My leisurely life live in the countryside

Chapter 347 It's Perfect

Chapter 347 It's Perfect

"I see." Lin Binbin said: "I'm going to live broadcast right now!"

After leaving the office, he immediately went to the live broadcast room, thinking to himself: "Lin Yang, it's Lin Yang again, damn it, it's still restless to die!"

"However, is this mysterious person related to Lin Yang? Could it be... the same master as Lin Yang?"

Thinking of this, Lin Binbin suddenly panicked, thinking, "Could it be that he came to seek revenge on me for Lin Yang?"

"No, I must get rid of this mysterious man!"

He turned on the live broadcast, directly opened the live broadcast room, and started the live broadcast early in the morning.

At six o'clock in the morning, Lin Yang was still sleeping, and he didn't arrive at the company until after eight o'clock.

As soon as she arrived at the company, He Lin waved to Lin Yang and said, "Boss, come and have a look. This is your script for today's live broadcast."

Lin Yang took a look at the script and asked, "Singing? Shouldn't we continue what happened yesterday?"

"That's the end of what happened yesterday. It's enough to arouse the curiosity of others."

"Today, you just do it according to this. Now you are the mysterious person who wants to surpass Lin Yang. What the audience wants to see is someone who can really replace Lin Yang."

Lin Yang looked at the script, smiled wryly, and said, "I surpass myself and take advantage of my own hot weather? This is a big deal."

"Boss, this is your equipment for today. I'm ready. I've sent a message on a certain blog platform. It will be broadcast live on time at 09:30!"

He Bing manipulated the equipment in the live broadcast room while posting publicity on the Internet.

"Okay, I understand." Lin Yang agreed.

"Lin Yang, come to my company." Bai Ning called out in the office.

"I'll go, why are there so many things this early in the morning?" Lin Yang muttered and entered the office meeting.

Bai Ning looked serious, pushed his glasses, and asked straight to the point: "This time, are you going to enter the mainstream?"

Lin Yang was taken aback, thought for a moment, and asked, "If we want to enter the mainstream, do we need to link up with other companies?"

"No need." Bai Ning pushed his glasses while typing on the computer, and said, "We have our own company now."

Lin Yang thought for a long time, but still hesitated.

When he thinks that no matter where he goes in the future, there will be a group of fans, and he will even carry all kinds of things, and he finds it troublesome.

"Lin Yang, we are facing the Chen family, this is not easy to deal with." Seeing Lin Yang's hesitation, Bai Ning persuaded, "If you don't enter the mainstream, you can't do it."

"What's more, if our company wants to grow bigger and stronger, it must also deal with mainstream businesses."

"Any company that wants to go global, no one is outside the mainstream."

Lin Yang nodded, and said helplessly, "Okay, just do it for me."

"Okay, then Jianli Company wants to ask you to represent it, so I will sign the contract." Bai Ning pushed his glasses and said, "The price he gave was 150 million, which I think is too low."

"But no matter what, we must do the endorsement this time."

"Someone has already asked me to endorse? Isn't this too fast?" Lin Yang said with some surprise.

"You underestimate the current celebrity effect and the Internet." Bai Ning said: "As long as you are a little famous, there will be a lot of people looking for you."

Lin Yang smiled wryly, and said, "Okay, then you can talk slowly, and you can just tell me what I want to do."

"Okay, then you go out, I have to work." Bai Ning stared at the computer, did not eat a bite of the breakfast on hand.

"Don't work too hard, remember to eat breakfast." Lin Yang said.

Looking at Bai Ning's haggard face, Lin Yang couldn't help feeling grateful.

"Got it, got it, you go out." Bai Ning said, "Don't disturb my work."

"Yeah, you're the boss, I'm going to broadcast live."

After Lin Yang left, he entered the live broadcast room and started the live broadcast according to the script.

What Lin Yang didn't expect was that yesterday there were only a few 10 people in the live broadcast room, and today the live broadcast went straight to 200 million!

"It seems that yesterday's script was really useful." Lin Yang thought to himself.

"Mysterious man, can you hit the sandbag at close range again today?"

"Yeah, you were too fast yesterday! You can't see clearly at all."

"Tell me! Are you a senior brother with Lin Yang? You're so fast, you're almost as inhuman as Lin Yang!"

"Lin Yang, YYDS, the mysterious man, even if Wudou and Lin Yang are brothers, can he sing?"

"Mysterious man, give up, you can't surpass Lin Yang!"

Lin Yang looked at these comments, showed a mysterious smile, and said in a low voice: "Are you sure I can't sing?"

"Do you still want to sing with this voice changer?"

"That's right, mysterious man, you'd better give up, no matter what, you can't surpass Lin Yang!"

"That man is an epoch-making man in the live broadcast world!"

Lin Yang smiled mysteriously, turned off the voice changer, lowered his voice, and said, "If I sing today, can I surpass Lin Yang?"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! Fighting Wushuang, the only one who can sing is Lin Yang!"

"Get out of the way upstairs, let me wake him up! How could a mortal still miss that man?"

Lin Yang looked at the screen and said calmly: "Since you said that I can't surpass that man, let's give it a try?"

"Famous scene, prepare to record the screen, this mysterious person is going to be a clown."

"Is there anyone so tough these days? You'll be slapped in the face later, remember to take the gold sore medicine."

Lin Yang looked at these people's comments, remained silent and did not reply.

He turned off the voice changer, cleared his throat, and directly turned on the accompaniment of "Left Finger Fingering the Moon".

When the accompaniment sounded, the people in the live broadcast room suddenly became ill, and everyone sent barrage like crazy.

"Brother, do you want to play so big? You will overturn!"

"Congratulations, you are a legendary anchor who has become popular for a day!"

"I've seen a car overturned by a hammer, but I didn't expect someone to find a hammer by himself?"

There was an endless stream of ridicule in the comment area.

Lin Yang still ignored it, and slowly opened his mouth as the accompaniment came to the verse.

Lin Yang's voice slowly flowed out, got into the microphone, and reached the ears of countless audiences.

At this moment, the comment section of the entire live broadcast room suddenly fell silent.

Lin Yang's singing echoed in everyone's ears, and everyone couldn't help having a meeting to enjoy the music, and completely forgot to complain.

At the end of the song, Lin Yang's breath, rhythm, emotion, and handling of details are simply perfect!
But there was still no movement in the studio.

Lin Yang was feeling strange when suddenly a rocket flew past his screen brightly.

(End of this chapter)

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