Chapter 345

Lin Binbin was startled when he saw these two inquiries, and secretly said: "Mysterious man? Is that new anchor so popular?"

He faced the camera and asked suspiciously: "Sister, family members, I don't know the mysterious person."

"However, he is definitely not Lin Yang, and he has nothing to do with Lin Yang."

"You don't have to worry about Lin Yang, after all, he has already passed away. As for that mysterious man, do you think he is very powerful?"

"It's not that bad, it's just a punch through the sandbag, a reckless man!"

"That's right, giegie, we won't leave you!"

"Those who left brother's live broadcast room because of a reckless man pretending to be gods and ghosts are all shameless green tea!"

Lin Binbin looked at the number of live streamers, and thought to himself: "Whether it's green tea or not, labor and capital earn less money! What is the origin of this mysterious person?"

He squeezed out a hypocritical smile at the camera, and said: "Don't curse people like that, they are free to choose who they like."

"But you said that the mysterious man punched through the sandbag? Isn't that impossible?"

"That's right, we also think it's impossible!"

"That's right, it must be fake, but it's just hype!"

"And it's still mentally retarded hype, how can this be true?"

"If it's true, I'll live broadcast eating and dragging children!"

A crowd of fans chattered.

At this moment, in the chairman's office, Wang Qian's brows were tightly furrowed.

His niece stood in front of him anxiously, and said, "Uncle, that Lin Binbin is the one who can't afford it!"

"It's only been popular for a few days? I just want to play with women, and I look down on the mysterious man at all!"

"A certain blog is also a big capital, and there is a background behind it. This mysterious person must be promoted by them."

"This time the live broadcast and analysis video activities are also very professional and very clever marketing techniques!"

"And he has caught Lin Yang's popularity perfectly. If this continues, sooner or later Lin Binbin's popularity will be divided a lot!"

Listening to his niece's chatter, Wang Qian said impatiently.

"Wang Min, what does Lin Binbin's character have to do with us?"

"He wants to play with women, why don't you just watch him?"

"As for the mysterious person, I guess he is also an anchor promoted by a certain blog. You should check this matter, and you can't be careless."

"I see, I'll check right away." Wang Min said.

"By the way, call me Lin Binbin." Wang Qian said.


Soon after Wang Min left, Lin Binbin came to Wang Qian's office.

He asked suspiciously: "Mr. Wang, what's the matter? I'm live broadcasting."

"How is today's income compared to the previous period?" Wang Qian sat on the boss's chair with his feet on the table, looking at Lin Binbin sharply.

"This, it's okay, it's just tens of thousands of dollars less than before." Lin Binbin asked a little timidly: "Mr. Wang, what's wrong?"

"Live broadcast, the income varies, isn't that normal?"

"I believe in myself--"

"Do you think you are very good?" Wang Qian interrupted him, and said sternly: "Binbin, there are other anchors in the company. If you can't be the pillar, the resources will not always be given to you!"

"You should know that I haven't signed Mr. Yang's contract yet. What if he turns around and gives the contract to the mysterious person?"

Lin Binbin was startled when he heard about the money, and said, "Mr. Wang, it's not that serious, is it? After all, the mysterious man is a new anchor, and he—"

"Shut up!" Wang Qian said angrily, "He's from Agni Media, do people from a certain blog understand? His capital is not much worse than that of the Chen family."

"Starting today, you will live in the company. Apart from live broadcasting, teach me various skills, including fighting!"

"I want you to completely compare that mysterious man to me within two months! I will give you the best marketing and public relations team!"

Lin Binbin was stunned for a moment, with a sad face, and wanted to say something.

Wang Qian pointed directly at the door and said, "You can go out now."

Lin Binbin smiled resentfully, swallowed what he wanted to say, and went out.

Wang Qian shook his head and said, "Damn it, mud can't support the wall."

After Lin Binbin left, he had a displeased face, feeling full of anger.

"What the hell, live in a company? Why can't labor and management be exhausted?" Lin Binbin thought to himself: "What is that mysterious person? It's just a deceit!"

"Just wait, labor and management will dance and flirt with girls tomorrow, those fans will come back!"

"It's really impossible. I went to have plastic surgery. I don't believe it. Those brainless girls can still be abducted by a masked man!"

Lin Binbin has enough confidence in himself.

Although his appearance is mediocre, but with makeup and a dozen of light tubes, his appearance can still be improved.

At this moment, Lin Binbin was thinking about the mysterious man who was gnashing his teeth with hatred, sitting on the sofa drinking tea in the fire media.

While drinking tea, he looked at the data on the Internet, with a relaxed expression, completely without Lin Binbin's gloom.

"Boss, your popularity has been successfully spread today."

"Your number of fans on a certain blog has increased to 350 million!"

"This is almost a fan of the current popular traffic star, and there is no zombie fan!"

"Tomorrow, as long as you continue to follow our script, compared to Lin Binbin's singing, dancing and twisting his ass, you can definitely knock him down with ease!"

The person who spoke was He Lin, and the boss she was talking about.If not Lin Yang, who else?

Lin Yang leaned on the sofa, exhaled a long breath, and gave He Lin and He Bing a thumbs up.

"Awesome, I didn't have a script at all in the live broadcast before, it was all about my mood."

"Today's live broadcast, less than 10 minutes, did not say a few words at all, and it has such an effect!"

Lin Yang was also surprised by the data.

"Boss, we are professionals!" He Lin said, patting her chest.

"Boss, do you want to treat guests to dinner tonight?" He Bing looked at the background data and said, "You have earned tens of thousands in 10 minutes today!"

"Fuck?" Lin Yang swears, "So much? I'm just a new anchor."

"Boss, your own ability is too heaven-defying. No matter who has your strength, it will be hell if you don't get popular." He Bing said.

Lin Yang slapped his thigh and said, "That's a good flattery! Tonight... let's order takeaway."

"Ah?" He Bing was taken aback, and said, "You let us eat takeaway on the first day of work?"

"Boss, you shouldn't be a stingy person, right?" He Lin pouted and said aggrievedly, "I'm so hungry, I've been maintaining the website all day long!"

"Brother Lin Yang is not stingy." Lin Miaomiao said with a smile, crossing his arms over his chest, "Because he can't go out now, otherwise he will scare people to death!"

(End of this chapter)

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