My leisurely life live in the countryside

Chapter 339 A little embarrassing

Chapter 339 A little embarrassing
The boss took a deep breath, clenched his fists, and said, "Everyone, let's work hard and try to buy the house here as soon as possible!"

"Look at the houses here, and then look at my small earthen hut. Alas, these rich people don't work in the fields all day long, and don't feed pigs. Why should they live in such a house?"

"Yes, the boss is right! I want to buy a house here, a house to raise pigs, and a flat in the front yard to farm!" The third child said from the bottom of his heart.

"Go, act!" The boss said confidently.

The three of them were about to go down the mountain when suddenly a security guard's voice came from their ears.

The boss hurriedly pulled the two of them, and said in a low voice: "Hidden!"

The three of them immediately climbed into the grass and watched a patrol team approaching in the distance.

"What the hell, the patrol has to patrol the back mountain. I don't know what to do." The security captain muttered.

"Hey, these rich people don't have a clean ass, so they're afraid that something will happen to them, and they will seek revenge." Another security guard said.

"Even the gate has to be bulletproof, what a ghost." Another security guard complained.

"Let's go on patrol first, and I have to go to work later. There is no one in the security booth now." A security guard sighed.

"Why is there no one?" the captain asked.

"Old Wang said that his wife cheated on her. She just asked for leave and came back. Where is someone?"

The three lying in the grass watched the security pass by them, completely unaware of their existence.

Seeing them walking away, the boss quickly jumped out of the grass and said, "Did you hear that? The decision of labor and management is correct!"

"There is no one in the security booth now, hurry down! Hurry up to the parking lot!"

"Boss, is it true that rich people's houses are equipped with bulletproof doors?" the second child asked.

"Do you care if he is true or false? Hurry up!"

The boss took the lead and ran down the mountain.

This is a high-end villa area. On weekdays, there are really not many people here, and the security is suddenly full of loopholes!
The three of them were dressed strangely, they went straight through the gate, swaggered in, and went straight out of the parking lot, unexpectedly there was no problem at all!
It's just that in this community, there is 360-degree surveillance coverage, and they have been seen in full view for a long time!

It's just that the security guard in the monitoring room was looking down at his mobile phone, and he didn't see the three people who came in through the door.

At this time, a taxi stopped at the gate of the community.

The taxi driver poked his head out, glanced at the magnificent gate of the complex, then at Lin Yang who was sitting in the co-pilot, and asked, "Little brother, you, what are you doing here?"

The driver looked at such a high-end community, and then looked at Lin Yang's attire, and felt that this was not for good deeds.

"My home is here!" Lin Yang didn't bother to explain, he just gave the money and got out of the car.

The driver watched Lin Yang leave and thought, "No, this kid is wrong, I'd better leave quickly!"

The driver ran away in a flash.

Lin Yang got out of the car, looked at Bai Ning helplessly, and said, "There is no one here, so I took off the hood, okay?"

"Who said there is no one here? Everyone here is either rich or expensive. If you recognize you, put it on the Internet and see what you do!"

Bai Ning vetoed it straight away, and entered the gate with the electromagnetic card.

At this time, the security guard in the monitoring room looked up and suddenly saw Lin Yang and the three of them.

He suddenly widened his eyes and muttered, "What the hell, where did this come from? Why are you dressed so strangely?"

He frowned, immediately took out the walkie-talkie, and said, "Captain, a guy wearing a mask and dressed in black appeared in the community, and he was walking towards Building C. Go and have a look."

"Understood, come right away."

As soon as the captain brought people down from the back mountain, he said, "Brothers, follow me and go to villa C!"


A group of security guards, a total of 20 people, ran towards Building C in a mighty manner.

But at this moment, a middle-aged man with a briefcase, a bald head, a potbellied man in designer clothes, walked home with a displeased expression on his face.

In the community, he cursed directly, saying: "Hey! Security guard, security guard! Where are people!"

"Where are you guys! Labor and management were robbed in the parking lot! Are you all dead!"

As soon as the words fell, the man saw a pair of security guards running towards him.

Before the security captain could speak, the man gritted his teeth, went up and slapped the captain on the face.

"Crack!", the crisp sound echoed.

"Are you a shit eater? Labor and management were robbed in the basement, and you are on patrol!"

"Labor and management gave you 30 property fees a year. Is that how you do things?"

His face was flushed with masculinity, his nose was panting heavily, and his eyes wanted to stare out of their sockets.

The captain of the security guard was slapped, but he didn't dare to reply at all, instead he said frightenedly.

"You, don't be angry, we will chase them back immediately!" The captain asked, "What do those people look like?"


The man slapped him again, and said angrily: "How do you know that labor and management, all of them are wearing black masks, black sportswear, and black peaked caps!"

"Those people robbed Laozi's watch! Laozi's watch is 300 million!"

The man's voice was quite loud, like howling of a pig, and could be heard in almost half of the neighborhood.

And at this moment, a man and two women appeared in front of the security guard and the man.

And this man is wearing a black peaked cap, black mask, black sunglasses and black sportswear!
The security guard and the middle-aged man were stunned looking at Lin Yang.

The three of Lin Yang were also stunned, and the atmosphere of embarrassment gradually spread.

Lin Yang glanced at Bai Ning speechlessly.

Bai Ning smiled awkwardly, and said, "I didn't expect this to happen, it's a bit embarrassing."

"Is it him?" The security captain pointed at Lin Yang and asked.

"Nonsense, dressed like this, who isn't he?" The middle-aged man pointed at Lin Yang and shouted, "I didn't expect the two accomplices to be women?"

"Give me back my fucking watch!"

The security captain stared, pointed at Lin Yang and shouted, "Catch them!"

The captain took the lead and led his team members towards Lin Yang.

Both Bai Ning and Lin Miaomiao didn't react, they froze in place.

Lin Yang grabbed the hands of the two, dragged them and started to run.

"Run! Why are you standing there!"

The two girls also reacted and ran away.

Lin Yang was extremely fast, but he couldn't run fast while pulling the two girls.

He looked back and saw a group of security guards baring their teeth. The captain pointed at Lin Yang and shouted, "Stop, boy! Hand over your things, and I will let you go!"

Lin Yang yelled, "You arrested the wrong person, not me!"

"It's not Nima!" The captain cursed and accelerated his speed.

Lin Yang gritted his teeth, the explanation was unclear.

He glanced at Bai Ning and asked, "Get ready!"

(End of this chapter)

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