Chapter 340
Bai Ning was stunned for a moment, and asked suspiciously: "What?"

Before she could react, Lin Yang put his arm around her waist, picked her up and ran away.

Lin Miaomiao panted heavily, and looked at Lin Yang in disbelief.

Before she could react, Lin Yang also looked at her.

Lin Miaomiao was startled, and immediately understood. Before Lin Yang could reach out, she jumped lightly and landed on Lin Yang's back.

She hooked Lin Yang's waist with her feet, wrapped her arms around Lin Yang's neck tightly, and said, "Brother Lin Yang! Drive!"

Lin Yang had black lines on his face, and pretended to be angry: "You girl, how about riding a horse?"

Lin Miaomiao giggled, she knew that as long as Lin Yang was around, this matter would be resolved.

This girl wasn't worried at all, instead she felt a little amusing.

She turned her head and saw that the security guard was staring at Lin Yang with straight eyes, running fast.

The security captain sneered at Lin Miaomiao and said, "I'll see how far you can run!"

The security captain saw that Lin Yang was carrying one on his back, and the other on his back. He reckoned that Lin Yang was a good athlete, so he couldn't run far!
But what happened next made his jaw almost drop to the ground.

Lin Miaomiao yelled and said, "Brother Lin Yang, they are chasing you!"

As soon as Lin Yang gritted his teeth, he didn't care about anything else, so he could only get away first!
As soon as he gritted his teeth, exerted strength, and stretched his legs, the security guard who was following Lin Yang only heard a "bang", and Lin Yang rescued immediately ejected!
The security guard's eyes widened suddenly, and his mouth was long enough to hold a fist.

He clearly heard a "bang" through the air, like a super sports car kicking off!

He looked again at the place where Lin Yang kicked his legs just now, and there was a crack in the marble...

He stopped involuntarily, looked at the crack in a daze, and said in a daze: "I, what the hell, is the social competition so fierce now?"

"Super, what the hell did Superman go to rob? This, is this still alive?"

"Captain, why are you stopping?" The team members chased after them, looked at the cracks on the ground, and asked, "Captain, this is..."

The captain nodded to the team members, and said with a serious face: "Yes, what you saw is correct, Superman has become a robber!"

At this moment, the property manager's voice rang through the captain's intercom.

"Why don't you guys stop chasing, why stop? Labor and management will watch the surveillance again! Don't try to be lazy!"

"The owner was robbed in the basement. If the things can't be found, 300 million watch money and mental damage fees, you have to spend half your life to pay back!"

Upon hearing this, the team members looked nervously at the captain and asked, "Captain, what, what are you doing?"

The captain cleared his throat, took two deep breaths, and said calmly, "Don't panic, watch me!"

The captain picked up the walkie-talkie and said solemnly: "I'm sorry, manager, we may have encountered a superman or an alien, and we can't catch up."

The other end of the walkie-talkie was silent for a long time.

The team members asked nervously: "Captain, do you believe the manager?"

"Why don't you believe it? This is the truth!" the captain said solemnly.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was an almost roaring roar from the other end of the intercom.

"Come back, you don't need to pay for this money, I will contact the mental hospital now, you can stay here for the rest of your life!"

The captain sighed at the team members, and said: "Brothers, let's chase, so that we won't be regarded as deep well ice."

A group of security guards sighed helplessly, ready to chase.

As a result, the team members looked around and asked in a daze, "Well, captain, they seem to be missing."

The captain looked around and said, "Chase separately!"

"Captain, we definitely can't beat him. If we catch up, we will go directly to the grave?" A team member cried.

"Chasing! Don't worry, I won't dance on your grave!" The captain said solemnly.

A group of security guards had no choice but to split up and chase Lin Yang.

But the neighborhood is too big, so how could it be so easy to find Lin Yang?

But at this moment, Lin Yang took Bai Ning and Lin Miaomiao to a dead corner of surveillance and stopped.

"Lin Yang, are you sure you can't find it on surveillance?" Bai Ning asked suspiciously.

"I ran around the whole neighborhood just now, just to find a blind spot."

Lin Yang dressed roughly, took off his mask and peaked cap, and said, "This community is almost completely monitored, but here, there is no one."

Lin Miaomiao glanced at a sign behind her, which read: "Public Health Area."

"Well, I don't think there should be surveillance here." Lin Miaomiao pointed to the sign and said.

Lin Yang looked at the sign, smiled awkwardly, and said, "There is no other way, let's hide here first."

"After they find the real robber, we can go out."

"But what if they can't find it?" Bai Ning frowned, pushed his glasses, and said, "Why are there still robbers these days?"

"What do you think?" Lin Yang rolled his eyes and said, "The security of this community should not be bad, and the robbers should be found."

At this moment, there was a conversation in the public bathroom behind Lin Yang.

"Boss, why can't I get out of the underground garage?" the second child asked.

"Don't worry, let's hide here. I got a comprehensive map of this place, but there is no surveillance!" The boss said solemnly.

"At night, we ran to the back of the mountain. Once we ran away and changed our clothes, they couldn't find them."

The three of Lin Yang looked at each other, and they all looked towards the public restroom in unison.

"Lin Yang, why don't you... go in and get them out?" Bai Ning said.

Lin Yang nodded and said, "That's the only way to go."

"Captain! Captain! Come on, Superman is here!"

At this time, there was a sudden shout behind Lin Yang.

Bai Ning saw that five security guards had arrived.

With quick eyes and quick hands, she grabbed the hood on the ground and put it on Lin Yang's head.

Lin Yang turned around, glanced at the security guard, and hurriedly explained: "Don't get me wrong, the real robber is inside! I can't let you see it, it will scare you."

Several security guards held rubber sticks and looked at Lin Yang suspiciously.

The security guard at the head said nervously: "You, don't fart, I, I know you are an alien, take out your watch, I, I will help you find the flying saucer and go home!"

Lin Yang was taken aback when he heard this, what are these things?
"No, listen to me, I'm not an alien, I'm a human, I'm a human! The real robber is inside!" Lin Yang said: "I'm the owner of this place, we have a certificate!"

"Certificate?" The security guard frowned, and said suspiciously: "Take out the certificate and let me have a look."

(End of this chapter)

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