Chapter 348 Voting
After the first rocket flashed across the screen, one after another the rockets swiped the screen in an instant, directly covering Lin Yang's face, and the comment area was even more blown up.

"My God! Isn't it too strong?"

"Except for Lin Yang, I have never seen anyone who can sing this so well."

"My mother, isn't she too strong?"

The comment area is full of praises for Lin Yang.

Lin Yang turned on the voice changer again, and said, "How is it? Do you think I can surpass Lin Yang?"

"It doesn't have to be."

"I've heard Lin Yang sing this song, it's also very nice."

"Adults don't choose, we both!"

"Anchor, tell the truth, are you and Lin Yang the same master? Are you still accepting apprentices?"

"Lin Yang and I don't know each other." Lin Yang said with a devilish sound effect, "And I don't have a master either."

"But I'm very interested in the Lin Yang you're talking about."

"If anyone of you has a video of Lin Yang singing, you can put it on the Internet, and you can vote to see who sings better, me or him."

"This choice is really hard to make, you are embarrassing me, anchor!"

"Be a vote, the majority of netizens are omnipotent!"

"That's the end of today's live broadcast." Lin Yang said: "If I have time tonight, maybe I will do the live broadcast again. Goodbye."

After speaking, regardless of the fans' persuasion, Lin Yang directly logged off the live broadcast.

And the video of Lin Yang singing as a mysterious person this time, unexpectedly became popular on the Internet.

The voting on the Internet sparked crazy discussions among netizens.

Today, Lin Binbin is also singing and dancing in front of the camera.

He is wearing gorgeous costumes, lighting, and backgrounds, and he is completely at the level of a professional idol!
The female fans in the comment area are still as nympho as ever, constantly swiping gifts.

Lin Binbin looked at the non-stop gifts, and his self-confidence came again.

He sang while dancing, thinking to himself: "I don't believe it, with such a fan base, can't you beat the mysterious man?"

At the end of the song, he panted heavily and said to the camera: "Dear fans, thank you for your gifts. I'm a little tired. I'll take a break."

"Wow, my brother is great! Today's dance is much better than yesterday!"

"I am improving every day, my brother is my idol!"

"Binbin, I love you, I want to give you a rocket!"

Seeing Yishui's comments adoring him, Lin Binbin felt relieved and happy, feeling ecstatic.

"Usually, I just train every day, never stop, and I only sleep three hours at night."

Lin Binbin began to sell hard work in the live broadcast room, and many girl fans began to express their distress for Yun Yun.

Normally, at times like this, Lin Binbin would always receive a lot of gifts, and today was no exception, but compared to before, it actually dropped by half!
He frowned slightly, and said to himself: "What's the situation? Could it be that the mysterious person did it again?"

Just as he was wondering, a comment that made him uncomfortable appeared in the comment area.

"Working so hard all day long, the song I sing is completely incomparable to that of the mysterious man and any other man."

"Although I don't deny that Lin Binbin has done a good job, but compared with the mysterious man, it is simply far worse."

As soon as this comment appeared, it was immediately attacked by countless people.

"Bah! Are you an undercover agent sent by the mysterious man?"

"No one begged you to come and listen, get out!"

"Spicy chicken! How can a newcomer live broadcast, compare with my brother?"

The passer-by who was criticized was also upset, and said: "You don't believe it? Watch the video online! Facts speak louder than words! Go see the difference for yourself!"

After speaking, the passer-by left the studio directly.

Some fans also started searching online, one fan said.

"Laughing to death, someone actually voted against the mysterious man and Lin Yang? Compared with them, our brother is so good!"

"Upstairs, you are too modest, how can the sky block our brother?"

"If you want me to say, let's put brother's video together with the mysterious man and Lin Yang's. In this comparison, brother's handsomeness is absolutely crushing!"

A group of fans complained for Lin Binbin.

When Lin Binbin saw the words "mysterious man" and "that man", he immediately lost his composure, and a wave of anger "cracked" on his head.

But he still suppressed his anger, squeezed out a smile, and said, "Everyone likes different things."

"But I've never been afraid of challenges. It's okay if you compare me with them. If I lose, it proves that I still need to work hard."

"Yes, our brother, fearless!"

"Don't worry brother, we'll get it right away!"

A group of fans are not calm.

Among them, a female fan of Lin Binbin watched the video of the mysterious man and Lin Yang at home, and then watched the video of Lin Binbin singing.

She muttered: "This is also a comparison? Isn't this directly crushed?"

"Binbin actually wants to post it for comparison? Isn't this courting death?"

She just wanted to send a comment in the live broadcast room, but deleted the text after typing.

"Forget it, those brainless fans will definitely spray me to death!"

And there are many fans like this female fan, and they all feel that Lin Binbin and Lin Yang are completely incomparable.

But I didn't dare to say it directly in the live broadcast room, otherwise I would definitely be sprayed again.

But these rational fans also began to become interested in Lin Yang's mysterious identity.

Lin Binbin didn't know that a considerable part of his fans had already been taken away by Lin Yang.

After he got off the live broadcast, just as he was about to leave, Wang Min suddenly entered the live broadcast room with a straight face.

Lin Binbin looked at her face like a bitter melon, and thought to himself: "Why doesn't this woman go to the hospital to see her menopause?"

But he dared not say that.

He hurried forward and said, "Sister Wang, what can I do for you?"

"Are you stupid?" Wang Min was not polite, looking at Lin Binbin with contempt.

This look is like looking at a clown, like looking at a lowly creature!
Lin Binbin was quite familiar with this look.

When he just came out of college, no matter where he went, he was always looked at with such contemptuous eyes.

As for Wang Min, she didn't hide her disdain for him at all.

The anger in Lin Binbin's heart was instantly ignited!
He suppressed his anger, squeezed out a smile uglier than crying, and asked, "Sister Wang, what's wrong? What did I do wrong?"

Wang Min folded his hands on his chest, showing a hint of sneer, glanced at him, and said, "Are you unhappy? How dare you be unhappy?"

"I haven't." Lin Binbin held back his anger, the sternness in his eyes flashed past, and he said, "Sister Wang, have you heard any rumors?"

"I just started watching your live broadcast. Do you think you have a problem with your brain?" Wang Min had a sarcastic look on his face, and he didn't even look him in the eye.

(End of this chapter)

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