My leisurely life live in the countryside

Chapter 351 Contacting the Reporter

Chapter 351 Contacting the Reporter

"Boss, in the early stage of starting a business, who will be relaxed?" Bai Ning felt the warmth of Lin Yang's hand on his shoulder, and suddenly felt relaxed all over his body.

With a gentle smile on her face, she said, "I'm fine. After this period of time, I must rest well."

"No, you must rest now!" Lin Yang said with a more serious tone, "You are so exhausted, what should I do in the future?"

"You just think I'm exhausted." Bai Ning rolled his eyes with a smile, and said, "Okay, let's talk about business."

"What we have to deal with now is actually Wang Qian who is behind Lin Binbin. He said to the outside world that he has a relationship with the Chen family, and now a lot of capital wants to sell him some face."

"Okay, okay, okay." Lin Yang said, "I have a solution for this matter, you can go back and rest."

"What way?" Bai Ning blinked his big eyes in confusion, and asked, "If our company has sufficient funds now, we can do long-term public relations marketing, but..."

"I just reached an agreement with Zhou Jielun, I will be the mystery guest of his tour concert." Lin Yang said.

"What?" Bai Ning got off the chair and stood up abruptly, surprised and delighted, he asked doubtfully.

"You didn't lie to me, did you? Really or not?"

Lin Yang clapped his hands and said, "Of course it's true!"

He told Bai Ning about the conversation with Lin Ke'er just now.

Bai Ning let out a long breath of foul air, his whole body relaxed, his shoulders sank, and he said, "That's great, another village is brighter than the willows are hidden!"

"If you can really be a mysterious guest this time, the popularity of the mysterious person will definitely increase rapidly!"

"Okay, then I'll go back and rest first." Bai Ning stretched his waist and said, "By the way, since you want to be a guest, you should go to the imperial capital, right?"

"Well, let's talk about this tomorrow." Lin Yang said.

As night fell, Bai Ning, Lin Yang and Lin Miaomiao returned to the villa to rest.

As soon as he got home, Bai Ning went home to rest with a tired face.

"Brother Lin Yang, should we go out for a stroll?" Lin Miaomiao pouted, "I haven't gone out for a long time."

"It's inconvenient for me now." Lin Yang said helplessly, "But it's true that I haven't been out for a long time."

Ever since the news of Lin Yang's death was released, he, Lin Miaomiao and Bai Ning had never been out of the house.

What could go wrong if someone caught it.

"Why don't you put on a mask and go out with me?" Lin Miaomiao had an idea, and said, "Anyway, there are so many cosplayers on the street now, so it's not surprising to wear a mask on the street."

Lin Yang thought for a moment, and said, "That's fine, let's go out for supper today."

"Should I be called Sister Bai Ning?" Lin Miaomiao said.

"She's too tired, forget it." Lin Yang said: "These days, the company's website, servers, etc. are all handled by her, He Bing, and He Lin."

"Yes, Sister Bai Ning is working hard." Lin Miaomiao said, "I still have a lot to learn."

"Okay, let's go out for supper first!" Lin Yang said.


Lin Yang took Lin Miaomiao out.

The magic city under the night is bustling and splendid, brightly lit like daytime.

The Bund, the most famous place in Shanghai, is also the time when the crowds are surging.

A white Ferrari was parked on the Bund.

Among the countless luxury cars on the Bund, this Ferrari is indeed inconspicuous.

A young man got out of the car.

This man was wearing brand-name clothes, and just a suit of clothes was enough to buy a car.

He wore light makeup and his hair was clearly professionally done.

Although his real appearance is average, he still attracts the attention of many girls when he puts on makeup and dresses up.

And who is this young man if not Lin Binbin?
He enjoyed being stared at by the girl, and walked towards a bar on the Bund with a proud face.

"Handsome guy, hello." Suddenly a girl came up to greet him.

This woman wears heavy makeup, and her eyes look like they have been modified by Meitu Xiuxiu.

Her figure is hot, although she doesn't know how much moisture she has, but she does look seductive.

Lin Binbin looked her up and down, and his eyes fell on her proud twin peaks.

"Hello, beauty, do you know me?" Lin Binbin asked proudly.

His appearance seemed to be saying, "Don't you come to worship me? Don't you hurry up and jump on me?"

The woman took a careful look at Lin Binbin and said, "It looks familiar."

"By the way, is that white Ferrari over there yours?"

"Yes." Lin Binbin took out the car key and pressed it.

Ferrari lit up its handsome headlights.

The woman thought to herself: "It must be a rich second generation, there will be a child tonight."

A smile immediately filled her face, and she said delicately: "Brother, your car is so handsome, can you take me for a ride?"

"No problem." Lin Binbin raised the corner of his mouth, and wrapped his arms around the woman's waist skillfully.

"I hate it." The woman let out a coquettish voice and leaned on Lin Binbin's shoulder.

She fixed her eyes on Lin Binbin's face, and said suspiciously: "I think you look familiar, have we met somewhere?"

"Think about it again?" Lin Binbin showed a smirk.

"You are Lin Binbin!" The woman suddenly exclaimed loudly.

This sound, in an instant, attracted the attention of countless people around, and the crowd immediately caused a commotion.

"Fuck, is it really Lin Binbin? He has a girlfriend? Big news!"

"Brother Binbin. Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Is he really Lin Binbin? Catch him! Quick!"

There were quite a lot of people on the Bund, and the crowd rushed towards Lin Binbin at once, like a rushing tide, rushing towards Lin Binbin all at once.

Lin Binbin was stunned for a moment, and he didn't expect such a big commotion.

He looked at the crowd rushing towards him, felt a "thump" in his heart, and thought to himself: "It's over, if it's revealed that I'm in a relationship, will I lose my followers?"

He immediately let go of the arms around the girl's waist, turned around and ran towards the Ferrari, shouting, "You misidentified me, I'm not Lin Binbin!"

"Binbin, wait for me!" Seeing this, the woman rushed after her.

How can this fat duck fly?

It has to be said that this woman ran quite fast in a hurry.

As soon as Lin Binbin got into the car, before he could react, the woman got into the co-pilot like a loach.

Lin Binbin stared at him immediately, and angrily said: "Go down to me! If you are photographed, what will labor and management do?"

"You, why are you like this!" The woman pretended to be aggrieved, and said, "You just hugged my waist, and you were photographed a long time ago!"

"If you don't take me away, I'll get out of the car and contact the reporter right now!"

(End of this chapter)

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