan No. [-], you understand?" the leader, the boss, said in a low voice.


"Understood, brother."

The two nodded solemnly.

"Do you know who is in No. [-] Guiyuan? They are worth at least this amount!" The boss stretched out his index finger.

"What? One hundred thousand?" The second child glared and said, "Tsk tsk tsk, that's so much? Old man Liu in our village, with the subsistence allowance, he won't be able to earn this money for many years."


"What are you talking about, can the layout be bigger!" The boss covered his head, stared, and said sharply.

"Boss, I know, each of them... 100 million!" The third child said proudly.


The boss shuddered directly, and said: "These people are worth at least 1000 million yuan, and the house here is at least hundreds of thousands!"

After the words fell, the second and third children showed surprised eyes.

"I'll be good, how much is that?"

"1000 million? Give this to me, and I can open ten small supermarkets when I go home!"

"Are you two promising?" The boss said bitterly, "Remember, you will act with me later!"

"First, go to the door and kill the security guard!"

"Second, split up. I've figured it out. It's impossible to take the elevator. I found out that rich people's elevators require fingerprints."

"Let's take the stairs from different buildings to the parking lot on the third basement level. Do you know where to snatch people?"

"I know!" The second child and the third child said in unison.

"Okay, start to act!" The boss said: "After completing this ticket, we will become famous people. If we have money, we will be famous and wealthy upper-class people, understand?"

The second child and the third child looked at each other, and said blankly: "Almost, I know!"

"Stupid, please count, forget it, act quickly, go directly to the security room, and let the security guard lie down for me." The boss said.


As soon as the three turned over, they ran towards Guiyuan No. [-] at the foot of the mountain.

Coming to the top of the hill a few hundred meters away from Guiyuan No. [-], you can just overlook the panorama of Guiyuan No. [-].

For a moment, the three of them froze in place, looking enviously at the scenery in front of them.

A river directly in front of Gate No. [-] of Guiyuan is tumbling with the breeze, shining with sunshine and shining golden.

At the entrance, there is a wide platform, a small river running through the whole community, and a slightly arched bridge, which has the artistic conception of landscape painting.

Looking inside, it is a lush and green green belt. Looking from the top to the bottom, it happens to be a word "product".

Between the well-proportioned green belts, there is a trickle, rockery and pavilions.

Looking at the mansion in front of them, the three of them were shocked.

"Oh my God, no wonder this house costs so much money, it's better than the three-story western-style building of our village chief." The second child sighed from the bottom of his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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