Chapter 344 Mystery
After finishing speaking, Sister Wang slammed the door shut with a "bang".

She walked to the door and whispered: "Another scumbag, a plaything of capital."

Lin Binbin in the room was a little panicked after being warned.

"Damn it, it's better to be quiet recently. Let's get our feet on the ground first."

He opened the file while muttering, and there was a man wearing a V for Vendetta mask on the file.

Lin Binbin frowned, and muttered: "What the hell, it's just playing tricks."

He closed the file in disdain, opened the internet, and entered the mysterious man's live broadcast room.

When he saw the number of viewers, he was startled and said, "What the hell, 50? 50 on the first day? How is this possible?"

"They must all be zombies, a newcomer fan, and the entire platform is only one anchor, how can there be so many fans."

He looked at the mysterious person in the live broadcast room, who was in a private gym.

The mysterious man said to the camera: "Everyone, today is the first day of live streaming. I want to say that I am not an anchor of any style."

"Because, I know everything the anchor knows!"

The voice of the mysterious man turned on the voice changer, and it was a low-pitched demonic sound effect.

After the voice fell, the comment area immediately exploded.

"Damn it, brother, I'm afraid you haven't seen the era of which man belongs to!"

"Hey, I have to say, that man is really strong, no matter what his character is, his strength is really strong!"

"After that man, in the live broadcast era, it is impossible for anyone to surpass him!"

The mysterious man asked suspiciously: "Who is that man?"

"That man's name is now taboo online! His initials are LY!"

When Lin Binbin saw this sentence, he immediately knew who it was talking about.

He sneered, and said: "So what if you are strong? If you provoke capital, you can only go to hell."

And the mysterious man on the screen raised his head, his eyes flickered, and said: "I know who you are talking about, I can only say that I will definitely surpass him!"

"Brave!" Lin Binbin sneered, and said, "Better than that monster Lin Yang? That guy is not human at all!"

"If he is alive, maybe the Chen family will be afraid, but now, he can only broadcast live in hell."

Lin Binbin sneered, completely ignored the mysterious man, closed the live broadcast room, and started the live broadcast by himself.

And this mysterious person, because he said this sentence, instantly set off a storm, and instantly caused a heated discussion on the Internet.

And his live broadcast room was also full of voices that questioned him.

"I'll go, I thought the anchor of a certain blog would be more reliable, but I didn't expect you to be so ignorant!"

"Brother, if you don't know how to live broadcast, find an electronics factory to work for!"

"Young man, don't be arrogant, that man is not something you can surpass!"

Faced with these doubts, the mysterious man didn't care at all, and just said with a deep demonic voice: "Are you sure?"

"Nonsense, of course sure!"

"Is this the first day for you to play live broadcast? Or do you think that Agni Media is the only live broadcast platform in the world?"

"You want to surpass that man, die laughing!"

"Thank you, anchor, you have contracted my jokes for a year."

Facing the ridicule, the mysterious man didn't speak, but walked straight to the sandbags in the private gym.

I saw him taking a solid horse stance, with one hand tucked into his waist, as if he was about to hit a sandbag.

"Punching sandbags? Laughing to death, it won't burst at all!"

"Upstairs, don't demand so much of him, he is not that man."

"Upstairs, that man can blow sandbags away, not just blow them up!"

"Upstairs, which man do you think will hold enough sand in the sandbag in front of him?"

Just when the people in the comment area were ridiculing.

There was a "bang" sound from the speakers, stereos, and earphones of all the audience at the same time.

"Damn it, earphone party, pawn!"

"Damn it, my stereo is blown up!?"

"Fuck, what did I see? I blew up!"

"Nimma, the anchor must be fake, it's impossible!"

"Upstairs, apart from agreeing with you, I can't find any reason to explain the scene in front of me."

At this moment, all the audience had only one thought in their minds - "The mysterious man is lying!"

Because the mysterious person on their screen didn't blow up the sandbags, nor did they blow up the sandbags!

Instead, a punch penetrated the sandbag, but the sandbag hardly shook at all!
Except for an explosion, no one saw when the mysterious man's hand passed through the sandbag!

This is not only something that can be done with pure strength, it also requires the control of strength and extremely fast speed!

Even... a speed beyond the limit of human beings!

Most people see this situation and have no other explanation at all other than feeling that it is a fake.

And the mysterious person on the screen had obviously expected the reaction of these fans.

He pulled his hand out of the sandbag, walked in front of the camera, and said: "Guys, I know you don't believe it."

"But you can trust me, every time you come to my live broadcast room in the future, you will see things that make you unbelievable."

"Today, I have already recorded my video, and I will put it on my social platform of a certain blog. You can find all kinds of masters to analyze whether I am fake or not!"

After the voice fell, the mysterious man directly hung up the live broadcast.

For a moment, the comment area exploded, and the mysterious man became popular in an instant!
In just two hours, the "Mysterious Man Anchor" spread rapidly on the Internet, and its popularity rose rapidly.

There are also many viewers, and the boss has followed the mysterious person's certain blog social platform.

And the video recorded by the mysterious person was also reprinted and analyzed by various media and bigwigs.

All of a sudden, there was an upsurge of analyzing the video of the mysterious man on the Internet!

And in many post bars and places where netizens gather and discuss, there will always be "a hot man, in another way, appeared!"

"The era of hot men ends, and the era of mysterious men begins!"

"Is the video true or false? If it is true, is he related to any man?"

That man, the abbreviation "LY" is always brought up again and again.

No matter what, the three words "mysterious man" are completely popular!

And Lin Binbin, who was broadcasting live in the live broadcast room, didn't know anything about it.

He just felt that the number of people in the live broadcast room was suddenly not as many as in the morning, and the rewards were also much less, which felt a little strange.

"What the hell, what's the situation? Normally, I've earned 10,000+ at this time, why is it less than [-] today?"

He was wondering, when suddenly a fan asked in the comment section: "Brother Binbin, do you know the mysterious person?"

"Brother Binbin, does he have anything to do with that disgusting Lin Yang?"

(End of this chapter)

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