My leisurely life live in the countryside

Chapter 350 Mysterious Guests

Chapter 350 Mysterious Guests
Wang Min said with a displeased face: "Where is such a good connection here?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Wang Qian's phone rang suddenly.

She watched Wang Qian finish answering the phone, her expression suddenly turned cloudy, and she said, "The opportunity is here! Binbin's current traffic can be considered top-tier!"

"As long as there is traffic, you are not afraid that he is a bad pen. Even if he is a pig, if you have the capital, you can praise him to the sky!"

Wang Min asked suspiciously: "What opportunity? Who asked him to cooperate?"

"Well, Zhou Jielun wants to cooperate with him, and it will be Zhou Jielun's concert tour next month!" Wang Qian said excitedly.

"This is an excellent opportunity to gild Lin Binbin, we must promote it well! The guests who can be favored by Zhou Jielun have always been big names!"

Wang Min immediately beamed with joy, and said, "Okay, I'll publicize it right away, as long as this event is in place, Lin Binbin will be able to succeed!"

"Do it well! Don't let the mysterious person surpass Lin Binbin." Wang Qian said: "Our company's next quarter's performance depends on this fight!"

The news that Wang Qian received made him very excited.

Wang Min also immediately sent out the news, and various marketing accounts and self-media started to spread the news frantically.

These paid marketing accounts, self-media, naturally stepped on one, praised one, and began to step on Lin Yang overtly and secretly.

It has to be said that the speed of Internet transmission is simply terrifying!
Within two hours, the phoenix trend on the Internet began to change significantly.

Bai Ning was looking at the data in the company, when he saw the news, he suddenly frowned.

"Zhou Jielun actually wants to cooperate with Lin Binbin?" Bai Ning pushed the glasses on his face, and said, "How can it be so good?"

"Manager Bai, Zhou Jielun wants to cooperate with Lin Binbin, the popularity of our boss has started to drop!" He Bing said, "What should we do now?"

"With just one video alone, there is absolutely no way to fight with the other party. Their marketing account and water army are much stronger than the few of us."

Bai Ning frowned, thought for a moment, and said, "I'll think of a way, don't worry."

The trend of the phoenix on the Internet is changing rapidly, so Lin Yang naturally knew about it, but he didn't take it to heart.

Lin Yang has enough confidence in his own strength.

At this moment, his phone rang suddenly.

After picking up the phone, Lin Keke's voice came from the other end.

"Lin Yang, what are you doing now? I haven't contacted you for a long time!" Lin Ke'er's sweet voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Yeah, are you still in the capital? It's been a long time." Lin Yang said, "Whenever you come to the capital, let's get together."

"Hee hee, do you miss me?" Lin Keer asked playfully.

"Yes, by the way, there is also your sister." Lin Yang said.

"Okay, okay, I want to ask you something." Lin Ke'er lowered her voice and asked mysteriously: "I want to ask you, do you know that mysterious person?"

Lin Yang was taken aback, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said, "I heard that, isn't he quite popular now?"

"You don't know him? Isn't that right?" Lin Ke'er said suspiciously: "He is very popular, and like you, he seems to be very good at fighting and singing!"

"Really? I didn't pay much attention." Lin Yang looked at a loss.

"Isn't he from the same family as you? Brothers or something?" Lin Ke'er lowered her voice and said in a low voice, "Don't worry, I won't reveal your secret!"

"No, I don't know him." Lin Yang said.

"Ah? Alright..." Lin Ke'er said with some disappointment.

"Why are you asking this?" Lin Yang asked suspiciously.

"Oh, isn't Zhou Jielun going to hold a concert tour?" Lin Ke'er said, "He wants to contact a mysterious person to be a mysterious guest. He said he saw a video of you singing with a mysterious person on the Internet."

"He said that he appreciates you and the mysterious person, but it's a pity that you are banned now, otherwise I will let you be his mysterious guest."

Lin Yang was taken aback, he didn't expect such a thing to happen.

He asked suspiciously: "Didn't he invite Lin Binbin?"

"That's the opening guest, a traffic idol gimmick, the point has to be that you or the mysterious person are really the finale masters!" Lin Ke'er said.

Lin Yang thought for a moment, then asked, "Are you with Zhou Jielun now?"

"Yes, we are in the recording studio, we are going to cooperate!" Lin Keer said: "He used to be my idol."

"Really? Not anymore?" Lin Yang asked.

"Hee hee, now your idol is you. His singing is indeed not as good as yours, and he himself said so." Lin Keer said: "That's right, do you want to come to his concert? I can get you tickets! "

"Okay, you get me the tickets, and I will definitely bring the mysterious man there!" Lin Yangshen said mysteriously.

Lin Ke'er on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment, and said in surprise: "You really know the mysterious person? Don't you!"

"You must know each other, you both sing so well, you must be brothers!"

"Basically, we know each other anyway, but you can't tell anyone about this." Lin Yang lowered his voice and said, "I'm afraid it will affect his live broadcasting future."

"Okay, don't worry! I will keep my mouth shut!" Lin Ke'er patted her chest and said, "That's right, can you let the mysterious person be his mysterious guest?"

"Yes!" Lin Yang said firmly, "Otherwise, I can ask Mysterious Man Company to contact you."

"Great! I can see both of us!" Lin Ke'er said happily: "It's settled, then I'll wait for you in the imperial capital!"

"Zhou Jielun must be very happy to know the news, let's do this first, I want to tell him the news."

"OK, bye."

As soon as he hung up the phone, the door to Lin Yang's office was opened, and Bai Ning walked in with a haggard face.

She was wearing a black professional attire, her delicate face under her short hair was full of exhaustion, her eyes were red, and she obviously lacked sleep.

Sitting in front of Lin Yang, she said with a tired face: "Lin Binbin will be Zhou Jielun's guest, and the popularity of this event has overwhelmed the popularity of your singing video."

"According to my thinking, there is only one way for us to really defeat Lin Binbin and Wang Qian—"

"Okay, okay, don't talk about it." Lin Yang interrupted her, stood up, walked behind Bai Ning, and said, "Don't worry about these things."

"This is my job, why don't you care about it?" Bai Ning raised his head, looked at Lin Yang suspiciously, and said, "What are you doing?"

Lin Yang stretched out his hand, put it lightly on Bai Ning's shoulder, and said, "You've been too tired recently, I think you're still working after you get home."

"You should sleep less than three hours a day, right?"

"Now, your only task is to go home, take a good shower, and sleep!"

(End of this chapter)

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