Chapter 341 Recruitment
Lin Yang looked at Bai Ning, and said, "Do you have the ID with you?"

Bai Ning touched his pocket and said, "Well, you ran too fast just now and lost it."

"Stop acting, brother, if you don't hand over your watch, we will lose money!" The security guard said, "You, give me your watch, and we will let you out!"

Just then, there was a sound of footsteps.

After a while, all the security guards arrived, and there were more people than before. According to Lin Yang's visual inspection, there were hundreds of them!
Once this group of people from Wuyang Wuyang came, the security guard became more courageous.

The security captain came out from the crowd, looked at Lin Yang seriously, and said, "You, hand over your watch!"

"This is the earth, not an alien planet. It's wrong for you to grab a watch!"

Lin Yang was speechless, thinking to himself, "Looks like next time we shouldn't be too shocking, it would be bad if we were caught for an autopsy."

"I'm really not an alien, nor a robber! The real robber is inside!" Lin Yang pointed to the bathroom, and said, "I'll go in and catch the person, and then bring out the watch, okay?"

"I am the owner of this place. When I return the watch to you, you will find out the documents for me."

The captain looked at Lin Yang suspiciously, and said, "Get the real robber out first."

"Just wait! But don't touch my friend!" Lin Yang said.

"Don't worry, as long as you bring out the watch and the robber, we won't touch your friend." The captain swore.

Lin Yang gave Bai Ning a reassuring look, and then walked straight to the bathroom.

And in the bathroom, the three robbers could hear the conversation outside clearly!
"Boss, these people seem to be coming to arrest us." The second child lowered his voice and said, "Also, there seem to be aliens!"

"Alien hammer!" The boss spat and said, "Damn, don't forget what we do here!"

"Boss is right, I don't want to live in a house like a pigsty anymore, no matter what happens today, I have to take this watch out!" The third child has a ferocious face and a fierce look in his eyes!
The boss glanced at the two of them and said, "Rush out! Run!"

"Let them know that we robbers who have practiced martial arts since childhood are not something they can afford!"

The three of them looked at each other and rushed out.

Lin Yang was walking towards the bathroom when a black figure suddenly rushed out in front of him.

The figure in front of him was extremely fast, and he punched Lin Yang's temple.

Just as Lin Yang raised his hand to resist, another black shadow rushed out!
The black figure had a cat waist, and kicked directly towards Lin Yang's lower body with a sweeping kick.

Lin Yang's eyes were fixed, he turned sideways, dodged the head attack, and plunged down with a horse step, his legs stuck to the ground like tree roots,

With a "bang", the robber kicked Lin Yang's ankle, as if he had kicked on a steel plate.

He raised his head, the eyes exposed in the mask looked at Lin Yang in astonishment,

At this time, another black figure, holding something in its arms, jumped past Lin Yang like a loach.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Lin Yang chased after him in a flash, and grabbed the robber by the collar with one hand.

Before the robber could react, Lin Yang immediately lifted him up.

"Let me go!" the robber struggled and shouted.


Lin Yang threw him on the ground, and the robber fell silent.

The security guards watching from the side froze in place, as if they hadn't reacted yet.

Looking at Lin Yang's swift movements like a gust of wind, the captain couldn't help admiring: "My God, what a master."

"Aren't you going there yet? Brother Lin Yang has caught him!" Lin Miaomiao said.

"Come on, brothers, take them away."

The captain waved his hand and walked towards Lin Yang.

"Brother, I didn't expect you to be a robber." The captain smiled awkwardly and asked, "Where's that watch?"

Lin Yang took out the watch from his pocket, handed it to the captain, and said, "Can you help us find the ID?"

"Yes, yes." The captain said embarrassingly: "But brother, since you are not a robber, you are still the owner of this place, why are you wearing this mask?"

"I'm too ugly to scare you." Lin Yang rolled his eyes and walked towards Bai Ning and the others.

After a while, a group of security guards took the robber away, and helped Lin Yang find his ID by the way.

It wasn't until night fell, after eight o'clock in the evening, that Lin Yang and his party returned home.

Bai Ning lay on the sofa, looked at the bright lights on the ceiling, and said, "Lin Yang, shall we go to the company tonight?"

"Let's talk about it tomorrow." Lin Yang took a sip of tea and said, "It's too late tonight."

"Wow, this house is so big and beautiful!" Lin Miaomiao ran up and down the house, looking excited.

"There are still two floors, and there are such big windows that you can just see the river." Sitting in front of the French windows, Lin Miaomiao said excitedly.

"You guys will stay here from now on, take your time." Lin Yang said.


At this moment, the doorbell rang suddenly.

"Who knows you live here?" Bai Ning asked suspiciously.

"It's only Qin Tianming and the others." Lin Yang frowned slightly, and said in a low voice, "What is he doing here?"

He got up and walked to the door, opened the electronic peephole, and a young man and woman he didn't know appeared at the door.

The man and the woman look very similar, but the looks of the man and the woman are both online, and they look like a pair of brothers and sisters.

Lin Yang frowned, and asked through the cat's eye microphone, "Who are you?"

The woman smiled at the cat's eyes and said, "Hello? We are former Facebook operators, but we have left Facebook."

"We saw the job advertisement posted by Manager Bai on the Internet, so we came here."

Lin Yang frowned, and said, "No, then how do you know this place?"

"Didn't Miss Bai ask us to come here just now?" The man asked suspiciously, "Is Miss Bai here?"

"I'm here." Bai Ning got up from the sofa, came to the door, and said, "Are you the former operations staff of Facebook?"

"It's us." The woman asked with a smile, "Can we go in and talk?"

"Yes." Bai Ning said.

The door opened with a "click".

The two operators saw Lin Yang at a glance.

However, the two of them did not show surprised expressions, but instead looked like "it really is".

"Mr. Lin, Miss Bai, hello." The woman said after shaking hands with Lin Yang and Bai Ning.

"My name is He Lin, and this is my younger brother, He Bing. I was the operations director of Facebook before, and my younger brother is the deputy director."

"When we saw Miss Bai's recruitment on the Internet, we knew that this company must belong to Mr. Lin."

(End of this chapter)

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