Chapter 349 No Ears
Lin Binbin's anger almost rushed out of his chest when he was ridiculed.

He accentuated his tone a little, but still forced a smile on his face, and said, "Sister Wang, there was nothing unexpected about the live broadcast just now."

"Are you sick?" Wang Min patted his face lightly with his hands, and said through gritted teeth, "Why do you want to sing with the mysterious man and Lin Yang?"

"You just learned how to sing for a few days? Do you think you are a song god?"

"You took off all your clothes and makeup, you're just a rural scum! Do you understand?"

"Have no self-knowledge at all? You still have to compare yourself with others? Why are you waiting to be laughed at by the whole network!"

"This time, I will help you with public relations, but next time if you lose your mind, I will replace you directly!"

Lin Binbin's face was slapped. He clenched his fists and frowned tightly, but there was a stiff smile on his face, with a rather strange expression.

He squeezed each word out from between his teeth, and said, "Sister Wang, I can't compare to Lin Yang, so maybe I can't compare to the mysterious man, right?"


Wang Min slapped him on the face, threw a sentence of "bad pen", then turned around angrily and left.

Her expression was full of disgust, as if if she stayed with Lin Binbin for a second longer, her IQ would be lowered.

Watching Wang Min leave, Lin Binbin threw the keyboard on the table to the ground, cursed, and said, "Fuck! Damn, what a stinking woman!"

"Could it be that labor and capital are no match for anyone! Is labor and capital such rubbish!"

"Labor and capital are not rural dicks, idiots! Idiots!"

He cursed like crazy, his eyes were red, the veins in his temples were bulging, and he was gnashing his teeth and panting heavily.

He took out his mobile phone, searched the video of the mysterious person on the Internet, and muttered, "I don't believe it anymore! Is it because individuals sing better than Laozi?"

As soon as he saw the title of the video, he showed a hint of sneer, and said, "Left pointing to the moon? Shame on you, dare to sing this kind of song?"

He clicked on the video, and a loud, clear voice came out of the speaker and slipped into his ears.

He stared at the phone screen in a daze, and his whole body froze, as if he had suffered some huge blow.

He really wanted to say that this mysterious person sang badly, but he knew that the fact is that this mysterious person is much better than him!

When he thought of his singing voice again, he instantly felt like a clown!

He smashed his mobile phone to the ground, cursed, and said, "What the fuck, so what if you sing well? Can you eat it as a meal!"

He left the live broadcast room angrily, and did not continue to watch the news on the Internet.

What he didn't know was that just below the video he just watched, the comment section was bustling!

"I personally think that both of them have fairy voices, and it's impossible to tell the winner!"

"Upstairs, you are not alone, I think so too!"

"Although I don't know what Lin Yang's character is like and what he has done, but his singing is true!"

"Brothers, Lin Binbin's fans launched a vote, laughing to death, the Internet celebrity anchor is going to take his own humiliation."

At this moment, Lin Yang, Bai Ning and the others who were reading the comments were stunned when they saw the news, and even wanted to laugh!

"No way? Lin Binbin wants to compete with the boss in singing?" He Lin said with a look of disbelief, "How hard is he to think about it?"

"According to my personal experience, Lin Binbin will be overwhelmed by the boss's fans this time, except for the brainless fans!" He Bing shrugged and said, "I will mourn for Lin Binbin for 3 minutes."

Bai Ning pushed the glasses on his face, and said, "It doesn't matter your experience, the fact is like this."

"Just look at the comments on the online video and you'll know. It is estimated that after a while, someone will definitely ask Lin Yang to sing with him."

Lin Yang curiously opened the comment section of the video.

"Brother Binbin is the best! Believe in Brother Binbin!"

"Upstairs, can you not delete the comment? Do you have no ears?"

"It's disgusting, you said that Lin Binbin's singing is not as good as the mysterious person, and the comments are deleted?"

"Scrap, isn't it too hot? I'm with the mysterious man!"

"To be honest, in this wave, Lin Binbin is just asking for trouble. He has no self-knowledge, so he dares to be tough?"

"Upstairs, don't be cowardly, you're a gangster! After all, no brains are gangsters!"

"Brother Binbin is the most handsome, and brother Binbin sings the best!"

Lin Yang looked at these comments and asked suspiciously: "What does it mean to delete comments in the comment section?"

"It's because someone controls the comments." He Lin explained: "Most idol stars have fans who control the comment section."

"That's it, no wonder some people say that as long as I sing well, I will be deleted." Lin Yang then asked: "Since there are people controlling it, why are there still so many people complaining about Lin Binbin?"

"Ghost knows, maybe there are too many people, and the critics can't handle it?" He Lin shrugged and said.

Just as Lin Binbin said, the fans who are working hard to comment on Lin Binbin at the moment are lying on the sofa with a haggard face.

"My God, what is the origin of this mysterious person? Why are there so many fans all of a sudden? I can't control the comments at all!"

She was moaning and sighing when the phone rang suddenly.

Picking up the phone, another fan club member's voice came from the other end.

"It's impossible to completely control the comments! The heat is too high, and there are too many passers-by, saying that we don't have long ears!"

Fantou said helplessly: "If it wasn't because Lin Binbin is my idol, I would think I don't have ears!"

The person on the other end of the phone was silent for a moment and said, "I give up."

Lin Binbin's fans stopped criticizing and gave up completely.

Wang Min, who was in the company, watched the out-of-control comment area, and the comments were overwhelmingly mocking Lin Binbin.

"Tell me a joke, Lin Binbin can sing!"

"Let me tell you a joke, Lin Binbin sings better than the mysterious man!"

"I thought Lin Binbin sang beautifully! What's wrong! I'm deaf! Dog's head saves my life."

She let out a long breath, and complained: "Ma De, Lin Binbin is such an idiot! This has become the biggest joke on the whole network!"

"Wang Min, what's going on online?" Wang Qian walked into her office with a serious face and asked straight to the point.

"It's really not possible, let's change, this Lin Binbin is simply a dou who can't afford it!" Wang Min said with a look of disgust.

"I've never seen such an unaffordable anchor, he's just a rural dick!"

"Okay, now it's Lin Binbin, we don't have a pillar." Wang Qian frowned, thought for a moment, and said, "Find him a chance to perform on TV!"

"We must earn back this face. As long as we cooperate with stars at the level of heavenly kings, we will definitely be able to restore our reputation!"

(End of this chapter)

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