Chapter 342 The Hypocrite

Several people were sitting at the tea table. After making tea for them, Lin Yang asked, "Since you are former Facebook operators, why do you want to work in our company?"

"There are tons of international media companies out there that you can work for."

He Bing smiled lightly when he heard the words, fixed his eyes on Lin Yang, and said, "We are your fans."

"Working in the media industry, I have met many strange people, but you are the only one with real strength."

Lin Yang smiled sassyly, and said, "Is that why you are here?"

Obviously, such a reason is not enough to convince Lin Yang.

After all, the remuneration, salary, and channels across the company are unmatched by Agni Media.

"Mr. Lin, we firmly believe that with your ability, you will definitely become the largest cross-border company in the world in the future." He Lin smiled, but her eyes were extremely serious.

Lin Yang was taken aback, and asked, "Why do you think so?"

The siblings froze for a moment when they heard the words, and looked at each other.

He Lin said: "It's strange, this is our subconscious intuition, and we don't know why we think so."

"However, the two of us are very firm about this matter! You will definitely become the strongest media company."

Lin Yang was taken aback, and thought to himself, "Could this be a systematic method?"

"The system is in advance. He Bing and He Lin are arranged by the system. After that, other people will come to apply for the job one after another."

Lin Yang raised his eyebrows. Since it was a systematic operation, Lin Yang naturally didn't think it was strange.

"Okay, since you are the people Bai Ning is looking for, we will be colleagues in the future." Lin Yang asked, "Do you have any thoughts on the current situation of Agni Media?"

"Yes, take a look at this first." He Bing took out his phone and opened a live broadcast room.

Lin Yang took a closer look, who is the person in the live broadcast room if not Lin Binbin?
I saw Lin Binbin singing and playing handsome in front of the screen in an art gallery-like live broadcast room.

The lights on the screen were brilliant, and the rewards were all over the screen, and the smile on Lin Binbin's face almost reached his ears.

The comment area is full of "brother is so handsome!"

"Binbin is so handsome, Binbin is my husband!"

Seeing this, Lin Yang showed a sneer, and said, "I didn't expect this kid to become an idol?"

"Now Lin Binbin is unique in the live broadcasting industry, not only has a large enough fan base, but also has a strong capital behind it."

"Public relations, operations, are very strong. In particular, he himself revealed a lot of your black information, no matter whether those are rumors or not, at least the audience believed it."

He Bing frowned, his face was solemn, and his brows were tightly knit into a ball.

"It's okay, we will start the live broadcast tomorrow." Lin Yang already had a countermeasure against this, and said, "Go and rest first, and we will go to the company tomorrow."

"Mr. Lin, do you have a countermeasure?" He Lin asked curiously, "What are you going to do?"

"You will know tomorrow." Lin Yang said mysteriously.

"Okay, then let's go back first."

After He Bing and He Lin left, Lin Yang and the others went to rest.

In the early morning of the next day, the three of Lin Yang arrived at the company early.

He Bing and He Lin also reported to the company early.

In the huge conference room, Bai Ning and He Bing began to prepare the webpage and platform for the live broadcast, preparing for Lin Yang's broadcast in full swing.

Lin Yang was in the office, watching Lin Binbin's live broadcast.

"In order to make money, this kid is really desperate." Lin Yang said in a low voice.

On the screen, Lin Binbin is wearing a gorgeous costume like a pop star, with makeup on his face.

"Fans, thank you for liking me." Lin Binbin said pretendingly: "Don't worry, I will never do those nasty things like Lin Yang."

The fans in the live broadcast room began to swipe their screens one after another.

"Brother Binbin is so handsome! I want to give birth to a monkey for you!"

"Brother Binbin, you are much more upright than that hypocrite Lin Yang!"

Lin Binbin's fans kept swiping gifts, and kept saying things that Lin Yang felt his head was not normal.

He watched as the smile on Lin Binbin's face became more and more unscrupulous, almost to the back of his head.

Lin Binbin was overjoyed when he saw the proceeds from the gift, and was so excited that he almost shouted out.

"My God, did that kid Lin Yang make money like this before?"

"It's only been a few hours, and you've made a hundred thousand, right?"

Lin Binbin saw that the income was about the same, then checked the time, downloaded the broadcast directly, and said to the camera.

"Dear fans, brothers and sisters! Thank you for your likes. I will be here first today, and we will continue the live broadcast at three o'clock in the afternoon."

After speaking, he directly turned off the live broadcast.

He leaned back on the chair, put his hands on the back of his head, and lit a cigarette with a leisurely and satisfied expression.


He took a long puff of cigarette, flicked the ash, and said in a low voice: "It turns out that such a stupid person has a lot of money, so it's really foolish."

"After receiving commercials and entering the mainstream entertainment industry, wouldn't the money just go into my pocket?"

A picture of him becoming a billionaire emerged in Lin Binbin's mind, and the more he thought about it, the more excited he became.

"Mr. Lin, why are you smoking in front of the camera again? It would be bad if fans saw it."

The manager walked in from the door, frowning slightly, with blame in his words.

"Isn't this too tiring?" Lin Binbin put out the cigarette in his hand and said, "Sister Wang, is Mr. Wang free? I want to talk to him."

"He asked me to come to you. There is an advertisement that wants to find you. Mr. Wang wants to talk to you." Sister Wang said.

"Okay, I'll go right away." Lin Binbin said excitedly.

"Then I'll go out first." Sister Wang pointed to the ashtray and said, "Stop smoking in the live broadcast room from now on."

"Okay, okay, I got it."

Lin Binbin watched Sister Wang's back gradually disappear, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared, replaced by viciousness.

"What the hell, if you weren't Wang Qian's niece, labor and capital would have beaten you!" Lin Binbin murmured in a low voice: "When labor and capital become the pillars of the panda live broadcast, let me see if you dare to talk to me like that !"

He lit another cigarette and walked towards Wang Qian's office.

And at this moment, in the chairman's office.

Wang Qian sat at the tea table with a cigarette in his mouth while pouring tea.

Opposite him, sat a man in a black suit, with a golden bracelet on his hand, and a Jade Buddha around his neck.

This man is tall and burly, with short hair, he looks like a big brother in a bathhouse.

"Mr. Yang, you are right to come to me this time. Our Lin Binbin is now on the rise in his career. You haven't seen his current number of fans and appeal."

Wang Qian said courteously while pouring tea.

Mr. Yang leaned on the back of the chair, played with the bracelet on his wrist with one hand, and said: "Data flow is not supported by capital these days, but it has no gold content."

(End of this chapter)

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