My leisurely life live in the countryside

Chapter 346 This Mother Is Crazy

Chapter 346 This Mother Is Crazy

Lin Yang spread his hands, gave a wry smile, rubbed Lin Miaomiao's head, and said.

"Those who know me, Miaomiao too! As soon as I go out now, I'm a complete fraud!"

"Okay, I forgot, the boss has already died." He Bing shrugged, lay on the recliner, and shouted to the sky: "Then let's eat takeaway until the day the boss is resurrected!"

Bai Ning sat at the desk, pushed his glasses, and said: "The company is just starting, so work harder, our goal is not just to defeat Lin Binbin."

"Then what else?" He Bing sat up from the recliner and asked suspiciously.

"Manager Bai, what else are we going to do?" He Lin also asked suspiciously.

"Defeat the capital! Bring our boss back to life!" Bai Ning said: "Then, make the company number one in the world!"

"Yes! No. [-] in the world! Defeat capital!" He Bing raised his arms high and said, "We will overcome this hardship!"

"The boss, wouldn't he become capital?" He Bing joked: "Anyone who wants to defeat capital will become capital..."

"Our boss, definitely not!" Bai Ning looked at Lin Yang with a smile.

Lin Yang and Bai Ning looked at each other and smiled.Secretly said: "Bai Ning, what a big change."

"Yes, brother Lin Yang can't!" Lin Miaomiao threw herself into Lin Yang's arms, pouted and asked, "Brother Lin Yang, you must be a great person in the future!"

"You're the only girl with a sweet mouth." Lin Yang rubbed her hair and said dotingly.

"That great man, what takeaway are we having tonight?" Lin Miaomiao rubbed her belly and said aggrievedly, "I'm hungry."

"Hahaha, just order whatever you want, I'll treat you!" Lin Yang waved his hand and said, "Don't be polite to capital!"

"Yes!" Lin Miaomiao said with a smile.

"Sister Miaomiao, please stop!" He Bing joked.

"Huh! Good, good, good!" Lin Binbin made a face at He Bing.

None of them expected that what Lin Yang, Bai Ning and others said today will not only be realized in the future... but also in a way that none of them thought...

As night fell, the Internet was still very lively, and more and more people were analyzing Lin Yang's video, including some famous fighters.

A post appeared on an online forum in the middle of the night, causing an uproar!
"I am a worker who makes videos, and making videos is my specialty. After careful analysis of this video, I got an unexpected result... This video is not fake!!"

"As for the method of our demonstration, like all the bigwigs, we decomposed and analyzed the entire video frame by frame, and we can't see any fake elements at all."

"As for the sandbag part, it's not clear in the video. We're just talking about the video part, so we can be sure that there is no fake!"

And the person who sent this post was not a worker at all, but a well-known video post-production team - Tianmi Video Production.

For a time, this post attracted the attention of many people in the middle of the night.

After the dawn came and the public woke up in their sleep, this post was spread wildly.

"Damn it, the video of the mysterious man blows up the Tianmi team?"

"Really? Tianmi won't take the money, will he?"

"It doesn't mean that the mysterious man didn't tamper with the sandbag, does it?"

"Upstairs, you carefully read Tianmi's post! This video is not fake, that is, the video is not accelerated! This means that even if the sandbag is fake, the speed of the mysterious person is really amazing!"

"Damn it, it's outrageous, such a fast speed, even if the sandbag is not pierced, it's scary enough!"

"Could it be... the mysterious man is that man's apprentice?"

Although there are still many people questioning Lin Yang on the Internet, there is no doubt that after yesterday's events and the posts posted by He Tianmi, Lin Yang's identity as a "mysterious person" has truly become a popular ID. !

At six o'clock in the morning, Lin Binbin had just slept for three hours when his phone suddenly rang wildly.

Lin Binbin tossed and turned on the bed, picked up the phone with a displeased face, and scolded: "Hello? Who is it! What the hell, what time is it? Hurrying to reincarnate?"

"Lin Binbin, come to the office right away!" After Wang Min finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Lin Binbin woke up instantly, sat up from the bed immediately, and said, "What the hell, is this mother crazy?"

But at this moment, in the company's office, Wang Min had a serious face, and there was a tablet on the table, on which was Tianmi's analysis article on the video of Lin Yang punching through the sandbag.

And next to the tablet, there were a bunch of data reports about Lin Yang's fans on the Internet yesterday.

After a while, Lin Binbin entered the office with a haggard face.

With a smile on his face, he said: "Sister Wang, I'm sorry, I didn't know it was you who called. I just fell asleep not long ago, and I feel angry about waking up."

"Sit down and take a look at these." Wang Min pointed to the documents and tablet on the table.

Lin Binbin rubbed his eyes, looked awake, glanced at the data and tablet, and said, "Is there any problem?"


Wang Min slapped the table hard, causing Lin Binbin to startle with fright, and looked at her blankly.

"Do you know what Tianmi's post yesterday means?" Wang Min said excitedly, "The mysterious man has become popular, and the fact that he is so fast must have attracted the attention of the merchants."

"Those companies that make sporting goods will definitely start paying attention to him. Now if the mysterious person does something shocking to the world, it will definitely attract a lot of attention!"

"Yesterday, the mysterious man's video spread very quickly, almost like a fission explosion!"

Seeing the excitement on Wang Min's face, Lin Binbin was still bewildered, and thought to himself: "Damn, is this girl in menopause?"

He said with a puzzled look: "Sister Wang, what's the matter even if this is the case?"

"If anyone asks him to speak for him, just do it. I'm an idol anchor. No matter what he does, it's impossible for him to snatch away my female fans, right?"

When Wang Min heard this, his complexion suddenly became uglier than bitter gourd.

"Are you out of your mind?" Wang Min pointed at his head fiercely with his hand, and said, "The mysterious man became popular, just because of this video?"

"Then why?" Lin Binbin asked naturally.

"Because of Lin Yang!" Wang Min said excitedly: "Now we are speculating about his relationship with Lin Yang, because the way the two of them live broadcast is shocking!"

"As long as there is Lin Yang's enthusiasm, and before the mysterious appearance and identity of the mysterious man are exposed, you will be very dangerous!"

Lin Binbin frowned when he heard the word "Lin Yang".

He frowned and said, "Then shall we talk to the mysterious person?"

"Let's talk about it, starting today, you have to work harder on the live broadcast and try to add as much other content as possible!" Wang Min said sharply.

(End of this chapter)

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